Chapter 10-She Never Liked You

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 You woke up, dizzy and in a haze. Ah fuck, what happened? The pain in the back of your head was still there, and somehow worse than before. You tried blinking more to stop the world from moving around you. When is finally stopped spinning you looked at the room surrounding you. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all made up of a dark gray stone, cut off from the outside world by a metal door. A dim light in the center of the room admitted just enough light to see the entire room. You were chained by your wrists to the floor, just as the ymbrynes had been.

You looked up when you heard the door open with a loud squeak. And who would walk in? None other than your father of course. "Now, Y/n, you destroyed our original plan. And now you arrive to do god knows what!" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you enough to see the ymbrynes. Of course I should have assumed you'd get all lovey with one." You looked up at him, confused and upset.

"Pardon me? Lovey? No, you're wrong." You shook your head.

Barron sighed before yelling. "Donna, get in here!" The door opened a second time, now another wight walked into the room. "You remember Donna, don't you, Y/n?" You nodded slowly. "Perhaps you've forgotten about her peculiarity. Would you care to refresh my daughter on your abilities?" He asked, turning to the other woman. She nodded and walked over to you, grabbing your hand.

Suddenly an image flashed through your head. Alma stood there, holding a gun, the other ymbrynes gathered around her. They began to file out of the room, probably going to prepare for lunch based on where the sun was in the sky outside the window. And the image went black. You couldn't believe you'd almost forgotten Donna's peculiarity. She was basically a spy, except she didn't have to move to see the people she was spying on. The main problem was she had little control over it and the image would only last for a minute and it would only show whatever was happening at that exact moment. If someone held her hand while she spied she wouldn't be able to do it as long, but they would be able to see whatever she did.

"So, Y/n, you must understand, we do know you've been 'lovey'." Mr Barron resumed talking as Donna backed up once again. "I decided to check up on you, two nights ago. And do you know what I found?" You scrunched your nose as he got closer. "You, cuddled up next to Alma Peregrinex the enemy. So I sent Miss Vulture to check out her loop, as the thought the room you were in looked vaguely familiar. And oh, I was right, wasn't I? And now you've left, come back to us, even if it wasn't with the best of intentions. You're going to work with us once again, Y/n. And don't you worry about Alma, she won't care that you've left her. You were just a pawn to her after all." You tried not to listen as he spoke, tried not to let him in your head. But of course he got where he wanted to go. No, she'd care you left, right? She couldn't have been using you, just to escape and save herself..?

But if she had, which she didn't, it worked... You'd fallen right into her trap, saving her just because you thought you could be friends. Friends? What the hell was wrong with you? Of course you couldn't be friends! She would never stoop so low as to be your friend, let alone actually want you around. She was probably glad you left so willingly, and just to go alive another one of her problems? Wow, you really were gullible, weren't you.

"Now, I know it's unlikely you'd want to bring any harm to them, despite having been used. So, Terry is going to have to mind control you the entire time." Terry was one of Mr Barton's favorite wights to use. He could only control one person at a time though. But he had to know their first name.

The next few hours consisted of preparing to raid Alma's loop. Then getting on a boat, leaving you uncontrolled for the ride over, because where were you gonna go? Drown? I mean... not like it'd kill you. But you didn't want to be stranded in the ocean.


I'm trying to decide who to kill next...

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