Dedicated to Eli,for making us Hansel and Gretel(and for being totally annoying)Sophia,For being the inspiration for the bipolar witch Andrew,For opposing the idea of a transgender witch and Anyone Else we forgot,For being awesome(or annoying).
Gretel and I would like to warn you before you read, we may touch on controversial topics to you or your loved ones. We have nothing against the following: Bipolarity, Transgenderity (Really?!), Homosexuality, or pretty much anything else we joke about (Such as religion!). So if you are one who is easily offended- like Gretel -you may not want to continue any further. This was written for our, and your, but mostly our, own entertainment. So I guess the saying "haters gonna hate" applies. Also if your name for some strange reason is used in this book, and you are disappointed with that's character's role. DEAL WITH IT! So without further ado, here is Hansel and Gretel: First Impressions.
Hansel and Gretel: First Impressions
AdventureA retelling of Hansel and Gretel; the way it REALLY happened!