🐾 - part 3: The Louvre 🐞

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Zoe laughed against Ladybug's shoulder as the pair swung across the city towards the Louvre museum. She was scared at first, but now she saw zipping through the air with Ladybug as an adventure, just like moving to Paris. A risk, but one for the better. Maybe Marinette knew that when she asked Ladybug to show Zoe around.

"Alright?" Ladybug said into her ear. The wind nearly drowned at her voice, but Zoe heard. The hot breath against her ear made her shudder.

"I'm fine," Zoe said back. "This is fun."

Ladybug smiled at her as they landed in front of the Louvre museum. Zoe's feet were comforted by the ground, and the sound of wind was replaced with the many conspiring voices gathered around her. A flash caught her eye, and she turned her head to see one particularly geeky young man snapping a picture of them on his cellphone.

"No pictures please, Jalil," Ladybug said, exhibiting the utmost confidence despite being confronted by a crowd of people. "This is a private affair between Zoe and I." She winked, and the people started whispering amongst themselves again. Zoe could only blush and hope they weren't thinking anything untowards.

Ladybug linked their hands together and led Zoe to the museum entrance. Zoe hadn't seen it so upclose yet, so she watched the pyramid with scrutiny. Its architecture held up a sense of great significance, just like the Empire State Building back home. The walls were clear, so she could see inside the museum. She had always wondered why it was built that way, and how it worked at all, since the walls with the painting should be blocking the glass.

"I think you'll really like it here," Ladybug said as they headed inside. The policemen nodded at the two of them, as if they were expected. Zoe wondered how far Marinette went just for her. "It's the most visited Museum in the world, so foreigners seem to really like it. Especially Americans."

"Oh, yes, my dad mentioned how beautiful it was, you know. Beyonce and Jay Z actually made a music video here," Zoe mentioned.

Ladybug tilted her head. "Who?"

"They're American musicians," Zoe explained. It was strange, being in France. The kids here talked about different things than she did, watched different movies, and listened to different music. Zoe thought everyone knew who Beyonce was. The only person that did know was Luka.

"Well, I'm glad you get to see it."

Zoe nodded, then quirked her eyebrows in confusion as she looked around her. It was very beautiful, but it didn't look like a museum. It didn't look anything like the Apesh*t music video.

"Where's all the art?" She asked. Ladybug chuckled.

"The pyramid is just the entrance," Ladybug explained. "The whole museum couldn't fit in here."

Zoe scratched the back of her neck, embarrassed. "Oh, right."

"Don't worry about it," Ladybug said. She put her hand reassuringly on Zoe's shoulder. "If you knew everything about Paris already, I wouldn't have to show you around."

Zoe smiled. Ladybug really was a good person. Zoe followed her down the stairs into where the actual Louvre was.

"The art is really interesting," Zoe said as Ladybug led her around. "French art is really different than American art."

"Have you been to many art museums in America?" Ladybug asked.

Zoe shrugged. "My dad liked to take me to them when he had a free day to spend with me. I didn't even like art until he started taking me." Zoe looked over at Ladybug and blushed. "I don't know why I told you all that."

"People find me easy to talk to," Ladybug said. Zoe thought she was similar to Marinette in that way. Zoe had told her a lot about her dad, even though she didn't often talk about him. She even told Marinette about her mother and how awful she was to both her and Chloe. Maybe that was why Chloe had turned out so rotten. Zoe was worried she would turn out rotten too.

A loud noise boomed above the museum, and Zoe flinched. Ladybug motioned for her to stay there, and she ran away to check out what was happening. Zoe anxiously tapped her toe against the floor. She absorbed the nervous energy emitting from the tourists around her, many of whom did not speak French.

Ladybug returned, hastily walking over to Zoe.

"Your sister has been akumatized again," Ladybug informed her. Zoe's face paled as her eyes widened. "Don't worry. It will be alright." She moved her attention away from Zoe and to the crows. "Listen up everyone, I need you to evacuate the area. There's an akuma alert and it isn't safe to stay here."

As the people began to move out, Zoe's vision started to blur. She didn't understand how this could have happened again.

"I don't understand," she whispered, her voice hoarse. The alarms blared over her, drowning out her voice. "I gave her the charm. I thought she would be protected."

Ladybug turned back to face her. She put both her hands on Zoe's shoulders, looking in her eyes deeply.

"It turns out ShadowMoth can make more powerful akumas to break through the barriers I create. I'm so sorry, Zoe."

Zoe sniffed loudly, preventing herself from crying. She was an actress. She knew when to cry and when not to. Now was not one of those times.

"What can I do to help?" She said, determined.

"I'm so glad you asked," Ladybug said, smiling. She pulled out her yoyo and put her hand into the chasm it created. She pulled out the bee miraculous, and Zoe's heart lifted. Ladybug thought she could help.

"Zoe Lee," Ladybug said. "This is the bee miraculous, which grants you the power to immobilize your opponent." She placed the bee comb in Zoe's hand, the cool metal pressed against her skin. "You will use it for the greater good. When we are done, you will return the miraculous to me."

Unlike the previous times, Zoe didn't protest that she wasn't strong enough, or that Chloe would hate her. Sometimes, she learned, you had to do hard things in order to protect the people you cared about.

"I can do it, Ladybug," Zoe assured her. She put the comb into her hair, and Pollen sprung to life.

"Hello, my queen," she said in her sweet little voice Zoe had come to adore.

"Please don't call me a queen," Zoe said politely. "I'm not in charge of you, Pollen, you're my friend."

Pollen looked surprised, but then smiled and buzzed around Zoe's face.

"Very well my quee--," she stopped herself. "I mean, Zoe."

"That's more like it," Zoe said. She wasn't like her sister. She was going to use her power to help Ladybug and protect Paris. She was no tyrant, she was a hero of the people.

"Ready?" Ladybug asked. Zoe nodded.

"As I'll ever be."
She took a deep breath and looked at Pollen, who nodded at her reassuringly. She smiled, more confident than ever.

"Pollen, buzz on!"

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