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After the hand shake finally stopped I saw a twinkle in minhos eye. he shook hands with Jorge. it was brief and he barley cared. he looked back at Brenda and flashed a smile. the second he did I heard a helicopter. newts hair flipped every witch way and his face was filled with confusion and worry. my hair soon obstructed my view for moments until I could brush it away with my hands. a berg landed with a heavy thump and released lots of solders that had guns. they started loading gladers onto the berg and I saw it. it made my eyes turn icy cold with hatred and my fists clench


On the back of every solders coat, the word stood out in large letters. It was sorta chaos with all the dust flying around and my confused fellow gladers. the helicopter had released only 2 ladders with solders On them. those 2 came rushing over to me and newt. "skylar, newt come with us NOW" one ordered raising his voice over the commotion. I kicked him in the shin. "newt please control her and trust us" the other said as he helped the one I kicked stand. newt didn't budge and held me firmly around the waist. "please you'll be safe trust us" the one said again and he held out the but of his gun to newt. newt reached out And wrapped his fingers around it. in one quick motion he fashioned in his belt and picked me up bridal style. i protested a little but I knew I could trust newt, with what ever choice he made for us. "I need skylar to come with me" one said.
"No" newt replied firmly and commanding.
"But-" the same one started.
"No" newt cut him off and still spoke demandingly.
Newt let my feet down and I wrapped my arms around his waist. he held me in one arm and grabbed the ladder in the other. he had one foot in a notch when and invisible current froze us and drug us up to the helicopter. I was terrified at first I couldn't move and I felt chlostrphobic. but I held to newt,like I had a choice, and waited until it finally dropped us into the cabin of the craft. the guards came up after us shortly and they told us that food and water was in a small compartment and a restroom was in the next room over, then left for the cockpit. me and newt each had a bag of chips and water. I eventually dosed off on newts shoulder.
I awoke with newt right beside me and his warm brown eyes made the hatred and icy feeling for wicked go to the side.
"Good morning angel" he said deeply and as if his voice was made of sugar. "morning" I said with a little smile. he leaned in to kiss me but after the 3rd I held him back. "were are we" I asked him, just now looking around. we were in a small room. Me and newt say on one small bed together. the room had two small beds on opposite sides of the room and a dresser. there was also another door that was half the way open that lead to what I saw was a bathroom. "in wicked, we got here just like, 30 minutes ago. I carried you in cause I didn't want to wake you." newt replied simply. I gave him a little smile as to say thanks. "were alone?" I asked him after a moment of comforting silence. "Yeah" he said with a small smirk on his face. With that I stood up and held out a hand for him to get up. I crawled under the covers of the bed and patted a spot beside me. he practically jumped in and we cuddled with an occasional kiss. we stay like that for a while, enjoying each other's presence and then a swift ,firm knock rattled our door. "come in" newt yelled nearly busting my ears. I cringed at the yell but the door swong cautiously open. the person that came in was janson. he glared a disapproving look at us but we didn't move.
"There's 2 separate beds for a reason" he said with barley any emotion except annoyance. "yeah" newt said, though not sounding ashamed but not sounding annoyed or demanding. "thank you for knocking," I said quickly covering newts response "such manners come few and far between with the gladers" I said.
"Yes I believe that. just the simplicity of it and they still don't attempt" janson said sounding very sophisticated. I just noticed he carried 2 garment sleeves with something under both. Newt and I had just now sat up on the bed thought newt still had an arm around me. Janson walked over to the empty bed and talked while he did so. "in celebration of the wonderful successful trials we, as wicked, will be holding a ball for the subjects" he laid the garment bags on the bed and unzipped them. "here's the attire" he said and I saw the glimmering, gorgeous outfits he had laid down. me and newt both rushed over to them, like kids running to a play ground and awed in amazement. my dress was sky blue. oh the irony. it was in a tank fashion and came just short of knee length. it was decorated in all kinds of jewels and embellishments that correlated perfectly with my life.

She said we're special (maze runner fan fiction|newt)Where stories live. Discover now