3. Phone Calls

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( Will's Pov:)

I had stormed off into my room after Johnathan told mom I got into a fight.
I just sat there and wondered why he did that.
We asked him not to tell mom. Why would he tell her?
He knows nothing about the situation.
It wasn't his place to tell her that.
It's not fair.

Why does nothing ever go my way?


I mean seriously it's like nobody even cares about how I feel?
But why would they. I don't deserve to be cared about. The only people who care anymore and El and Mike but that's only because they have too.

They're the only people who ever listen. Who ever even care to take a second look at me, ask me how my day was.

Everyone was looking for me when I disappeared but as soon as I got back everyone just ignored me.
Like they only wanted me when I was gone, I only mattered when I wasn't there.
But then as soon as I was nobody cared?

I should've just stayed missing.

Then everyone would care about me again, right?

I was so rapped up in my own thoughts I didn't even realize I had warm streams of tears spilling down my face falling and wetting my shirt.

Not until I heard a nock on my door followed by "Will? It's El.. can i come in please?"

I quickly wiped my tears away before responding

"Oh uh yeah come in.. Its unlocked."

She walked in shutting the door behind her and sat at the end of my bed.
"You okay?" she asked softly.
I just nodded.
"Good because I wanted to talk to you about something" she said
I felt my blood run cold.
Does she know about the phone calls?
Does she know about the painting?
Does she know I love him?
My brain immediately jumped to the worst conclusions. I just stared at her waiting for her to continue.

"Do you have a secret girlfriend or something you're not telling me about?" she paused for a second before letting out a small gasp "Is it that girl that sits next to you in history? I think she likes you!!"

I immediately let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding in.
But still i shot up from where i was laying on my bed.

A secret girlfriend? Where the fuck is she getting that from?? Maybe she does know about the phone calls.. just not who their with.  But how?

"What? A secret girlfriend?? No of course not what are you even talking about??" I said trying not to sound nervous.

"Well you come home and lock yourself in your room and paint for hours, the painting is it for a girl? Can i see it?" she asks.

The painting?
The one for Mike? She thinks it's for a girl??
What if she finds out?
Shit shit shit.

"What no! It's not for a- for a girl and no you see it." i said now definitely sounding nervous.

"If it's not for a girl then why can't i see it?" she asks sounding determined.

She can't see it. She thinks it's for someone I like. Thought she's technically not wrong.. She still can't see it. Because then she'll know it's for Mike and she'll know I like him and then they'll both hate me.

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