39. I forgive you

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Author's POV
Next noon,

''Don't get up. You're gonna stress your muscles that way.'' Y/n told Rang firmly, as he sat on the couch in the living room, suddenly taking her hand in his, while she looked at the pair of deep eyes looking at her softly.
''If you act so recklessly about your health then I'll stay at home and look after you. Should I ?'' Y/n said a less firm than before.
''No. I don't wanna be a hindrance. You have work so you should go. Dont worry about me. I'll be fine alone.'' Rang said pouting.
''Who said you're alone ?''

''Y/n-ssi ! Lee rang-nim !'' Yuri exclaimed walking towards the couple.
''Yuri ?''
''Of course. Did you think I would leave you alone while you're in this state ?'' Y/n said looking at Rang.
''Never. Y/n-ssi cares too much about you to do that.'' Yuri said beaming at Rang.
''Don't worry about anything y/n-ssi. I'll take care of him.'' She said giving a big smile to y/n.
''I knew I could count on you.'' Y/n said patting Yuri's shoulder while Rang slammed his head with his hand imaginably.
''Take care both of you. I'll be back.'' Y/n said waving and exiting the room.

''So, lee rang-nim, y/n-ssi says you're in a really bad condition. She was worried sick but to me it seems you're pretty fine, judging on how instantly you got up after she left.''
''Yuri, why are you here ?''
''Ah, about that, Im really sorry lee rang-nim. I know you wanted to make y/n-ssi stay back but she asked me if I could come over and I couldn't say no.''
''No, it's fine. My plan actually backfired. She was staying back at first but then I was the one who went overboard and made her believe that I could handle it alone and pushed her to go to work.''
''Lee rang-nim, why would you do that ?''
''I know, this is my first time too Yuri.''

''Anyway, there's this really boiling question in my mind which had me excited all the way to here---''
''Dont. Ask. That.'' Rang said looking Yuri straight in the eye.
''Ask what ?''
''I know what you're gonna ask about.''
''Then you know me very well Lee rang-nim. So, what happened last night ? Tell me everything.''
''Cmon, don't be shy. Did you guys kiss again ?'' Yuri said making Rang's cheeks flush red.
''Seeing how you aren't saying anything and turning all red like a tomato, I guess you did.''

''Yuri dear, what have you been eating ? Or are you hanging around with the wrong people ? What's gotten into you, you never behaved like this before.'' Rang said trying to control the blush that covered his cheeks.
''We didn't had y/n-ssi before Lee rang-nim.''
''I guess she did really change the atmosphere in this house.'' Rang said giving a short chuckle when someones phone buzzed.

''It's your phone.'' Yuri said confidently.
''No, its yours.'' Rang said with even more surety.
''I said it's---'' They both checked to see both of their phones ringing.
''At least we weren't wrong.'' Yuri said giving a nervous smile as she sprinted off from the living room to receive the call.
''Who's calling her to make her excitedly run away ?'' Rang wondered as he looked at his phones screen. (Guess you guys know who 😉)
Unexpected but awaited, it was Yeon. It had always been for a different reason whenever they called each other in the past. But now everything had changed. It's all back to how it used to be, good old times.

Slightly smiling, Rang picks up the call.

''How are you doing now ? I hope the fever has subsided.'' Yeon asked from the other end.
''Did Shin ju tell you ?'' Rang asked as Yeon hummed in reply.
''How's y/n ?''
''She's good. Actually I....'' Rang stopped as he was contemplating whether he should say what he was going to say.
''Go on. It's unlike you to think twice before speaking.''
''It's about y/n.'' Rang went on telling him something with his serious face pulled on. After a long conversation about her and a lot of other stuff,

 After a long conversation about her and a lot of other stuff,

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