Chapter 33 - The Journey

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May 22nd, 2004

It was three weeks and two days later that Janey found herself with Peter in the rented Renault outside Edinburgh. The small four-door hatchback was almost as foreign as the countryside. But she was excited by the trip and what it meant for their renewed relationship.

With Mabel's words ringing in her ears, she had arranged for some unpaid leave and left a disgruntled but understanding Denise back at the Plain Dealer.

Peter had seemed different when she saw him that same day. He was happy, lighter somehow and incredibly affectionate.  He hugged her like she might disappear, and kept looking at her, smiling. She didn't know what it was, but enjoyed seeing him without the darkness that always lurked above his shoulders.

It was a welcome relief. But she could tell something was changed. A pattern had been broken, and she could sense he was walking unfamiliar ground as well. At certain times it was disconcerting, but she didn't mind the difference.

"You lagged at all?" Peter asked as she looked quietly at the city and scenery passing by the car window. She wasn't as uncomfortable as she thought she would be riding in what should have been the driver's seat.

"Possibly, but I'm just so happy to be here. I can't feel it right now." She looked over and smiled at Peter. Reaching out she rested her hand on his forearm. "I'm sure you are tired, too. Neither of us slept on the flight over." Janey mused how conversation was effortless between them. Everything from art, to cooking, family, history and humor. It all rolled together into hours of banter back and forth. It felt like they had never been apart.

"We can stay at Nanna's house tonight. I asked the caretakers to air out a suite and ready the kitchen with food and supplies.I hope you don't mind staying in...Haddington is the closest village and it's several miles away.

"Caretaker? Is this a big place, I don't think we ever discussed your nanna's place much, just that you lived there after the accident and that all she did was watch TV."

"Ah, Nanna was my dad's mum. The McDonaghs have a history here in Scotland and in Ireland too. There's some ancestry that has us connected to the royal lineage, so...umm..yeah. We've got an estate. The family estate, so to speak."

Janey faced him fully in the car. "What do you mean 'family estate'? Are we talking cottage, manor or castle, here?"

"Ummm... more like a stone manor type thing with a game reserve attached to it."

"Peter! Are you telling me that MAC, the famous artist, lived in a freakin' castle as a kid?! Where's my phone and notebook! I should have brought my camera. Denise is going to kill me!" Janey started rummaging through her backpack.

"Whoa JJ, ease up. I didn't bring you all the way here to show off." Peter laughed. but then became thoughtful. "I need to show you something. Something important. Something I think you'll want to see. I need you to see this. To understand it, and understand me." He reached for her hand, and intertwined his fingers with hers. "Please JJ, for me. Just for me... not for anyone else. At least not this time."

She stopped and looked at him as he drove with one hand on the wheel. The afternoon clouds had given way to a little sunshine and the damp roads were starting to dry.

Of course, Scotland had welcomed them from the plane with pouring rain and grey skies. But Peter wasn't phased by the weather.

"This is just liquid sunshine," he had said with a grin as he hauled her suitcase in the back of the car. His hair became curlier as it soaked up the downpour, while hers doubled in size and volume. Damp weather made her hair explode, and she tried to tame it with her hands with no success.

She dropped her backpack on the floor of the car, looked at him with a careful sense of trust and squeezed his hand. "Okay Peter, just for you this time."

He sighed with relief. "Thank you."

There was quiet for several more minutes and then Peter raised their joined hands. "There we are." He gestured toward a stone wall that ran along the road, and an upcoming wrought iron gate with a large wooden sign bolted to the low wall.

"McDonagh House. Really? This place has a name, instead of an address? Oh no, Peter, are you a prince or something?" She chuffed and giggled, placing a hand over her mouth.

"No, nothing quite so impressive as a prince." Peter grinned at her, slowed and pulled up beside a small black speaker box at the gate, and pushed a button. She heard a thick metallic brogue issue from the box. "Mister McDonagh, is that you?"

"Hello John, yes it's us. Could you open the gate?"

"Right so."

The big iron gate opened up to a long drive flanked by tall green trees. Janey gaped at the stately poplars. Craning her neck up to the window, she unabashedly left nose and finger prints on the glass as they drove up to the cul-de-sac in front of the massive stone house. She was speechless. Her Lake House was a small cottage in comparison, and it had six bedrooms.

Peter parked in front of the big oak doors, and got out going round to the boot and hefting the luggage out. From a side door, an older man in a canvas coat and Wellingtons came out and smiled at Peter. "Ahh Mister McDonagh, so good to see you sir."

Peter went over and gave the man a burly bear hug. "John, it's been too long. How's the old house holding up? You and the missus able to handle it on your own out here?"

"We're doing fine, sir. The kids come to visit every week for Sunday dinner and help a little bit, so that keeps us hoppin'. The house is sound except a few pains of age here and there." He stopped and looked at Janey.

"And who's this tidy lass?" He came over and grinned at her. She stepped forward and offered her hand.

"I'm Janey Cameron, a friend of Peter's."

He scoffed. "Friend, my arse... this Gowk ain't brought a lass here, ever. If you aren't more than a friend by now you should be.. I'm John Fraser, very pleased to meet you miss."

John came closer, ignored Janey's hand and squeezed her in a hug she wasn't prepared for, but kind of liked.

"Johnny! You put that girl down this instant."

John looked down at Janey, sheepishly smiled, and said with a shrug, "that's my missus."

"Ahh Peter, lad... come here." The woman Janey saw, was narrow, wiry with straight grey hair in a bun. she had kind grey eyes and rosy cheeks. She wore Wellies too, but they were purple with a flower pattern on them. Her loose cardigan, and dusty jeans made her look like she had either been at a garden bench or a baking table, and Janey was thrilled with either scenario.

She engulfed Peter in a hug, and pushed him back to look at him properly. She squinted her eyes and then unexpectedly raised her eyebrows.

"You look good, Peter! If it's due to her," she gestured to Janey, "You best be keepin' her 'round."

"Yes, Miri... that's what I'm hoping...if she'll have me. But first can you tell us where we're staying, in there? I need to show my girl something out in the park, and I want to do it before evening."

John let Janey go, and stepped over to his wife. "Miriam, didn't you make some of those lamb pies, Peter likes? Why don't we help them get settled and bring a plate over to keep warm."

"Where are my manners." The woman stepped over to Janey and offered a hand. Janey shook it, but Miri held on with both of her rough calloused ones. "I'm Miriam Fraser, the housekeeper here at McDonagh House. "That daft one that accosted you, is my husband. He's the caretaker and groundskeeper. We live here in the cottage. Keep the poachers out and the lawn mowed. We miss our young Mister, when he's off seein' the world...but he's a good lad. A man now, I think. We're awfully happy to meet you miss."

A slow smile spread across her face as Miri continued and when she was done, Janey reached over and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you for looking after him. You've been here a while haven't you?"

"Aye...we started as single helpers to the Old Missus, after her husband died. Then we married and have seen this wee boy grow from just a sprout. But you both come with us and we'll get you sorted."

Peter looked at Janey with a small smile and dutifully followed Miri into the house.

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