Before The Storm

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The Leaky Cauldron

"So, Miss..."

Genevieve Crawford was doing what she always did when she was nervous, she was fidgeting with the ring that adorned her right pointer finger, twirling it round and round, whilst she bounced her legs up and down, a habit she had been advised not to do in the interview, so as to not distract the interviewer. Whilst she had intended to take the advice on board, she had completely forgotten due to her anxiety.

"Crawford, sir," Genevieve attempted to put on her most confident facade, though she knew it was likely failing miserably.

"Miss Crawford, what attracted you to the job?" The man questioned, and Genevieve felt her mouth going dry. She didn't know, truthfully. She needed something to occupy her time.

"To be really honest, and honestly my friend did tell me not to be honest, I honestly just need something fun to do, to pass the time whilst I try and decide on a career. I can't decide what to do, I like the idea of professor, the Ministry is always a possibility, my dream is a healer but I'm not sure I'm smart enough..." Genevieve trailed off, knowing she was waffling, and waffling isn't the way to get yourself a job.

"Well, if I'm being honest..." Genevieve smiled and chuckled appropriately at the interviewer's joke, clearly mocking her overuse of the word, "I think that's a very sensible and wise thing to do," he nodded.

"I know that's probably not the answer you hope for from candidates, but I hate lying and I'd hate to be lied to, so I figured why not tell you the truth," Genevieve was panicking, she only hoped he couldn't tell. Her heart was about to pound out of her chest. When she had been at Hogwarts, Professor Flitwick certainly didn't explain how tense and anxiety provoking interviews were.

"Well, we certainly would value your morals, that's for sure," He reassured, and she was grateful for such an understanding interviewer.

"I didn't catch your name," She wanted to smack her head off a wall, was that the best response she had?!

But the man seemed to appreciate it regardless, as he smiled widely and said, "My name's Gordon, I own the Leaky Cauldron. I appreciate you asking, it shows you have a way with people and the customers will enjoy how personable you are,"

Genevieve tried not to feel a buzz when she realised he was talking as though he was going to hire her, and tried to keep a calm head and think of a response.

"That was what I was the best at when at Hogwarts, I was always selected by Professor Flitwick to liaise with first years, I have a good way of communicating to put people at ease. Apparently," Genevieve felt it was necessary to add the 'apparently', it's never good to seem arrogant.

"You certainly seem outgoing," Was this another joke about her talkative nature, or a genuine compliment? Genevieve was too anxious to note the difference currently.

"I am," She wished she had more to say, but words seemed to evade her.

"You seem nervous, why is that?" Gordon asked.

"Oh, well I've never had a job interview before. Once I left school, the war intensified and my parents went into hiding, I went with them. I suppose other than my mother and father, I've not had much contact with people, up until the Battle," Genevieve replied.

"Well, I hope it comforts you to know that I'd like to offer you the position," Gordon smiled, and Genevieve felt like crying.

"Really?!" Her voice was squeaky, the nerves and anxiety running out of her.

"Definitely, I think you'll fit in really well," Gordon stood and Genevieve followed, shaking his hand.

"Thank you, Gordon," She smiled.

"Of course, Miss Crawford,"

"Please, call me Jenny,"

And with that, the fates of both George Weasley and Jenny Crawford were unknowingly sealed forever.

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