67. The end ?

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Author's POV

Y/n stayed kneeling on the ground. The unbearable pain in her body was taking her down, and Rang too.
She groaned and whimpered as the Gumiho tried to calm her down but nothing could work.

''Rang, the...... sword.'' Y/n whispered weakly on the verge of fainting or worse, dying.
''Y/n, I cant.....'' Rang cried. He couldn't but even he knew that he had no other choice. He cursed the fate for putting them in this situation. More to say, he even cursed himself for ever meeting y/n. This was all because of his selfishness, he thought.

He snapped back to reality when y/n coughed blood. His soul struck horror.
''Hold on y/n. A few seconds more and i'll have you all to me.'' The imoogi said with a smug smile.
Rang's blood boiled as he sprang up and charged towards the Imoogi with his sword. But the Imoogi was too quick to dodge it and punch the sword away making it slide away on the floor.

 But the Imoogi was too quick to dodge it and punch the sword away making it slide away on the floor

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Now Rang was defenseless. But that didnt stop him. He unsheathed the dagger from the folds of his clothes and striked towards the enemy. But the Imoogi's force led him to crash into the glass shelf, losing the dagger too now. The imoogi picked it up and stabbed the gumiho's thigh but Rang didnt let out a single sound of pain but gritted his teeth.
His sight was still fixed at y/n who now had fallen to the ground eyes threatening to fall shut.

Rang felt warm tears sliding from his eyes as he saw the Imoogi walk towards y/n as the girl struggled to finally stand up and walked towards the staircase.

Rang felt warm tears sliding from his eyes as he saw the Imoogi walk towards y/n as the girl struggled to finally stand up and walked towards the staircase

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''There's no way to escape y/n.'' The imoogi said as he too took steps towards y/n reaching the staircase.
''Im not a coward like you to runaway.'' Y/n spoke bravely as she saw Rang struggling to get up and walk towards the two.
''This is why I like you y/n. You never give up until the end. Just like me.'' The imoogi spoke walking closer to y/n caressing her face.

''No, we aren't like. You and me are different. Wanna know the big reveal ? Because you are gonna die.'' Y/n spoke disgusted of his touch.
''Saying all that is of no use because we are going to be together.''
''Dream on.'' Y/n muttered as she revealed the dagger she picked while getting up from the floor and stabbed herself with it.

''No !'' Rang yelled catching yeon's attention who was still dealing with Yuri. Y/n just passed him a weak smile as he ran towards her.

''Y/n, why did you.....'' Rang weeped supporting her to stand on her feet that would give up any second.
''Im sorry, I am too cruel to ask this of you Rang.'' She muttered as blood dripped down the corner of her mouth while her clothes were soaked scarlet.
A loud groan from the imoogi made the two look in his direction who was now weak. The Imoogi was leaving y/n's body and entering his making his legs give up and fall on his knees.
The crucial time when the imoogi is helpless and vulnerable was now.

''Rang !'' Yeon yelled as he finally took care of Yuri and sprinted towards them.
''This is when we strike at him and end him forever.'' Yeon instructed the other two as he swung his sword in the air ready to attack the Imoogi.

And the final battle began. The imoogi and Yeon were in an intense fight while Rang panicked as y/n needed to be saved.
''Hold on y/n please. It will be over.'' Rang begged her with desperation in his voice as his gaze shifted towards his brother who was warring the Imoogi. But it seemed that the snake overpowered the Gumiho as he gave Yeon a heavy blow.

''Rang, go help Yeon.'' Y/n managed to blurt out in pain.
''Y/n you---''
''Ill be fine Rang. Don't worry about me.'' Y/n assured Rang as he nodded still a bit reluctant and walked towards the two.

''Rang, we can't turn the Imoogi to stone because granny...'' Yeon stopped mid sentence giving Rang the look.
''We need to do something so that there's no way for him to ever come back.'' Rang told Yeon as he gestured behind him. The brother telepathy worked as Yeon nodded in understanding.

''I feel bad about you, you know. Even after pulling so many strings and doing what not, you couldn't achieve what you wanted. You've lost Imoogi.'' Rang provoked the Imoogi.
''I won't when I kill you two.'' The Imoogi raged and that was his biggest mistake, charging without any defense. Rang pierced the sharp blade through the Imoogi's now frail body unleashing all the anger, rage, sadness inside him that was bottled up all along.

The Imoogi's feet wobbled as his sight weakened but it was not enough to kill him. That's when Yeon grabbed his collar and turned him around stabbing him again, while the doors of Samdo river opened behind the Imoogi.

''Hope to never see you again.'' The Gumiho muttered venomously as he pushed the snake in the Samdo river.
''It's finally over.'' Yeon let a sigh of relief.
''Good job bedwetter.'' Yeon patted Rang's shoulder as the younger let out a light chuckle which soon faded.
''Y/n.'' Rang remembered as he looked behind at her frail body which was lying on the floor.

The gumiho's ran towards the girl as Rang took her in her arms.
''Y/n, stay with me. Please y/n.'' Rang pleaded, holding her hand tight while tears streamed from his face.
''Rang......'' Y/n mumbled.
''Yes, y/n. It's over. We won. Everything is fine now.''
''Y/n ?'' No answer from y/n. The warmth from Rang's hand didn't reach her anymore. Her body was cold, her radiant face now pale. Her eyes fluttered close as darkness embraced her.


Thanks so much for 20k people ! I cannot express my happiness in words.
P.S. This is not the end, the next chapter will be up soon. Until then save your tears.

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