The clones more less

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We all finally got the gist of understanding what was going on and they told us that they couldn't find the Teresa of they're group. We also checked them for tattoos. they had them but they were a little different. for example the Minho copy's said

Property of wicked
Group A
Subject a-7
The leader

The differences were one said group a and one said group c. the copy's newts was more different all it said on it was

The glue

And that was it. we all were in shock and all of a sudden I'd never seen so many boy tears. chuck walked in and the copy Thomas started bawling. "chuck?! Your the copy and your alive too" Thomas copy whiled. He hugged chuck. Minho quickly explained to chuck the situation and then Teresa came in. jezz the water works continued "terisa or the copy" Thomas questioned and Minho had to explain to her what was going on too.

I was finally able to get my newt back to our original room. even though I hadn't let go of him trough it all I still stood on my tiptoes and checked his tattoo. after we settled down on the carpet with newts arm around my shoulders and my legs crossed over his we startled talking.
"So, clones huh, weird right" I started
"Very weird" newt replied so britishly. (I don't care if it's not a word)
"I'll have to find an easier way to tell you apart, I most deffenatly don't want to end up with the wrong newt"
"Yeah" he replied distantly.
I nudged him with my shoulder and looked at him worried. he snapped out of his trance and tryed to brush away the moment.
"Sorry, it nothing ,continue"
"Newt it's something and you know you can tell me anything"
"Yeah I know, it's just that I feal like.." he trailed off and I have him an anxious look that told him to continue. "I feal like something big and very bad is going to happen"
"Like what newt?" I asked with genuine concern.
"Something that may effect our lives and those around us " he said and I wasn't really sure how to answer him. we eventually took a nap cuddled together on a bed. even if it was mid day newts comfort drew me to sleep.
Newts pov
I looked down at sky while she slept and saw perfection. her light wavy brown hair cascaded around her head and even though her breath taking blue eyes weren't present I looked and smilied at the adorable sight of the sleeping love of my life, and I knew right then and there and forever that that my love for her would never change.


I eventually dosed off with my arms around her and our fingers still inter-twined. And I thought to my self 'I don't care what happens as long as we face it together'

Skylars pov

I awoke a few hours later to the door slowly creaking open. I quess we hadn't locked it before our nap. I could feel newt slowly breathing in and out at a steady pace and I figured he was still asleep. He still have has arms around me but I gently shifted to look at the door.


Was slowly creeping in like he was trying his hardest not to wake us.
"What are you doing" I asked quietly and calmly.
"I- uhm" he shuddered, "just checking on the happy couple" he said like he was trying to hide something
"Umm-huh" I said disapprovingly and I shifted back to cuddle with newt. "were fine go away" I said not even caring to look at him. "well now that your awake" Minho began rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor. "..can we talk..alone"
"What could it be that you can't say right hear" I asked getting the slightest bit annoyed.
"It's personal" he said
"Newts asleep talk"
"What if he wakes up and doesn't show it and hears anyway" Minho said worried.
"But I don't wanna get up" I whined
"Please sky" he whined back.
"Ugh"I growled in aggravation. and lightly un-laced me and newts fingers and took his arm off of me. I uncovered and stood up and recovered newt. I gave him kiss in the forehead before walking hastily towards Minho, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room.
"Oh boy, your boyfriends grumpiness has worn of on you" Minho said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and kept walking until I found a room alone and locked the door.
"Talk" I commanded.
"Well.." He started looking at the floor
"Say you get tired of newt or something and you want another boyfriend, you think you might wanna date.." he took a step twords me, "" he finished now standing directly In front of me holding my hand and putting his hand on my back. I cringed at the touch of him now. "I though you were just my shoulder to cry on if newt wasn't there or like a sibling shared love" I said looking hurt and trying to back away.
"" he said still holding me like before. "can't our love be more" he asked passionately. "never" I say with ice cold anger filling my eyes and reliseing his hand and trying to move the one on my back.
"oh come on sky" he said the hand on my back pulling me closer to him.
"No, let me go now and I'll pretend this never happened but don't and I scream"
In a swift action he tried to pull me in to kiss him and I slapped him away and emitted a bloody murder glass shattering scream. at that moment the door busted down reviling my night in shinning armor with alby and Thomas behind him. newt stormed the room and punched Minho In The face and grabbed me from him and carried me bride style away from him twords the door. he stopped at it and I could see Thomas and alby getting Minho by the arms and pushing him down on a bunk.
Newt carried me out the door and back to our dorm room and sat down on a bed. he put me in his lap and looked up to me and commanded "talk"
It told him everything "Minho came in the room with you asleep and asked to talk in private. We went to that dorm and he was dead set on only me hearing and not knowing what was gonna happen I locked the door. he said if I got tired of being your girlfriend that I could be his and he tried to pull me close and kiss me and so screamed"I finished and look a long breath as that had been a mouth full. he now looked at me with compassion "poor baby" he said and held me close and took a long pause. "your like a little puppy, ya know" he said with some happiness "your so loyal" he said now smiling. and he hugged me. And I held his cheek and kissed him "Yeah" i said back. "ily" he said

That sound when you finish a hardcover book and close the back cover and you feel like you just completed something amazing.

I finished the fault in our stars yesterday.

Any way.. Sort of a really twisted chapter but I hopped yall liked it. Vote ,comment it's all appreciated. Plz n Tnks

Also Tnks for da 500 views!!!

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