Chapter 1 - The begining

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This whole story is in America's point of view


I walk down the snowy land that's my newest State Alaska. It's just full snow and ice all until I hear soft hungry baby cries, I stop in my tracks looking around not seeing anything until I see a small blanket of snow moving where the cries are coming from. I rush over scooping up a small baby country from the snow gently rocking them "shhhhh...shhhh it's alright...shhhh" I look around trying to find anyone else but I can't see anyone other then me and the baby that I'm now holding I take off my scarf using it as a blanket for them running back towards my horse hopping on it's back riding back to my house.






I open my door rushing inside with the crying baby in my arms taking off my jacket and boots "shhh it's all going to be alright" I look around my house "what did that German say for that milk formula? Ah right! Wheat flour, malt flour, potassium bicarbonate and heated cow's do I get potpotassium bicarbonate?" I pause looking around my wooden house hearing the baby crying "fuck that isn't going to work now think America what's the other way?" I hold the baby close "yes dry nursing that's what it is! [1]" I grab a spoon and bottle of goats milk from my ice box sitting down on a chair pouring some milk onto the spoon feeding it to the baby, they drink it looking up at me I softly smile grabbing another spoon full of milk feeding them until they can't keep there eyes open anymore "tired kid?" I pat there back as I get up putting the milk and spoon away, I hear a small burp from them "there we go" I look down at them moving wondering hairs that's in their face "how did you get up there and in the snow?" They sleep in my arms laying there head on my chest I gently grab there small hand holding it. I walk into my bedroom grabbing a small blanket laying them down on my bed grabbing the hide that was wrapped around them in an attempt to keep them warm taking it off-

"And your a boy"

I take a deep breath switching the hide with the blanket swaddling him in it scooping him back up into my arms holding him close "who left you there?" He rolls in my arms laying his head on my chest I gently rub his back walking into my main room getting the fire started sitting down on my old worn out chair rocking him "try to rest and I'll figure this whole thing out" he grabs a fist full of my dress shirt softly sleeping in my arms I gently kiss his forehead "you know I think I'm starting to come around" I gently stroke his fluffy curly hair finding ice and snow frozen to his hair I carefully brush it all out and with the help with the fire I soon have all of the snow and ice out of his hair and it's so much more fluffier then earlier it almost feels like I'm touching a soft cloud or sheep's wool and he seems to relax into my arms even more, I lean back in my chair looking into the fire watching it 'eat' the wood tossing more wood into the fireplace when I see that it's getting weaker. 2 hours later when I hear a soft whine, I look back down at him seeing him opening his eyes I make a small quiet gasp seeing ice blue eyes looking back up at me I hold his small hand he takes his fist putting it on his mouth chewing on it "hungry?" He just looks up at me with the softest eyes I've ever seen I stand up walking back into my kitchen grabbing another spoon and pot of goat's milk from my ice box sitting back down on the chair putting milk onto the spoon taking his fist out of his mouth feeding him the spoon filled with milk, after some time he stopped taking it so I pour the rest of the milk back into the pot laying the spoon beside the pot that's sitting on a table beside me "what am I going to do with you?" He looks up at me with some milk running down his chin I gently pat his back he burps laying on my chest looking like he's more liquid then solid. "Maybe dad will help.........?" I look away I don't want to give him to dad as he'll probably try and control the baby country that's in my arms but I'm not in the right place to care for a child nevertheless a baby that I don't know who or what left him in the snow or anything about his past or country. "Yeah, maybe he'll help......hopefully............" I get up putting the pot and spoon away putting on my shoes walking outside walking towards Britain's house and soon enough I'm at the driveway looking down at the small baby who's asleep in my arms who's nursing on my shirt I stroke there hair walking towards the door knocking on it.

Hello it's the author here sorry that this chapter is short but I need the story to start some how🤷. Anyways I hope you enjoy this story and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
(or not that's alright at least you made it this far)

[1] I know that dry nursing wasn't really 'invented' until the begging of the 20th (1900) century but I can't find any other way for America to feed them that's not wet nursing


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