Chapter 3 | Lucas Sinclair...

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(Lucas POV)

Who was that girl with fiery red hair and them beautiful crystal blue eyes..?

Another day living , another day hiding.

All my life I've been hiding from my problems.
All my life I've been hiding from myself.
All my life I've been lonely.
Maybe that can all change?

I don't know what this girls doing to me but when I saw her it was like I saw life in her eyes , like another life where we were both at the beach with our feet in sand and looking at the sky blue ocean...I don't know this feeling. I need this figure this out. I need to see that girl again..!
But then reality hits me , she's probably freaked out by me . You don't just meet someone in the woods and think "oh he's nice" no u think "who is this creep!". All my life I've been lonely and I don't think that will ever change. I remember when I didn't feel lonely , when I had a real family who loved me and gave me life and now there all dead because of this stupid racist world. They saw my family as criminals and murderers just because of our skin colour . When I was younger I never understood racism but then I remembered never fitting in every group just looked down on me like I was a less of a human being than them. I only had one best friend his name was Patrick we grew up together until some police officer beat him to death just because he matched the description of a black criminal and after that they ran up in my family home and shot my parents and my little sister because apparently they ran a gang which was stupid first of all my parents were hard workers and never got involved in drama and how would a 12 year old little girl run a gang it made not sense but it all just comes down to racism and ever since that day I hide in the woods scared and stay to myself accepting that I will never be loved and didn't deserve to be loved. But for the first time in a while when I saw that girl with the red hair I saw a life where I wasn't lonely and that I deserved to be loved. After awhile I fall asleep...

I wake up to a rude awakening when I hear people close so I hide in my treehouse scared. I peaked out the window slightly to see who it was and it was a surprise when I saw the same red hair girl with a group of other people. I kept thinking why is she here then I realised "f*ck" I mumbled . She's with that group to come find me and catch me and kill me just because I'm a 'negro'. As I peaked out my window again to see if they left I meet my eyes with her ocean eyes and she stared back at me smiling. I instantly ducked my head scared she might tell her group that I'm here than kill me. But I was relieved when I saw them all leave. I take a deep breath in and out and sit in silence for a while until I hear a voice say "Lucas"...

(Max POV)

I woke up to El shaking me aggressively
"Get up Maxine we have to go hunting!" I grunt "Go away!" I say throwing a pillow at her head.
"Max we need to leave in 10 minutes get up so u can get changed and ready to go hunting!" she says I respond with "ok ok ok" surrendering I start rubbing my fists against my eyes to wake up to todays adventure. I brush my teeth and I quickly take a shower so I don't stink. As I go out the front door I am greeted with the whole party saying "Finally!" I roll my eyes at them. "Ok are we going or not" I say grumpily "someone's in a mood" Dustin mumbles praying that I wouldn't hear him but I do so I turn around and smack him on the head "ow!" Dustin grunts "you deserved that for your little comment" I say justifying my action he responds with "fair enough but next time don't smack me that hard I think I have a migraine!" "I wouldn't be surprised if you already had one" Will says making everyone laugh.

"So what are we going hunting for?" I say asking the party. No one answers straight away because there to busy doing there little activity's Mike kissing El and Dustin throwing rocks but will responds with "animals we need food for tonight and we have zero snacks in our cabin" I nod .

Me and party start walking through the woods...the same woods I saw that boy. "What animals are out here?" I say asking El she responds with "bears,rabbits and I don't really know what other animals are out here" I nod saying "I don't get how some people can live in the woods , I think there crazy" "what about that boy" she grins "what about him?" "Doesn't he live in the woods?" "I guess so I only spoke to him for two minutes" she responds with "yeah because you were staring in his eyes for 5 minutes" I blush she laughs at me "do I ever tell how much I can hate you sometimes" "yeah but I don't care because you luvvvvvv meeeee" she says hugging me like a little kid "get offfff me" I say giggling at her actions. As we get deeper into the woods I see a rabbit but i guess El didn't notice as she kept rambling on how Mike treats her so good so I smack her on the arm to get her attention "shush look there's a rabbit right there" I say pointing at it "oh sh*t" she says "we have to come up with a plan to catch it" I say looking at her she looks back at me and says "I'll distract it and u go behind it and pick it up" "not the brightest plan you've had El" I look at her plainly she looks and says "we'll have you got another plan?" "Yeah I do actually I have a bow and arrow and I shoot it" I say "are u sure u won't miss" she says "I've got good aim just sit and watch" I sit up and take the bow off my back and pull the arrow back aiming at the rabbit and poof I hit it right in its back. "I told ya!" I said as I looked at her like I told you so because I did. "Yeah your aim is incredible" "I know" I say as I flick my hair back. We both start laughing until I notice something. It was a small window in tree with some beautiful brown eyes peeking out of it. It was him I offered him a smile. I must have got lost in his gaze as El says "Max , what are you staring at?" I respond "nothing just thought I saw something" I say she's flicks her eyebrows at me but before she can respond I take her hand and start heading back towards our cabin. As we got back to cabin I told her I saw him again and she said "you should go back and speak to him" I say "no way, he will think I'm a weirdo!" "Max , just go and see" I sigh giving in not wanting to argue with her. I start heading towards the forest where I saw that window in a tree. Where he was. As I was walking I see ladders behind a tree they were hidden good because they were blending it with the tree. I start heading up towards eager to see what was up here but as I get closer I hear someone breathe in and out like they were relieved. Then I saw him so I say "Lucas" and instantly his eyes dart up towards me in fear. I was shocked why was he so scared of me. "Lucas are you ok?" I say worried he doesn't respond just stares at me for a while until he says "if your going to kill me just do it now" I was shocked he looked so emotionless saying that. "What are you talking about" I say he quickly responds "I know you and your group were looking for me so please just get it over and done with I deserve to die" I felt so bad when he said that. He looked destroyed. "Me and my group weren't looking for you" I assure him "we were looking for food tonight I promise we were not looking for you, we'll at-least not them I was looking for you" he looks shocked when I say that last bit. To be honest I was shocked I admitted that to. "Why would you look for me?" He says . I respond with "because I can't stop thinking about you" I say feeling my cheeks burning once again as I look down in embarrassment. There was silence for a minute until he says "same" "huh" I respond with. "I can't stop thinking about you either" he said and i noticed he was blushing. "Blushing huh" I say teasing him "shut up, it's not like you weren't blushing either pretty girl" as he said that I feel my cheeks burning again and he laughs at me. God this boy is amazing. "What's your full name?" He asks me I says "Maxine mayfield also known as max" I say smiling at him. He offers me a smile back saying "I'm Lucas Sinclair" "I didn't ask" I say giggling "hmmm come here" he says chasing me around his treehouse. I fall over a stick on floor and he catches up to me and starts tickling me to death. I couldn't stop laughing my whole head was red. This was the best day of my life!

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