Chapter 19: The Mighty Apollo

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I decided to incorporate the Peter finds Apollo after a suggestion from my friend. Hope you enjoy! 

Ten minutes earlier

The wind whistled quietly, muted by my mask as I swung through the air. Today had been one of the more peaceful patrols, only one petty theft, two cats stuck on rooftops, and one slightly psycho pigeon who kept running into the same store window. For half an hour apparently before I captured it and released it into Central Park.

It was one of those bright sunny days that if you plug your nose you can almost imagine fresh air as you sat peacefully. I was glad for the quiet day. The past week had been stressful, between school and trying to figure out what was going on with Percy and the past hour had been a relaxing break.The screaming on the other hand was not so calming.

"Karen, where is the yelling coming from?" I asked my A.I., as I turned my head to find the noise.

"There is a mugging happening in the alleyway to your right." Karen stated matter-of-factly, from my suit speakers.

"Why didn't you inform me of this!" I cried, swinging abruptly to the alley specified by Karen.

"As your A.I. My main concern is your well-being, that includes time to relax and take mental time." Karen answered as chipper as always. "You showed signs of relaxation when you started swinging, so I turned off all notifications that might cause stress."

"Always tell me when there is a mugging going on!" There was a long pause and for a moment I feared that I had somehow offended the computer. Then Karen spoke again,

"There are currently ten muggins going on within a five-mile radius and 45 in the city. The nearest is on-"

"Nope." I exclaimed, cutting Karen off as I swung into the alley first pointed out by Karen. "One mugging at a time."

My feet touchdown on the grimy concrete of the alleyway, and I surveyed the scene before me. On the ground was a man, scrawny, his back turned towards me. He seems no older than 20. Around him stood two teens clad in biker jackets, chuckling as the man on the ground tried to sit up. Biker jacket no.1 aimed a kick at the stomach of the man on the ground and I winced at the sound of the man's pained groan. My movement must've been more prominent than I thought because Biker jacket no. 2 eyes caught mine, freezing as he saw who I was. He nudged his partner with a hand, not taking his eyes off me.

"What is it?" Biker jacket no.1 barked, turning into his partner. Halfway through his turn he stopped though, eyes catching sight of me. The man on the ground on the other hand didn't get the memo.

"I told you that you would face the wrath of the mighty Apollo!" The man on the ground yelled, an embarrassing voice crack coming out on the word mighty. The man got shakily up to his feet, wincing as he put pressure on one foot. "Down upon you shall come the anger of the gods!"

"Will you settle for just the wrath of Spider-Man?" I butt in, seeing my chance for a dramatic entrance. Biker jackets no.1 and 2 take this as their cue to run. They sprint to the other end of the alley where a chain link fence stands, they get barely 5 meters before my webs hit one in the legs, bringing him crashing to the ground.

"Come on guys." I quipped, my voice slightly muffled by the "swhip" of webs sticking the other guy to the wall. "Why do you people always try to run? Has one bad guy ever gotten away by just running? No. On another note, does anyone have a post-it-note?"

I usually would leave a piece of paper or a post-it note for someone to notify the police that there were people in need of arresting. The NYCPD brought me a walkie-talkie once before, and I used it for about a week until they tried to track me using it. I don't blame them though, the accords made everything more difficult, and the police department was getting pressured by their superiors to catch me. They tried for a week, but the hearts were in it. So after that I stuck to communicating from a far. Karen was very helpful with it.

"You will find a newspaper to your left, next to the dumpster." Karen supplied, and I turned to look at the crumpled up paper, pointedly ignoring the struggles of Biker Jacket no. 2 beside it. Picking up the newspaper, I pulled a pen out of the hello kitty backpack strapped to my back, (there were no pockets in the suit, and the backpack was the cheapest I could find.) and quietly scribbled down a note. Stepping outside the alley I webbed the piece of paper to the wall, then turned back to the people I had webbed up. Instead my eyes landed on the poor guy Biker jackets had beaten up.

He was staring at his finger with a look of pure dismay. His pointer was covered in a thin layer of red blood, presumably coming from his nose which was spurting out blood. I watched in confusion as his look up dismay turned one in fear as he started whispering,

"No, no, no, this can't be happening." His eyes still fixed on his bloody finger. Taking a cautious step towards him I debated what I should do. I comforted many crying people after muggings and hostage situations. I had taken selfies with starstruck fans, and even encountered a couple people who after being in danger, just sat down and started hysterically laughing. But this was new to me. The man didn't look scared of Biker Jackets attacking him, no it was even looking at them, but afraid of the fact that he was bleeding. I decided that the best course of action was to try and help him.

"Are you OK?" I questioned, taking another step towards him. He gave no acknowledgment of me, instead letting out a wail of anguish.

"Why is this happening to me, '' he yelled at the sky. "Zeus, send me back!" At this I took a step back. I was tempted to just leave him in the alleyway, but I threw away the idea the second it came into being, a rush of shame coming with a thought.

Aunt May would be disappointed. Aunt May would do everything in her power to help this man, so I strengthened my resolve and stepped back to the man.

"Do you need help with anything?" At this he finally turned towards me, his anguish expression lessening a little as his eyes fell upon me.

"You must be my servant," the man said with no hint of hesitation, and once again I considered the idea that this man might be crazy. "It's the least Zeus could do, after all he put me in this dreadful form in the first place. Can you believe this!" The last part was directed at me and I froze on the spot, not knowing what to say.

"How unfair of him?" I answered hesitantly, and right after I spoke the words I could hear the faint rumble of thunder in the distance. The man's expression brightened a bit, and he picked himself off the ground, wincing as he put pressure on one of his feet. I wanted to help him, but was afraid that he might start fighting me, or worse bring back the anguish face.

Think of May, I thought, scolding myself. I took another step forward, but stopped and the man turned to me with a bright smile across his face.

"Walk me to Percy Jackson's house," he said as if it was the most generous thing in the world. I was taken aback, his shift of mood surprised me. The next words coming unbidden from my mouth as I said,

"Of course."

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