Chapter Ten

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Rha' unlocked the door to Aria's room and quietly entered.
Her room was dark and cool. She was fast asleep in her bed.
Once it closed, he locked it and leaned against it, observing her.
They tried their best not to get caught by not staying in each other's room too often, but the nights away from her drove him absolutely crazy, and this was a night he just had to be with her.
She whimpered as she rolled to her back and pushed the blanket and sheet off her. Her nightgown was nearly pulled to her waist as a result of movement.
He slowly made his way to her bed. He touched her ankle, gently gliding his fingers up her leg as he moved towards the head of her bed. He smiled. "My mate." He thought. "I love the way that sounds." He leaned towards her and placed his hands on both sides of her. "I love you, Aria." He whispered in Sangheili.
"Mmmm, I love you too, Rha'." She muttered in her sleep.
He stroked her cheek gently as he looked down at her longingly.
He pulled away from her and removed his jumpsuit before slowly crawling onto her. He touched her hips and slowly glided his fingers upward, pulling her gown with them before pushing his hands beneath it and cupping her bare breasts.
She moaned gently as she raised a hand to his.
He nibbled at her neck as he began to caress her.
She moaned again as she began to wake up. "Rha'?"
He kissed her neck. "Yes, my love."
She looked up at him as he smiled and pulled her nightgown over her head.
"I couldn't sleep. I needed you near me." He tossed the gown to the floor and caressed her breasts.
She bit her lower lip and moaned gently.
His left hand was suddenly gliding down her side. "My love; my mate." He whispered as he caressed her ass. "Three nights away from you and I am going mad!"
She gasped as he pushed his hand beneath her panties and between her thighs.
"Mate me." He whispered in her ear, his voice tainted with lust as he push a finger between her neither lips.
She whimpered and began to rub her legs against his as he worked her. "Oh!" She arched against him. "Mmmm."
Before long, he worked her into an orgasm. She was now wet and ready for him. He moved off her before he hurriedly stripped her of her panties and crawled back on top of her, wrapping her legs around his waist.
He nibbled at her neck as he pushed into her, taking her almost desperately.
She grabbed his shoulders as she cried out. Though they had sex many times since getting together, it still hurt her at first.
It took a few thrusts for her to finally get used to his size.
She closed her eyes and moaned as she glided her hands down his arms.
It didn't take long for him to pump her full of his seed. He growled and pressed his face against her neck as he finally began to calm down. His hard shaft softened and slipped out of her.
"Wow! That must be that Swordsman's drive to reproduce!" She giggled.
He pulled his head back slightly and looked at her. He smiled down at her as he stroked her cheek. "It's the drive of a male who never wants to leave his mate's side."
She returned his smile and took his cheeks, pressing her lips to his mandibles.
He glided his hand down her neck before caressing her left breast.
She pulled away from him and tilted her head back as a whimper escaped her.
He nibbled down her neck. "I love the feeling of your warm, soft body." He whispered as his hand glided down her hip.
He sat back on his legs as he caressed her body. He leaned towards her and nibbled at her stomach.
She giggled and tried twisting away from him, but he grabbed her hips. She grabbed his wrists and starting laughing as she wiggled beneath him.
He released her waist and slowly pulled his wrists free of her grasp before he grabbed her right leg, his hands caressing her as he raised it.
Her heart began to race as he started nibbling at her leg, slowly working his way up her thigh.
She gripped the bed sheets, her breaths becoming almost rapid. She gasped as he slipped a finger inside her.
Between his nibbles on her thigh and his finger working her, she began to moan loudly.
Soon his thumb joined, rubbing between her neither lips as his finger probed her.
She was damn near crying out with her moans, her body unable to control its movements. "Rha'!" She breathed.
A powerful orgasm soon shook her body. From the waist down, she felt the tingles before the numbness. She arched her back as she pulled on the bottom sheet, pulling it from one corner as the contractions shook her entire body. She cried out before completely falling limp.
He pulled his finger from her and crawled back onto her. "Mmm, more?"
She was almost hyperventilating beneath him and her body trembling.
He chuckled and nibbled at her neck. "Did I wear you out, my love?" He whispered in Sangheili.
"You did!" She managed to reply. "Wow!! That was... That was the most intense orgasm I have ever had in my life!" She took a deep breath before sighing in extreme pleasure.
He propped himself with one hand as he grabbed her left hip with the other. He adjusted her trembling body against his and took her once again.
Her pelvic muscles quivered as they stretched around his shaft. A moan escaped her lips as her hands caressed his chest. "Oh, Rha'!" She breathed.
Her entire body was still sensitive from her orgasm and every touch sent double the pleasure through her.
At long last he was finally spent. He collapsed onto the bed beside her.
She rolled to her side, facing him.
He was just as exhausted as she was. A yawn escaped him suddenly before he looked at her.
She smiled and touched his cheek. "You are an excellent lover." She whispered in Sangheili. "A perfect mate. My perfect mate." She yawned. "I have never felt so relaxed in my life."
He smiled and placed his hand on her hip. "Me either." He kissed her forehead. "I love you so very much, Aria. You are my perfect mate as well."
He wrapped his arms around her and they both fell asleep instantly.
They made their way down to the recreation deck where a few of their troops were hanging out.
"You want to play a game, or watch a movie, perhaps?" Aria asked, looking up at Rha'.
"How about both? But first, I'd like you to teach me how to play Battleship."
She smiled. "Sure. We have all day since we got some time off."
They entered the room and found Muhmep playing chess with an Unggoy. George was at the table next to her also playing chess with an Unggoy. He was copying Muhmep's every move on his chess board.
After a minute of her thinking about her next move, she gasped. "Ah!!" She moved the piece. "Check mate!!"
George copied her and opened his mouth to yell out his victory, when the Unggoy moved his piece.
"Check mate!!" His squeaky voice announced with pride.
Muhmep looked over at George as his face turned red with rage.
"How?! I copied your every move!" He jumped from his seat suddenly and sent the chess board, and all the pieces flying. "Damn son of a bitch!!!" He hollered.
The Unggoy got startled and jumped from his chair, knocking it over as he ran to hide behind Muhmep.
"For the love of god, George!! Can't you just play a game without having a fucking cow?!"
"I just want to win once in my life!!" He cried. "I did everything you did and he still won! How?!"
"You suck at everything! So just accept it and enjoy the damn games!! They are supposed to be fun!"
He raged and stormed out of the room, pushing past Rha' and Aria.
"Hey, George." Aria greeted.
He just huffed as he kept going.
"Nice to see you too." She mumbled and shook her head, looking over at her sister.
She and Shipmaster Vadumee were playing Foosball. They were so into it, they were practically dancing around the table.
"Haha, Sir! I got you this time!!" Kayla gloated before fumbling and missing her shot. "Ah, damn it!"
He chuckled. "That's what you get for being too confident, Sergeant." He moved to make a mark on the paper they had taped to the bulkhead. "We are tied now."
"Okay, one more for the tiebreaker?" She asked.
"Maybe later. I'm going to get some grub." He replied.
"That sounds good." Her stomach grumbled suddenly. She giggled. "I didn't realize I was hungry. Mind if I join you?"
"Of course I don't mind. I enjoy your company, Sergeant Peril." He held his arm towards her. "Shall we?"
She looped her arm in his. "We shall!"
They made their way to the door, nearing Rha' and Aria.
"Hey, Sis." Kayla began. "We're headed for lunch. Care to join us."
"No thanks. We're going to play Battleship and then watch a movie."
"Okay. Have fun!"
They left the room.
Rha' smiled and gestured to the nearest empty table.
Aria took a seat as he grabbed the game and joined her.
"Okay," She opened the box and handed him the red board game. "You take this one. Inside you'll find a few ships, and lots of red and white pegs. Set up your ships across the board, wherever you want them to be. The objective of the game is to try and sink each other's ships." She leaned towards him. "Each row has a letter and number." She grabbed a ship and placed it on his board. "Say your ship is here and I guess this letter and number combination. I have hit your ship so you take a red peg and place it where I hit, like so, and I will place a red peg in that same spot on my board." She grabbed a red peg and placed it on the ship. "If I miss, I will put a white peg in that spot on my board so that I know I tried that spot already. When it's your turn, you do the same thing. Place a red peg for a hit and a white peg for a miss. We will continue to take turns until all your ships, or mine, have been sunk."
"Hmmm, okay. That sounds easy enough. Let's give it a shot."
They set up their boards and began to play.
After a while, Aria had sunk two of Rha's ships yet he continued to miss hers.
"You have play this game many times, I presume?" He asked, leaning over towards her.
She nodded. "This was our favorite game as kids, Kayla and I. George, on the other hand, he hated it cause he could never beat me. He would have lost his shit by now." She looked up at him. "What are you doing?"
He quickly rightened himself. "Nothing!"
She smirked before giggling. "Trying to peek? That's cheating, Ultra Bahtiyaree!"
He chuckled.
Another fifteen minutes passed and Aria had all but one of his ships sank. He had finally gotten a few of hers.
"Hmmm, your last ship continues to evade me, and you are about to sink another of mine. We are nearly tied. B seven?"
He smiled and grabbed a red peg. "That is a miss, my dear. C eight, a hit and a sink!" He nearly gushed, pushing the red peg into the hole.
She giggled. "You have officially sank my battleship. Now the hunt for the destroyers commences!"
With nearly both boards full, Rha' was finally able to find her destroyer.
She found his but was a move too late.
"And a victory!" He announced before looking at her. "Want to play again?"
She smiled and laughed gently. He actually enjoyed playing. He was like a little kid the way he got into it. "Sure, we can play another round."
He quickly pulled all the pieces from his board, separating the pegs before setting up his ships once again.
This round was a little quicker and he managed to beat her again.
"Another victory for the Sangheili!!"
She giggled. "Wanna play a different game? I have one in mind."
She got up and grabbed Operation as he put all the Battleship pieces away.
"The objective of this game is to pull all the pieces out without hitting the edge."
He watched her as she dropped each piece into place. He cocked his head suddenly. "Humans have these weird pieces inside them?"
She laughed. "No. It's just part of this silly game."
"Huh, okay."
She finished setting it up and divided up the specialist cards. She then passed him the tongs. "Want to try first?"
He grabbed them. "Okay. What do I do first?"
"Grab a card from this pile."
He did as she said and turned it over to read it. "Writing Specialist?"
"Okay. That's this pencil over here."
"I have to remove that?"
She nodded. "Very carefully, without touching the edges."
"Okay." He positioned the small tongs in his large fingers and attempted to remove the little plastic pencil.
The tongs hit the side causing a loud, startling buzz.
Rha' yanked his hand back. He was still holding the tongs and pulled the game board with him, scattering the pieces. "By the Prophets!! What the hell was that awful sound?!"
Aria clamped her mouth shut as she tried not to laugh, but failed miserably. She busted out laughing so hard, she fell out of her chair.
Muhmep, who was now playing checkers with Yuri, looked over at them and started laughing.
Yuri took the opportunity to rearrange the checkers to his advantage before looking at her. "Your move."
She looked back at the checkers before looking up at him, a look of irritation on her face. "Really?!"
"Hey, you can't blame me for trying."
Rha' leaned over the table to look down at Aria.
She was laughing so hard she damn near couldn't breathe. She tried to get control of herself, but every time she looked at him, she started laughing again. "I'm sorry!!" She cried. "The look on your face was priceless!!" She started to get the hiccups. "Oh *hick* crap!" She laid on the floor as she attempted to hold her breath. She blew it out quickly as she started laughing again. "I'm *hick* sorry, Rha'! I should *hick*  have told you about *hick* the buzzer."
"You did that on purpose didn't you, Aria?" He teased.
She couldn't get her reply out and just shook her head 'yes' as she continued laughing, her hiccups gradually getting worse.
Taking a break for dinner, Rha' and Aria met Yuri, Muhmep, and George in the mess hall.
"Are you feeling better, George?" Aria asked.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just had to take a cold shower." He joked.
"How did you like Operation, Sir?" Muhmep asked in a teasing voice.
He looked down at her. "I do not want to talk about it."
Her and Aria looked at each other and laughed.
"What?! What did I miss?" George asked, grabbing a tray.
"It was something you had to have been there to see, but he got startled by the buzz." Muhmep replied.
"Meh, don't be embarrassed by that, Sir." George began. "That game scares everyone. Aria and Kayla love pulling that one out on first timers. Probably the only time that old ass game ever gets played." He chuckled.
"Don't be giving away our secret!" Aria nearly gasped. "It doesn't scare everyone. I tried it on an Unggoy a few weeks ago. He didn't even flinch!"
Rha' chuckled before looking at the dinner menus.
"They got me with it too." Yuri added. "You have no idea how many times I have made that game disappear! Yet, somehow it always finds its way back." He took a sideways glance at Aria.
They all looked at her.
"A magician never reveals her secrets." She replied, grabbing a tray and moving through the line.
Rha' followed behind her, grabbing some of his favorite foods and a little of a few things she grabbed. He was open to trying Human food and he found that most of it was actually delicious.
After an hour of chatting and enjoying their dinner, they returned to the recreation room to start a movie.
Upon entering, they spotted Kayla and the Shipmaster at a table. A few other Sangheili watching them. Kayla was setting up Operation as she explained it to them.
"I have to watch this." Aria said, moving over to their table. "Hello, Sir. Are you enjoying these old Human games?"
He nodded. "Indeed. Sergeant Peril is about to show us this one."
Kayla looked up at Aria with a tainted smile and she knew exactly what she was going to do.
She returned her smiled and giggled gently.
"Here you go, Sir." Kayla handed him the tongs.
The Shipmaster took them from her and went after the bucket.
"Um, Sir?" Rha' started, but Aria stopped him.
She had her mouth clamped shut again as she shook her head. She was trying not to laugh and ruin it.
He looked down at her and chuckled gently, shaking his head.
The sudden buzz made Rha' jump, but he already knew it was coming. The other Sangheili cried out as they jumped back.
The Shipmaster nearly had the same reaction as Rha' except he jumped out of his chair and launched the game across the room. It narrowly missed Rha' before hitting an Unggoy in the face.
He cried out and stumbled backwards before falling to the ground.
Aria started laughing as she grabbed Rha' by the arm and leaned against him.
Kayla face planted on the table, laughing hysterically.
Rha' also started laughing.
Aria was laughing so hard her stomach was starting to hurt.
Kayla was almost hyperventilating as she pounded a fist against the table. "Oh my god!!" She breathed.
The Shipmaster looked down at her and chuckled. "You and your jokes!"
The other Sangheili started laughing too.
"Flipyap, you okay over there?" A General asked the Unggoy.
"Good, Sir. I'm good." He replied as he sat up, rubbing his face.
The hiccups were suddenly back and Aria tried holding her breath.
Kayla finally stopped laughing. Her face and stomach were starting to hurt and she had tears rolling down her cheeks. "Whew, that was an ab workout! Sorry, Sir. I could not resist that opportunity."
The Shipmaster smiled. "Apology accepted. It was pretty funny."
"You still want to watch a movie?" Rha' asked Aria, looking down at her.
Her cheeks were puffed out and her face was turning red. She nodded.
He chuckled. "Is that really necessary?"
She nodded again before letting it go. Another hiccup escaped her and she took another breath before waving at the group and moving to the TV, Rha' following her.
"Aria?" Kayla called suddenly, running up behind her.
She turned around as she let a potato chip snake spring out into her face.
She screamed and fell over the couch.
Rha' and the Shipmaster looked at each other oddly.
"Feel better?" Kayla asked, leaning over the couch.
Aria was hanging off the side. "Yeah, thanks."
"No problem."
During the year on Concord, Rha' and Aria's relationship grew immensely.
Outside of military duties they thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. They had many date nights, movie nights, and gaming nights. They never held hands in public because they knew someone was always watching, and it drove her crazy. She'd catch herself from time to time trying to grab his hand, but would always pull her hand away instantly.
They still haven't learned the boundaries of his bed as they rolled off several times in a seductive wrestle for dominance.
Their working relationship never changed, but despite that, someone was still not happy....
"Ranger Mansooree, we cannot have this nonsense in our ranks." Colonel Mason began. "Sergeant Peril is not fit to lead this division. She has engaged in a sexual relationship with her division officer and that is against the rules."
"As per a rumor, Sir." Ranger Mansooree replied, looking at him.
"Look, son. You and I both know their relationship will keep them from performing their military duties. Ultra Bahtiyaree is an excellent leader. I won't transfer him, so that leaves Sergeant Peril. If one of them has to go, I chose her. You are more then qualified to run this division in her place."
"I can't, Sir. I have a relationship with Ultra Bahtiyaree. We're brothers. It would be no different."
Colonel Mason ran a finger over his mustache as he listened.
"That is the rumor that's going around. If it is true, they have not changed, Sir. With all do respect, I think you're overreacting. I have seen no proof of this 'relationship', so if they are in one, it is strictly outside the division. Have you seen them visibly break any rules while in uniform?"
"It doesn't matter, Ranger. She is engaged in a sexual relationship with her senior officer. That is enough to get them both Court-Martialed, but I won't let that happen. I have to separate them. That's the only thing I can do to protect them."
Ranger Mansooree sighed. "I understand, Sir, but I still have not seen proof."
"They are spending a great deal of time together. That's enough proof, Ranger."
"That proves nothing, Sir. Of course they would spend time together. They are in charge of a division. They are our leaders. They must work together."
"Do not try to protect them, Ranger. We are going to have this hearing." Colonel Mason touched his shoulder. "And do you understand what is expected of you?"
He nodded. "We'll set the hearing for fifteenth-hundred hours."
"Very good." Colonel Mason began to leave, but stopped. "Ranger Mansooree, do not let your feelings get in the way of this hearing. Is that clear? I know how the division feels about their sergeant."
"Yes, Sir." He replied, leaving his presence.
Ranger Mansooree stopped her outside the door. "I'm sorry, Sergeant. This was not my choice."
She smiled and touched his arm. "It's okay, Ranger Mansooree. I knew it would happen sooner or later. You are a good choice as my successor. I know you will lead them well."
He lowered his head.
She removed her hand from his arm. "Ranger, this is my punishment, not yours. I knew getting involved with Ultra Bahtiyaree could cost me my job."
"Why did you do it then?"
"I love him. Nothing in this world could have stopped that."
He smiled weakly. "I can't pretend I do not know love." He looked at her. "My mate is of noble blood. We fell in love, despite her family's wishes, and we ran away together. The things we do for love are uncanny."
Aria laughed gently. "I could not have said it better."
"Sergeant, Colonel Mason has no proof. No one on this ship has proof. Fight it. I know what I saw with my own eyes, but that alone is not enough to prove anything and I will take that, and Ultra Bahtiyaree's conversation with me to my grave!"
She smiled. "I cannot lie to him. Do not risk your life for ours. This is a mere bump in the road, and we will get through this." She then sighed and looked away from him. "I guess we better get this over with."
"Sergeant Peril, is Ultra Bahtiyaree not your senior officer?" Colonel Mason began.
"He is, Sir."
"And are you not in a sexual relationship with him?"
Ranger Mansooree stepped in front of her. "Sir, please! Why must we continue with this when there is no proof?!"
"You want proof, Ranger? Let her answer my question."
He reluctantly stepped aside.
"Are you in a sexual relationship with your senior officer?"
She lowered her head slightly.
"Your silence speaks volumes, Sergeant Peril."
She raised her head and took a deep breath as she looked him in the eyes. "Yes, Sir. I am."
"Why? And don't tell me it's because of love."
"What else am I supposed to say, Sir!?" She argued.
"Love is not allowed among military ranks, Sergeant. You know that."
"That does not mean it can't happen!" She sighed and lowered her eyes. "Just demote me and get it over with, Sir."
Rha' pushed through the doors suddenly, anger in his eyes. "This is absurd!" He snarled. "I am just as much at fault as Sergeant Peril. Why is she the only one being punished here!?"
"Calm down, Ultra." Colonel Mason ordered.
"No!" Rha' snapped. "I fell in love with her just as much as she fell in love with me. We have broken no other rule."
"Only the biggest rule in the military, Ultra Bahtiyaree!" Colonel Mason brought fourth.
Aria sat in silence, her hands folded together and pushed between her knees as she listened.
"Your leadership qualities as a Sangheili are what is saving you from being transferred. This unit has never had a good leader until you came."
Aria continued to sit in silence, feeling the tears swell in her eyes. She had just been insulted, and by a man she looked up to.
Rha' looked over at her, seeing her fists tremble between her knees.
He turned his head back to the Colonel. "She is a great leader!" He hollered, beckoning to her. "I have never seen a division more organized and disciplined as this one. And she did that on her own, for almost a year, before I came into the picture." He lowered his tone. "If you have to transfer her, then transfer me too."
"Ultra Bahtiyaree, no." Aria broke in.
He waved a hand to her, beckoning her to remain silent. "Is it because I am Sangheili you will not punish me as well?"
"That's ridicules, Ultra."
"No!" He smashed his fist to the desk before the Colonel. "That is the only reason! Had I been a Human, this would have gone a whole different direction!"
Colonel Mason stood, his expression hard. "Sergeant Peril will be helping out in a coming mission but that will be her last as the lead Sergeant of this unit. Do I make myself clear?"
Rha' snarled, leaning closer to him. "It will not happen." He growled.
"Ultra Bahtiyaree, this is the only way I can save you both from a Court-Martial. Do not make me the bad guy here!" Colonel Mason brought forth. He moved from his desk and knelt before Aria. He grabbed her hand and touched her cheek. "Ultra Bahtiyaree is absolutely right. You are a great Sergeant, Aria. You have done the best you could with this division without an officer. I did not mean to say those hurtful words. They were wrong. You played the roll as officer and Sergeant and you did them well. I know that division has the utmost respect for you. I'm sorry I have to do this, but it was the only thing I could do to protect both of you. What you two have done is not as easy for me to excuse, honey. You and Ultra Bahtiyaree should not have engaged in such behavior."
"I understand, Sir." She whispered before a sniffle escaped her lips.
He chuckled gently and wiped the tear that fell from her right eye. "You put yourself into quite a pickle, Aria, but I'm not going to pretend I don't understand. The same thing happened to your parents, and that is also the reason they worked so far apart from each other, but I won't let that happen to you."
Rha' looked over at them as he gathered up the paperwork and began looking it over.
"We will be conducting some training exercises on Chi Ceti IV in a couple of weeks. It'll be an 'all hands' exercise, which includes the officers. You will take the first group from your unit down and set up base camp. We will keep all this hush hush and allow you to tell who you see fit."
"Sir, I don't want to transfer. Can I put in my resignation instead?"
"Aria, my dear, I think you should suck it up and take the transfer. At least get a retirement out of the UNSC."
She smiled slightly. "Perhaps you're right."
"I promise I won't send you too far away, but I can't promise you'll still be on this ship."
She sighed and nodded.
Aria sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned under the cool water of her shower.
Despite knowing what was going to happen, it was still stressful nonetheless.
She began to cry.
Unbeknownst to her, Rha' had entered her room and made his way to the bathroom. He quietly pulled the shower curtain back and looked in at her.
She reminded in the same position, facing the bulkhead with her head against it, the water rushing over her and down her face.
"Why is she crying?" He thought as he reached for her. "Aria?"
His sudden voice startled her, making her cry out. He yanked his hand away as she jumped backwards.
She got a mouth full of water before she slipped and nearly fell.
Rha' caught her quickly, lifting her wet, naked body into his arms.
She coughed and rubbed her eyes. "Rha'!?!"
He chuckled. "Sorry, baby. Why are you crying? Do you regret getting involved with me?"
She looked at him, startled by his question. "No! Never!" She began to cry again. "They're going to separate us!" She wrapped her arms around him as she pressed her face to his neck.
"I will try my hardest to keep that from happening." He whispered.

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