20. The Black Jade ring

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Author's POV

''Oh, it got late. Time flew by chatting with you. I'll take my leave now.'' Yuri said looking at her watch. She got up and Y/n walked with her outside to the street.
''So, how are you going home ? Im going somewhere so if you don't mind I can drop you.'' Y/n said.
''Oh, actually---'' Before Yuri could speak she gets interrupted by a car honking.

''Oh, actually---'' Before Yuri could speak she gets interrupted by a car honking

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Lee rang Of course.

''Yeah, lee rang-nim was gonna take me home.'' Yuri completed.
Lee rang walks out of his car towards the two ladies. And whispers a small 'hello' to y/n which she greets back.

''Good thing you came lee rang-nim. I didn't wanted to trouble y/n-ssi to drop me home.'' She stated the end exchanging glances with lee rang as if she was trying to tell him something.
''Aniya, what trouble. Im on my way to somewhere anyways, so I would have dropped you home.''
Lee rang understood what Yuri was trying to convey.
''You were going somewhere too ?'' He spoke.
''Yeah, my colleagues mom's funeral.''

Lee rang POV

''A funeral house this late at night ?'' There's a hundred percent chance that Y/n is talking about the same colleague that works with Ji ah. Its good that Yuri hinted me about it. I have work to do there and I cant let y/n to the danger. But given who she is, she won't listen me and will go anyways.
''I don't mean to intervene but im just worried because of what happened the last time...'' I cant let y/n feel like im controlling her or something.
''Oh yeah. Well, but I have to go.'' Knew she would say so.
''One second, I should have given it to you long back. Yuri can you get the box from the car ?'' I'll do everything to keep you safe. If I cant stop you I should atleast do something to protect you.

Yuri instantly went and came back with a black velvet box. I opened it and handed a black Jade ring to y/n.

 I opened it and handed a black Jade ring to y/n

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''A ring ?'' Y/n asked.
''Its a black jade. It is a guardian stone, it will act as an energetic protection against negative energies as well as intrusion by psychic entities. It will protect you.'' I say putting the ring on y/n's finger.
''Thank you.''
''Keep it with you at all times. Don't lose it.''
''I will.''

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