Feels Like Home

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Everything was ready.

George Weasley was stood by the altar, the subtle hint of nerves he felt completely overpowered by the utter excitement he felt at the knowledge that Jenny was moments away from walking down the aisle towards him, moments away from becoming his wife.

He was hers, and she his, forever, and they didn't need a paper to prove that. But Merlin, were they excited to display their eternal love for all of their family and friends.

As he glanced out at the congregation, his heart swelled. For he did not see who was missing, he only saw who was there. Just for them. Everyone they loved.

The music started, and George couldn't help but smile as Fleur and Audrey, two women who had become his older sisters, by law, walked towards him, looking gorgeous in their floor length red gowns. Audrey carried a bouquet of red roses, whilst Fleur carried her daughter in her arms, and held onto little Teddy Lupin's hand, as he toddled down the aisle beside her. The two women shot him a grin, before taking their seats in the front row.

The smile widened as the next two bridesmaids walked towards him. Hermione, who had become a sister to him the day she walked into Hogwarts and stole the heart of his little brother ten years ago. The first person he had wanted to contact out of his entire family when he first met Jenny, and decided to come out of hiding. She meant more to him than he could fathom, and he only hoped she knew.

And then there was Ginny. His only real sister. He remembered when she had been born, being utterly terrified when his father placed her onto his lap, scared he would break her. She was the first thing he was ever worried about hurting. Little did he know, she was going to grow up to be the strongest woman he knew. Nobody could hurt Ginny, because she would always hurt them first. She was powerful, smart and kind, and he was so proud of her.

He thought his smile could grow no wider, but he was wrong. Because in the blink of an eye, there she was.

He had always thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on. Even when they had just met, and his thoughts were consumed by grief, he didn't want to have to talk to anybody, there was something about Jenny.

He knew now, looking back, he had loved her from the moment they met eyes across the bar in the Leaky Cauldron.

He watched her slowly make her way towards him, the most perfect smile etched onto her wonderful face, her bouquet of flowers not quite managing to conceal the baby bump he knew lay beneath her dress. The baby bump within which she was growing their children.

He had never felt so lucky. He thought his heart might just burst. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he didn't bother to wipe them away. He wanted the world to see how much this woman meant to him. How much she had saved him. How much he worshiped the ground on which she walked.

She reached him, and Ginny stood to retrieve the flowers from the bride, before Jenny stood before him in all her perfection, and he noticed that she, too, had tears on her face. He reached up, and wiped one away.

"You are the most perfect thing I've ever seen," He whispered in her ear, and he could have sworn she blushed, transporting him back two years, to when they had only just met, and she seemed to blush every two minutes.


The ceremony passed the couple by in a blur, and suddenly they were Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"My face actually hurts," George said, as they danced around the dance floor, making sure to take frequent breaks so that Jenny didn't get too tired.

"Why?" Jenny asked, though she agreed with the sentiment. Her face also ached.

"I've never smiled so much, in my whole life," George explained, smiling even wider. "I cannot believe you're my wife,"

"Well, you'd best start believing it, because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, Mr Weasley,"

"Thank goodness for that, Mrs Weasley," He spun her around, and she laughed. "What?"

"You make me sound like I'm your Mother,"

Angels Brought Me Here (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now