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Title: 'The Walls Of Jericho'
Pairing: Jackson Oz x Reader

Warnings: Swearing, almost fainting, and implied needle.

"And our best time to stop him, is inside the walls of Reiden Global." Is what I heard the voice of Jackson say, before I climbed down the stairs above the lab where he and Mitch are talking.
"Why do we need to go to Reiden?" I questioned, as I stepped down the last step, coming to a stop beside them. They both turned to look at me, when they heard my voice. Mitch looked between me and Jackson, before saying "ask him" pointing at Oz, then walking past me and up the stairs. I turned to look at Jackson, with raised eyebrows. "We're gonna try to stop Davies from using the gas." He said with a sigh, as he turned around to look back at the dissected mole on the table. " Ok sure, or do you have a different plan in mind because you seem distracted? Are you alright?" I asked. Me and Jackson met about a year ago before the 6 of us got together to try and and see what's happening to the animals, and find a cure to the mutation. I met him on a safari, he and Abe were hosting, where I almost fell out of the vehicle before he caught me, saving my life. We became great friends, me, Jackson and Abe. So great we became like family, well Abe's like a brother to me, but Jacksons..... different. There's been some tension between us since that day. We knew it was there for sometime, but lately we've been acting on it, being more caring towards eachother, always worried if something gonna happen to one of us and overly happy to see eachother even if separate d for a short period of time. "Hmmm, yea I'm fine and no I just hope we can find the cure before it's to late," he said turning to look at me in the eye. He had that look in his eye when he's lying to me, "really?" I said, stepping in front of him, getting close to his face. His eyes widen and heat creeped up his face. "Yea" he lied, looking at the stairs.

Jackson P.O.V

Y/N was a few inches from my face, making me feel warm inside, she was so close I can smell the coffee she drank probably minutes before coming down, "Yea" I lied. I couldn't tell her about the mutation effecting me, I couldn't lose her, especially just finding out....I love her. I finally have to do some about this tension, especially now that we have people and animals trying to kills us, I need to tell her before something happens to one of us. She lingered a second longer before backing away and looking towards the ground, "You know you can tell me anything right?" She whispered. She looked back up and tilted her head with a frown on her face, "I know you're not telling me something, I just don't know why" she said. I looked back at her, straight in her eyes, and for a second, just one second I thought I saw the defiant pupil. " I-" I my eyes widened, but when I blinked it was gone, Y/N looked at me weird, with both eyebrows rise. "Are you all right" she asked, snapping out of my daze. I shook my head before nodding, "yea just thought I saw something", I suddenly felt a headache. I closed my eyes and held my head before I fell back words towards the table, trying to grad hold with one hand, while still holding my head with the other. "JACKSON!" Y/N yelled, crouching beside me grabing hold of my shoulder and trying to help me up. "Are you alright?!? Whats happening?!?" She yelled worriedly. "I- UUGGH" I groaned closing my eyes holding my head. I heard running from someone coming down the stairs. "MITCH WHATS HAPPENING" Y/N shouted worriedly, "let me take a look" Mitch said hurriedly. Someone, who I guess is Mitch, came and crouch down on the other side of me, "It's becoming stronger" he said worriedly. After he said that I felt him leave my side and heard scrambling around the lab. "what's getting stronger?!? WHATS HAPPENING?!?!" Y/N screeched, and suddenly I felt a poke in my arm and my head clearing up. "Jackson! Jackson! Are you ok?" Y/N questioned, helping me up with the help of Mitch. "Yea, I'm- I'm ok" I said out of breath. We stood in silence for a few seconds, everyone out of breath, me blinking to regain consciousnes, while Y/N and Mitch were looking worriedly between eachother and me. Finally I looked up feeling better, but just before I could say anything Y/N beat me to it, " What the Fuck was that?!?" She said in disbelief. Me and Mitch look at each, before he said "...Im... going to...leave you two alone.." he said walking back up the stairs shaking his head. I directed my attention back to Y/N, she was looking at me with wide eyes, still breathing heavily. I want to tell her, but I can't lose anyone else, most importantly someone means a lot to me, "Imma ask one more time. What. Wa-" "I can't tell you!" I blurted out, I had enough, I can't take it anymore, the guilts eating me alive like this mutation. Y/N looked shocked at my outburst, "Jackson, what-" " I can't tell you" I repeated, feeling dizzy. "I can't tell you" I said breathless, leaning against the table.


Jackson leaned against the table, pale and looking light headed, "Jackson, I'll get some water!" I said worriedly rushing to get water from the tap in the lab, I found a cup nearby and filled it with water before bringing it back the cup to Jackson. When I came back to Jackson's side he still looked pale, "here take a sip" I told him, as I helped put the water towards his lips. After he finished the water I put the cup on the table behind him, and guided him to a chair to sit down. I crouch down infront of him "Jackson, are you alright?" I asked, he started looking better, he shook his head and blinked a couple of times, before looking at me looking less pale. "Yea I'm fine I just needed a minute, got tired from running around" he said, voice cracking a little. I was in disbelief, looking at him as if I heard him right. When he didn't respond I scoffed and looked to the side before looking back at him. "Your serious?" I questioned beginning to get up before he reached his hand out and grabbed my wrist.

Jacksons P.O.V
"I can't lose you" I confessed, looking at at her though my lashes, while holding her wrist. I couldn't take it anymore I need to tell her, I was wrong. She looked so worried when I nearly fainted, maybe she won't leave me. "Jackson what are you going on about-" "the Mutation is spreading!" I shouted, standing up so fast the chair fell over, scaring Y/N. I grab her other wrist keeping her in place. She looked up at me with a frighten look on her face, "the-the mutation?" She question tilting her head at me with wide eyesa me knitted eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. "I-I" I sighed, closing my eyes, looking for a way to to explain with happening to me without making her scared. "The mutation can spread to humans like you know right?" I waited for a response. Y/N nodded, and I continued, "I'm becoming like Kovacs" abruptly Y/N pulled both her wrist out of my grip hugging herself looking horrified. We both looked at each other wide eyed, "What?" Y/N whisper to herself looking down before looking back at me, looking worried. She reached a hand out to cup my face, before stepping closer to me, with tears in her eyes. I hate seeing her like this, especially when she doesn't need to worry. "No, no, no don't cry, me and Mitch are looking for a cure" I said, trying to clam her down, I pulled her close and embraced her, while threading my fingers though her hair. Y/N pulled away slowly after a few moments of us hugging, looking up at me slowly, "why didn't you tell me?" She whispered looking at me in the eyes, I couldn't looking away, this is what made me fall for her, she worries about everyone before herself, she puts everyone first.
"I can't lose you" I whispered, cupping her cheeks (face🙄 you pervs). We both looked at each, Y/N moved her hands down to my waist, while I kept mine on her face. We both started leaning in, slowly closing the distance.

What's going to happen 😱 Oh wait I'm the author 😅. PART 2 will be up in the next 5 days

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