Ho Ho Ho..

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Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!!

Hanukkah Sameach! (Happy Hanukkah!)

Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!)

And for those who don't celebrate this time of year at all than I do hope you'll have a wonderful  and joyful winter!

And Happy New Year!!

December is already upon us and proving another year has passed .. well, passing. I know the last couple of years haven't been great and this year wasn't one of the best either. I pray that you're all at least safe and close to happy as you can for such a joyful and love filled hoilday. We can't change much of the world but we can at least control how we spend such a lovely hoilday. Either with family or with friends or just solo, we can all find our own happiness and enjoy the day or days, depending how long your own Christmas lasts. 

December will either be cheerful or even more depressing for some of us and I hope that you all know that it's okay to feel whatever you feel at this time of year. Christmas is meant to be special and full of love but we don't all share the same likes and dislikes, so spend this time of year that at least brings a smile to you. 

For those having a harder time than others, stay strong and be proud that you've at least survived a whole year already and you can survive the rest of your life against the universe bullshit. We're cheering for you and we've also got bail money if the worse comes to happen. Christmas is the most murderous time of the year after all. 

For all those grumps in the world remember this is the time to year to at least do one good deed. Be kind, be helpful or just do something that helps the magic grow and gives someone a magical Christmas for once. You don't need to do something big and fancy, sometimes a simple smile or greeting a stranger can brighten up their day and be enough. 

Let's all do our part one way or another to show humanity worth to mother nature home by showing compassion and kindness to all. Open a door for someone who is struggling with bags, give out a nice compliment or simply don't kill that idiot that's driving you insane. 

Murder isn't a gift, even if you think the world would be better off without such a stupid cow before you. But I'm not Santa so I can't watch you all 24/7 and stop you from committing any crimes. I'm simply placing my faith in you all, don't let me waste the little faith I've got by ruining it. 

I wish to thank each and every one of my lovely and amazing readers for sticking with me for another year. I'd like to thank the readers that are new and joined me this year.

I just want to thank you all and know that I adore you all, in each and every way possible .. but in a less creepy sounding way. Without any of you I wouldn't have kept writing or thriving with my books and you're all just a big part of this account as I am.


You're all my welcomed and splendid elves that have helped me to grow and to survive through my own dark days. You're all the heroes this year. 

As like last year, I ask for no requests and I'll be doing the main five of my ships this year. I will warn you all that I  can't promise over using every single idea given to me by you wonderful people but I have tried to use as many as possible. My deepest apologizes for those who's idea wasn't chosen. 

My ships, even though I'm sure you're all used to them by now..




Jidge (James x Pidge)

Lotidge (Lotor and Pidge)

(I'd like to also point out that I wrote all these before December and struggled with some. So, I've purposely not gone back and checked any out due to fear of wanting to re-write them. Apologizes for any mistakes ahead)

Now, let the holiday cheer begin and I hope you all have a jolly and wonderful time reading this year's special!

Update Time Table: Hopefully it'd be one chapter per day. 

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