🐾 - part 1: Arc de triomphe 🐞

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Zoe missed her dad. She didn't regret leaving New York--people were awful to her there--but she longed to see him again. Here in Paris, she had a mother who didn't pay her any mind, and a sister who wanted her gone. At least her stepfather, mayor Bourgeois, was nice. She could speak with him if she felt lonely. But it wasn't the same. Back in New York, Zoe always knew her dad could take care of her. And even though he was sad to say goodbye, he knew putting her on a plane to Paris was what was best for her. She could start over in a new place, far away from those bullies at her old school. She could make new friends. And even if her family wasn't exactly what she wanted it to be, at least her life in Paris was looking up.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She slipped it out and sat up in her bed, reading the text from Marinette. Speaking of new friends. The blue-haired girl was the first friend Zoe made in Paris, and Zoe felt an instant connection between them. They even had the meet-cute that every swoon-worthy romcom had. But Zoe couldn't tell if the other girl felt the same. She seemed to be crushing on a boy in her class, and she had only recently broken up with Luka, who Zoe met at the barge. She didn't even know if Marinette liked girls. Zoe could only hope.

Marinette: << Hey zoé! Do you wanna head to get ice cream with Alya , Nino and I? They wanted to go together , and it would be weird going to Andre's by myself , so i thought i'd ask you ahaha :) >>

Zoe's heart pounded as she processed the words lighting up on the little screen in front of her. Go to Andre's? With Marinette? Zoe was still learning a lot about Paris, but from what she understood, Andre's ice cream was supposed to be romantic. It's called sweethearts ice cream for a reason. But Zoe remembered seeing several friends go to get ice cream together, like Alix and Max, who certainly weren't romantically involved. Zoe's heart slowed and her face cooled. She hadn't even realized she'd been blushing. But there was nothing to worry about. Marinette surely just wanted to go as friends, and she was nice enough to think of Zoe. Zoe smiled at the girls thoughtfulness as she typed out a reply.

Zoe: << Sounds awesome! Send me the address? >>

Marinette's reply came in less than a second, and Zoe giggled. After texting with Marinette for several weeks, she knew the girl's texting habits. She either replied right away or took several days. Zoe was happy it was the former, or else she might be looking around Paris looking for Andre and his ice cream cart.

Zoe slipped her hat and shoes on before sliding out the door of her suite at the le grand paris hotel. She took the service elevator to avoid her sister Chloe, who still couldn't bear the sight of her. Besides, Chloe wouldn't like it if she knew Zoe was going to see Marinette, who for some reason couldn't avoid Chloe's wrath. Indeed, better that Zoe avoid her for the time being.

Zoe hopped in a taxi to get to the Arc de Triomphe, right around the place Marinette said Andre was. She could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand up as the car got closer and closer to Marinette. Her stomach fluttered with excitement at seeing the cutest girl she's ever met. At every glimpse of dark blue hair she got, she wanted to jump out of the car and run. But it wasn't Marinette, and Zoe knew there was nothing to be excited about. Seeing Marinette was always fun, but nothing was going to be different this time. Zoe always got herself so excited before seeing the other girl, expecting something to shift between them. But nothing ever happened. She just had to accept the fact that her little crush wasn't reciprocated.

"Here you are, Miss Zoe," the cab driver said. Zoe looked out the window to the famous monument, but didn't see Andre the ice cream man or Marinette. She figured they were probably on the other side, and hopped out of the car.

Zoe got the shivers as she thought about seeing Marinette--the good kind. She hoped she would be able to spend more time with the nice girl after getting ice cream. Her family back at the hotel wouldn't miss her, but Marinette might not want to spend that much time with Zoe. No one in New York did, even when she was playing a part. It seemed no matter who she was, people didn't care for her. Though Marinette was different. She liked Zoe for who she was.

But when she crossed to the other side of the Arc de Triomphe, Marinette wasn't there. Zoe stopped in the middle of the road, stumped, and someone ran into her back.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't realize anyone was behind me." She turned around to see the boy that always sat next to her in class, Marc.

"Oh, Marc," she said, surprised to see the black haired boy here. "Hi it's good to see you." She smiled at him, and he returned the expression, albeit shyly.

"Hi Zoe. Marinette asked me to give this to you." He held out a piece of pink paper with beautiful handwriting on it, and Zoe took it.

"Thanks," she said. "But where is Marinette? I was supposed to meet her here for ice cream, but I can't find her anywhere."

"Oh, I can't tell you that," Marc said, flicking his wrist dismissively. He giggled, putting a manicured hand to his lips. "But I can tell you to read that note. See you soon!"

"See me soon?" Zoe asked, but Marc was already walking away, gesturing for her to read the note in her hand.

and so zoé read:

<< Hey Zoe,
Did you know that a plane flew under the Arc de Triomphe? Crazy right? There's so much in Paris you haven't seen, and I am so excited for you to see them today, on this special quest! Yes, today you will see all the most amazing sights in Paris. Only the best of the best, with the Marinette stamp of approval! Here's your first clue: In the biggest square in all the city, there it stands, white and pretty! (Yes, these will all rhyme). To help you get to your next location. I've arranged for a special friend to take you there. ;)
Have fun,
- from Marinette <3 >>

Zoe stared at the note in awe. Marinette set all this up for her? That girl truly was amazing. Still, she couldn't disguise the bitter taste of disappointment on her tongue. She was hoping to spend time with Marinette today, but it seemed she would be doing this scavenger hunt on her own.

Well, not completely alone, she figured. The note Marinette left said there was a "special friend" to take her from place to place? But who did Marinette know that could take her all over the city.

"Hi, Zoe, right?" A voice said. Zoe could almost recognize it, but it was like something was stopping her from placing who the voice belonged to. So she was shocked to turn around to see Ladybug standing there waiting for her.

"Ladybug?" Zoe gasped. Didn't a super heroine have more important things to do than see one 14-year-old girl around the city? But Ladybug didn't seem bothered. In fact, it was quite the opposite. The mysterious yet familiar girl was grinning eagerly, as if she couldn't wait to show Zoe around the city.

"Your friend--Marinette, was it?-- approached me while I was on patrol and asked if I could help her with this quest she has planned for you. And since I owe a lot to a particular yellow heroine," she winked, "I thought I could be of assistance."

Zoe blinked. "That's nice of you," Zoe said, hesitant. "But it's really not necessary. I'm sure you have many super hero things you need to be doing."

Ladybug shook her head, her blue eyes sparkling in amusement. "Not today. It's just you and me. Though, if there is an akuma attack, I'll have to hide you somewhere safe. Assuming we don't need your help." She smirked, as if she was most definitely going to need Vesperia's help if there happened to be an akuma today.

"Well, alright," Zoe said. She looked back at the note. "'In the biggest square in all the city, there it stands, white and pretty!' Any ideas as to what that could be?"

Ladybug mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key.

Zoe sighed with a smile. She supposed her intriguing companion wouldn't be much help then.

"Well, I think the biggest square in Paris is the Place de Concorde, right?" Zoe asked. Ladybug nodded. "So we must be looking for something there!"

"Very good mademoiselle," Ladybug said, holding her hand out for Zoe. Nervously, she took it. "Now, let me take you there."

Ladybug took Zoe's hand and placed it firmly on her own shoulder. Zoe wrapped her other hand around Ladybug's waist, and the superhero held on to her in return. Zoe could feel her face heating from the proximity to another girl. Ladybug was so beautiful, in a way, she reminded Zoe of Marinette.

Without any warning, Ladybug propelled them up to a building. She swung Zoe around Paris, holding her close.

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