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Ayaka's POV:

The woman was now dead, well that much was obvious.

Especially considering that it has been hours since I woke here, and in a body of a toddler at that with the addition of being in a life threatening embrace of the stone corpse of what seemed to be a woman behind me in a failed attempt on keeping me secure in her embrace, is now going to be reason I'm going to die......


'In which that I am not gonna let that happen' I thought in my head which made feel a little dizzy which resulted in me squinting a little.

And it seems that the 'whatever' being that brought me here decided that they wanted to make things a little harder for me.

With me being in the embrace of the woman's corpse which is slowly decaying as time past and not only that, am I in the body of what looks to be a five year old's body, I am laying in the cold, cold stream of water of the river.(In which made my body go numb.)

At first I thought I was dreaming, I mean come on. A body of a toddler with the mind of an eighteen year old.

Who just so happens to just have their debute to society. Which just so happens to be the day I had my unfortunate death, because the government wanted to hide the fact that our country is full of corruption, which lead to them ignoring the scientists it's warnings about a high magnitude earthquake, where just so happens to be the target of the said earthquake.

So you can guess what had happened to me, with me being squished flat by my apartment ceiling.

And after that I woke up feeling cold and something or someone embracing me from behind, feeling wet, so tired that I can't move my body at all for hours, and.....small....

And when I saw these little chubby hands laying sprawled in front of me and seeing an arm and a dead body behind me.....

......I sceamed....

I sceamed so much that even though my throat feels soar and hurt and only nothing but air with the occasional squeaks.

I passed out for (according to my observation) a minimum or somewhere around two to three hours at best.

'I'm getting out of here' i thought after hours of laying there while replenishing energy to my now small body.

Which now noticed that it looks creepily animated.......but that is now the least of my concerns, for now I need to get to shore to get help (if I'm lucky that is) or try to get somewhere warm (like placing a camp for example).

But first I need to get out of this woman's embrace, which now proves to be quite difficult.

It's gonna take a while.

Third POV:

In a river found underneath the dense and big trees of the forest a toddler is seen crawling away from a corpse of a woman and towards the shoreline of the river.

By the time she made it up to dry land, both her hair and clothing were soaked through.

And whith some reluctance she looked back at the woman, she then realized that the woman looked


She looked like a fairy goddess of light and dark with her long eyelashes, her shiny, silky, almost silvery, smooth white hair and that red mark under her eyes which look like pitiful, with pale porcelain skin that glitters in the thin rays of the sun that manage to escape the trees it impregnable thick dense leaves that made the woman looked more like a goddess laying and sleeping in the glistening water of the cold, cold river, instead of a corpse that is decaying, with some speck of blood in her clothing, which is a black kimono with a red bow on her back waist.

AYAKA HATAKE: The Flower That Blooms On A Winter Night Where stories live. Discover now