Chapter 20 -The Questions

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As we neared the summit of Pine Cobble Mountain, the trail leveled out and the cobbles became more prominent. Large grey undulating layers of quartzite sparkled in the morning sun, among the scattered Pitch Pines.

It was nine in the morning when we reached the top. Peter held my hand and drew me forward leading me to the flat promontory that faced the most incredible view I'd ever seen.

Both breathing hard from exertion, we just stood and took in the expansive view. The cool morning sunshine warmed the rocks and my face. I held on tight to Peter's hand and he squeezed it twice, the contractions felt straight in my chest. Sighing, I leaned in close and nested my head against the shoulder of his jacket.

In the nearness of each other we just stood there, looking out over the vista below.

"I've read that on a clear day, you can see all the way to Maine, if you know what you're looking for."

He pointed off into the distance. Then he twisted slightly, turning me with him, and waved off in the different direction.

"Also read that if you follow off that way, this trail connects with the Appalachian Trail. Hard to believe it continues this far north!"

Just then a loud gurgle bubbled up from inside Peter's coat, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Okay Peter, you've tortured both of us long enough... what's for breakfast?"

He pulled me to the flattest cobble and took my pack off my back aligning it with his on the ground. Inside he pulled out a tightly rolled fleece blanket, that he flipped over the rock for us to sit on. Then pulled a large brown bag, with tantalizing grease spots starting to form on the outside and tucked it between us.

"You know Eileen from Sunshine right? Well she hooked me up this morning!"

He started laying out the interior bags, and two massively wrapped foil packages.

"Eileen's the one with the flaky ex and adorable six year old, right? She's really nice. Ginny has her in night classes sometimes."

"Yeah, I told her what we were doing this morning, and that I wanted something breakfast-ey, but portable. She made these up for me. Hash browns, eggs, bacon and cheese, all wrapped up like a burrito! She's gonna tell Ed, and see if he wants to put them on the menu!"

I had already unwrapped mine and was gnawing on it like a raccoon. "Ohguuhth thish ishf aantashh-ick, the whooolfhhing ish sho goooddf!

Peter was staring at me, round eyed. Sheepishly, I swallowed, wiped the egg from my chin, took a breath, and much more clearly said, "thank you for breakfast, Peter... it's really great!"

He laughed like he had seen my butterflies again. His whole body shook, but I couldn't help but smile with him. I smacked his arm just out of sheer principle.  Finally he unhooked a big Stanley thermos that had been tied by a carabiner to my pack and poured me a steaming cup of cocoa.

"Take a breath JJ. I promise your burrito won't run away!"

"Shut UP, doofus!"

"You know I'm beginning to be offended by all these American slurs you keep hurling my way."

I hesitated, in a way he was right. I hated the names my parents would call each other. They left scars not just on each other, but on me too. And when schoolmates would say hurtful things. they stuck, it wasn't right. I didn't want to become them. I ducked my head in shame.

"You're right, I'll try not to do it anymore...I shouldn't call you names."

Peter stopped mid-bite, cheeks packed like a hamster and looked at me thoughtfully. He swallowed and nudged my shoulder, making me sway a little.

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