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*Ivory Dreaming*

It was a sunny day in Louisiana.

AJ and Cass were sat under the big pine tree in the backyard, with Ivory sat right in the middle of the two boys.

AJ had been nonchalantly sitting and playing with his action figures while Cass had been reading a book quietly.

"Y-You readin'?" Ivory asks Cass pointing to his book.

"Uh-huh, I can read! Momma taught me how..." Cass says turning the page.

"You read to me?" Ivory asks placing a book in the boy's lap. It was "One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" By Dr. Seuss.

"The Dr. Seuss books are kinda hard but I can try it!" Cass says, Ivory moving closer to the boy's side so she can see the pictures.

"Me too! I wanna hear too!" AJ says squeezing in on the other side of Cass.

"One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish,
Black fish, Blue fish, Old fish, New fish..." Cass reads aloud.

"Th-This one has a littlecar.
Th-This one has a little star.
Say! What a lot of fish there are!" Cass says making Ivory and AJ both giggle.

"Some are red, and some are blue.
"Some are old and some are new.
Some are sad, and some are glad,
And some are very, very bad!" Cass says looking at Ivory making the girl laugh with his funny faces.

"Why are they sad and glad and bad?
I do not know, go ask your dad!"

"When I go home, I ask M-My Daddy!" Ivory says giggling earning the attention of Steve, Sam and Nat.

"What's so funny over there!?" Sam says causing all three of the children to giggle amongst themselves.

"It's a secret!" AJ yells back.

"You should go see what they're up to..." Sam whispered to Nat, "...they usually listen to you."

Nat smiled and approached the three children, all three of them giggling when they saw Nat approaching.

"What are you three doing over here?" Natasha chuckled taking a seat in front of the trio.

"Cass is readin'!" Ivory says pointing to the book in his lap.

"What are you guys reading?" Nat asks.

"Red fish, Blue fish!" AJ explains. "Ivory picked it and Cass is reading it!"

"Yeah, but th-this one is long...can you please read it to us Ms. Natasha?" Cass asks.

"Well of course I can!" Nat says moving Ivory out of the way, and squeezing between the two boys.

"I sit!? I sit!?" Ivory asked pointing to Natasha's lap.

"Yes, you can sit with Nana," Nat chuckled allowing Ivory to sit in her lap. "Come, come sit!"

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