~Wakanda Welcomes You~

571 26 2

October 25, 2016
12:30 PM

"I goin' home! I goin' home!" Ivory yelled excitedly.

"You're finally going to be with Daddy?" Clint asks the girl.

"Uh-huh! M-My daddy in Wananda!" Ivory explained to the man.

"You mean Wakanda!?" Clint replied earning a small chuckle from Nat.

"Uh-huh! I going to Wananda!" Ivory says making the pair laugh.

"Yes baby girl, you're going home today!" Nat says hugging Ivory close to her chest.

"You wanna read a book while you wait for Uncle Steve and Uncle Sam to come!? They'll be here in a little bit!" Nat says.

"Uh-huh! I read...Sam-I-am..." Ivory says taking one of her favorite books out of her backpack. She sat down at the weeping Willow tree as always to wait for Steve.

"Are you excited?" Nat asks the girl.

"Um...yeah..." Ivory says patiently sitting at the tree, with her 'Yaya' under her arm and the book 'Green eggs and ham' in her lap.

Natasha couldn't tell if Ivory was more nervous about today or if she was more excited or both...she could tell by the look on the girl's face that she was definitely having some thoughts but Nat couldn't quite pinpoint what had been going through the child's head.

"I can't believe you guys are leaving us..." Laura says stepping forward. "It's been such a joy having you, Steve and Ivory stay with us, and just know that no matter where you all are, you'll always be family to us."

"Thank you Laura...we couldn't thank you and Clint enough for allowing us to hide out on your property."

"Anything for the woman who has kept my best kept secret..." Clint chimes in. "...My family...for years you're the only one whose known, and you always kept your word about keeping my secret, and now that you've had a child of your own...you know, a life of your own to protect, I know you understand what it's like to protect someone you love." He says looking at Ivory.

"In the future...if you guys ever need us, just know there will always be room for you here." Clint said tightly hugging Natasha.

"Thank you Clint...Thank you both for everything." Nat says.

"Look Nana! Uh-plane, uh-plane!" Ivory shouted excitedly pointing at the jet that had been landing about 100 feet away.

"I think Uncle Steve's here..." Natasha says holding Ivory on her hip. The pair watched the jet land before it slowly came to a stop on the ground. Moments later, Sam was first to exit the jet, then Steve was next.

"UNCLE STEVE, SAM-I-AM!" Ivory shouted unable to contain her excitement as she wiggled free from Nat's arms. Ivory ran as fast as her legs could take her and the first person she ran to was her Uncle Steve.

"Hi my sweet girl...man look how you've grown..." Steve says unable to believe his eyes.

"You are such a big girl, Uncle Steve almost didn't recognize you." Steve says lifting the girl onto his hip.

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