49. Why her ?

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Author's POV

''Yeon ! Y/n ! She's in danger.'' Ji ah panicked, shrieking so loud, her voice could be heard even by Rang who was standing beside Yeon.
''What ?'' Yeon exclaimed putting the phone on speaker so that Rang could hear what Ji ah was saying.
''What about y/n ? What happened to her ?'' Rang asked worried.

''The imoogi did something to me and I fell unconscious. When I woke up she was already gone. I called her & got to know she's on her way home...
The imoogi is with her. Yeon, she's not receiving my calls, I cant reach her. What if something happens to her....?''

Rang went pale after hearing Ji ah's words, his throat felt dry and he could feel his palms turning sweaty. His heart was beating like crazy. He felt a sharp pang in his heart. Just minutes ago he felt everything was getting back in place and now this. Without any word, Rang ran away from there with all the strength in him ignoring Yeon's continuous chants of his name.

His mind was narrating him possibilities. Bad possibilities. What if he doesnt get there in time ? What if he gets too late and everything's over ? Of everything, why now ? And of everyone, why her ? He felt doomed. Like his world came crashing down. He felt like he would lose his remaining sanity if anything happened to her--
No. There's no space for that. He has to protect her, he gave his word after all. He exists for her. Without y/n there's no Rang.

''Thank you so much, Terry.'' Y/n thanked giving a slight smile.
''No, im actually honoured. I've been a huge fan of yours since a long time.''
''I didnt know that.''
''I would've worked under you if I hadn't been a part of PD-nim's team.'' He buttered y/n not knowing that it doesnt affect her much.
''Well you're great at what you do. You could be placed in any team.''
''Thank you. Oh right, here.'' Imoogi said handing y/n a bottle of hangover juice.

''Hangover juice ? But im not drunk. I barely drank any.'' Y/n stated.
''Still, you might never know. You should never play with your health. Please, drink this now.''
''Now ?'' Y/n asked eyes widened and the imoogi nodded. Y/n awkwardly took a few sips of the drink and then closed the cap back.
''You're one demanding intern, Terry. You remind me of someone.'' Y/n said smiling when the Imoogi abruptly raised his hand, coming closer to her and started caressing y/n's hair lightly, making her freeze when Rang arrives there huffing his breath, only to see the heartbreaking sight.

He balled his fist tight, digging his nails in his palm until scarlet oozed out. He clenched his jaw as he furiously walked towards the two.

Y/n's vision suddenly drifted to the gumiho fastening his steps towards her and the guy with her. At first she didnt understand the look on his face but as soon as she realised her and the Imoogi's proximity, she slapped the Imoogi's hand away giving him a slightly questionable look as she took a step away from him.

''Oh sorry, there was something on your hair.'' The imoogi lied.
''Y/n.'' Rang spoke trying his best to stay calm cause he didn't wanted to speak to y/n like that.
''Rang, are you coming from somewhere ?'' Y/n asked to which Rang didnt reply because he was too immersed in giving the Imoogi a death stare.
''Oh right, he's terry. He's my colleague.'' Y/n tried her best to clear the tension in the air which clearly wasn't working.

''Y/n-ssi, do you have a boyfriend ?'' Imoogi asked giving a look to Rang.
''Yes. Infact, he's right here.'' Y/n said connecting her hands with Rang as she looked upto him smiling. And that was enough for Rang's anger to melt down. He now felt secure and confident because of y/n's move.

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