Chapter 14-Raid The Village

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Later that day you'd have to go into the village to get some of your own clothes so you didn't have to keep stealing from Alma, not that you minded. You'd be going to the present time with Alma and Olive while Enoch and Emma watched the younger children. The walk into town was gloomy, but the weather never really seemed to be nice outside the loop anymore. You made it to a store without drawing to much attention to yourselves. Despite Alma's odd appearance in the real world.

You found a few clothing items you like and set them aside to try on later. You hadn't noticed a man approach you until he started talking. "Well, hello there pretty lady. Haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?"

"In a way, I suppose I am." You replied, not glancing at him as you continued to look through a rack of shirts.

"My names Jackson, Jackson Arrow. Say, could I take you out sometime?" Now you glanced at him. He had an obviously died black mullet and wore a t-shirt for a crappy rock band and baggy jeans. He looked like a real piece of work.

"Y/n, and no thanks, I have a great girlfriend and I couldn't be happier." You shook your head, looking away from him again.

"Oh, you're one of those lesbians? Don't worry, I could totally fix that." He moved closer and went to put a hand on your shoulder, only to have a taloned hand slap his away. Alma wrapped and arm around your waist, standing between the two of you with a raised eyebrow.

"And what's happening here, dear?" She said with a small smile, though clearly annoyed.

"Nothing, this man, Jackson was it? Asked me out. I told him no and that's that. Right, sir?" You gave him a small glare, trying to tell him to fuck off. He clearly didn't get the message though.

"Nah, she said yes, because I'm better than any other woman would ever be." He rolled his eyes before glaring at Alma, who tightened her hold around your waist, digging her nails into your skin. "She wants me to fix her."

"We'll lucky for her she doesn't need fixing. Now kindly fuck off." Your eyes widened as you looked up at her then over to him. She cursed in a public setting, while Olive was somewhere nearby. She was pissed.

"I don't think I will.." He grinned taking a step closer.

"Excuse me, sir." A new voice cut him off. You turned your head to see Olive approaching you. "I think you ought to leave before someone gets hurt. And I hope you know by someone I mean you."

"Yeah right. What you think I'd just give up because three girls threaten me?" Olive gave Miss Peregrine a look of apology before taking off one of her gloves and pressing her hand into the man's shoulder with a grin. In response he yelled something incoherent and ran off.

Olive looked immensely proud of herself the entire rest of the time they spent in the store. You ran ahead on the way back and that gave Olive a chance to ask Miss Peregrine something. "I think we should play a game. Sort of like raid the village, but in present time, and the goal is to hunt down that one man. It'd be so fun! And despite being in the present it's not like they can touch us if we go back to the loop soon enough. Then we'd just have to avoid them for a hundred years or so. No one would remember us."

Under any other circumstance Miss Peregrine would most definitely say no, that they'd never take that risk. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to. After reset that day, she'd go into town with the older children and hunt down that vial man.


You didn't really know the plan. All you knew was you had to watch the younger children while Alma took the older kids to the village. And they had one hell of a time. It started out with just Millard, running around naked and scaring people. But then Hugh began sending his bees after people. And though Horace's gift wasn't the most useful, he enjoyed watching the chaos, but he'd never admit that. Enoch decided to make good use of the corpses from the day before and had them walk around, though clearly they shouldn't be alive. He ripped out giant patches of skin and muscle, showing off the bone and trying to make it obvious they were dead. It worked, everyone was terrified of these 'zombies'. Emma who was tied to a rope being held by one of the zombies kept yelling cryptic and terrifying messages to the horrified crowd below. Olive set the pub on fire, which also set a few people on fire. But the innocent lives were worth it when Jackson stumbled out of the pub, unharmed but definitely drunk.

Alma had an evil smirk on her face as she approached the man, hun hidden behind her back. Her smile faded though when he started talking. "Oooo you're hot! What da ya say we go back to my place?"

"Say, which house is yours?" She asked, but not because she planned on visiting. He pointed to a small house down the road. She grinned and pulled out the gun, shooting him in the chest. When another villager ran at her, trying to stop the so called murder, she shot him in the head. Miss Peregrine walked over to Olive then pointed at Jackson's house. "Burn that house to the ground. Make sure nothing but ash remains when your done." Olive gave a sadistic grin before running off.

"BURN VILLAGE BURN!" Emma shouted from above as Olive set the house on fire. They really should stop killing people, as they wouldn't come back to life the next day and they really shouldn't kill off the already small population. So they began to wrap it up, zombies and bees retreating, Emma being lowered back down to the ground. Alma's hun being put away and Olive running off as the villagers tried to put out the last of the fires. Millard gave someone one last scare before running off with everyone else.

"From now on, you cannot leave the loop until everyone there is dead. Or they'll recognize you and who knows what they'll do." Alma spoke as the walked back to the loop entrance. "That includes you Millard, I don't care if they can't see you."

"Sound like a fair trade. That was so fun!" Emma laughed as she walked alongside Olive. Miss Peregrine looked around before allowing everyone to walk into the cave. But if only she'd looked up, she would've seen the vulture flying overhead.


The children talked of their victory on the way back to the house. "Did you see what Miss Peregrine did?" Emma asked Olive. "She literally got away with murder!"

"What's that?" Enoch asked as he walked up behind them. "Miss Peregrine got away with murder? I can't say I approve but at least she's trying new things." He shrugged and walked ahead as the two girls giggled at the comment.


Have fun, while it lasts...

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