Worried (Part 3 The Final)

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Pairing: Jackson Oz x Reader
Episode: 'Walls Of Jericho'


We just entered the building of Reiden Global, where we went separate ways to find "the heartbeat" of some guy who works for the company, to be able to get access through the sealed door and get the gas. We were all stationed around the room looking fancy with a plan intacted. I was standing by Dariela in a beautiful (decibe the dress) dress, when we saw Mitch coming down the stairs before getting drink off a try and passing me and Dariela. "Mitch is in" Dariela said in the ear peice we all had on to communicate. "Is it clear to enter?" Chloe questioned as she and Jackson walked down the stairs, Chloe hanging off Jackson's arm. Not going to lie, it does hurt a little seeing them so close after me and Jackson almost kissed, not to mention he hasn't talked to me on the car ride over here or since I found out the turth. As I turned around to look at them, I caught Jackson's eye before turning around with a little frown on my face. "Champaign?" A waiter asked offered me and Dariela, seemingly coming out of nowhere. "Yes please" I sighed, relieved to finally have some alcohol after a long day. "Thank you" Dariela said, clinking her glass against mine before taking a sip.
I took a sip from mine after offering Dariela a smile before the waiter walked away finding someone else to offer some alcohol too. "Not yet" I replied to Chloe previous question, looking around for the guy. "2 minutes" Dariela said, as I gave her a nod, before turning around pursuing through the crowd of people.

Jackson P.O.V

Me and Chloe were walking, when I noticed Y/N walking around looking a little lose. She looked beautiful in the that dress, but to be fair she always looks beautiful. "Excuse me" I told Chloe politely, heading in Y/N direction. I walked up to her after pushing my way through the crowded room. I came to a stop behind her, panting a little, seeing as I just pushed through 100 people. I tapped her shoulder and straightened up my stance.


I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me turn around and stop walking. "What do you-" I stopped asking my question mid way seeing who the culprit is. Jackson raised a eyebrow, gesturing me to go on. "I thought you were one of these idoits" I laughed gestureing around tge room at all the 'posh' people. Jackson cracked a small smile before, taking my hand leading me somewhere.
"Jackson what-where are you leading me" I asked him, but not pulling my hand away. He lead me through the crowd, while I just followed confused. We finally came to a stop behind some walls out of site. He finally let go of my hand, and turned to face me while leaning against the wall.
It was my turn to raise an eyebrow. "Well" I said with a gesture of my hand. I leaned against the wall beside him, so now that we're facing each other. Jackson sighed, " I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about me becoming.......well" he said, acting like a monster hinting what he means. "Oh, no it's ok I get it" I replied, with a fake smile pushing my self off the wall. I felt a little disappointed that's all he wanted to say and not an "I'm sorry for not talking to you". After a few moments of awkward silence with us having a stare down. I broke it.

"So, I'm going to go check on the team." I stated, turning around to head back to the party. I hand clamp down on my wrist. Jackson turned me a round to face him, looking at me, suspicious look on his face.
"OK you got to stop grabbing my wirst." I joked trying to ease his suspensions. He took his hand and away before pushing off the wall sticking them in his pockets. He looked down before looking back at me. "What did I do?" He questioned, catching me off guard. I looked at him wide eyed, blinking to see if I heard him right before scoffing that turned into a laugh. I looked to the side chuckling then back at him. 'Boys really are oblivious' I thought with a sigh when he continued to look at me clueless. "Really? You don't know?." I asked. Jackson shook his head 'no'. "Well let me "enlighten you"" I said sarcastically before taking a breath.
"First you don't talk to me since the kiss, not in the car in the drive here and not when it came to making the plan! Second you didn't say anything about the fact when we almost KISSED!?! And suddenly Chole is so much more interesting, with her hanging off your arm, and whatnot!! So yes there is something wrong, what's wrong is you leading me on when you know I'm in love with you!!" I exclaimed in one breath, with heat creeping up my neck.
Jackson stood there wide eyed, jaw agap with heat beginning to creep up his neck too.
"What?" He whispered in disbelief.

Jackson P.O.V
"What" I whispered in disbelief. I was astonish she felt the same. I thought the kiss was "in the moment" kind of thing. Not that I thought that! Because to me it felt like time, I just didn't think she felt the same. Now, looking back it makes alot more of sense, of how she's always worried for me, and always there for me when I need her.
"I didn't- uh I uh- listen" Y/N voiced snaped me out of my thoughts.
"I love you too" I said hurriedly afraid she'd get scared and run away thinking I'll reject her (because gurls, tell me half of you won't do this🤨😅). Y/N snaped her head up looking at me like I have 2 heads. "What" it was her turn to whisper.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking at Y/N's wide eyes.
"I never meant to lead you on, I've loved you for so long since you almost fell out of the safari." I saw Y/N 's lip curve up. I took a step closer "I love you, I always have." I said coming to a stop right in front of her. I cup her cheek with one hand while the other holds her waist. Y/N stands still, looking at me stunned. We stare at eachother for a little longer.

I couldn't take it any longer. I put my hands around Jackson's neck pushing his head down to mine, before crashing our lips together. We pull away after a few seconds, looking at each other, before connecting our lips again..and again and again.....again and....again. Our lips move passionately against eachothers, I move one of my hands so it's entangled in Jackson hair, and Jackson moves his hand so it's on the back of my neck, pushing me closer.
Jackson starts pushing me against the wall, still moving his lips roughly against mine. We were so into our make-up session we didn't hear the ear peice. Or at least I didn't. "We're good to go" We heard Dariela say in the comms. We pull back a little, but Jackson trys to lean back in. "Y/N? Jackson? You guys there?" We here Choles voice next. I look at Jackson with a smile, before replying. "Yeah *clears throat* we' re here!" Me and Jackson back away from each other before fixing ourselves to try and look presentable. As I'm fixing my hair Jackson leans close to my ear. "We can finish this later" he says before looping his arm with mine and leading me to the rest of the team, while I, for the 5th time today, followed with heat creeping up my neck.

This was the first of many kisses me and Jackson will shared, we will always have eachothers back because God knows what will we face and how hard this mission will be.

~The End

Hey guys! First I wanna say "Yay! This one shot is finished!🤩😁🥳" I'm so happy I'm finally done. And second thing I wanna say is "I'm so so sorry for not updating, I've been getting ready to go back to school and to be honest I lost interest in the book for a while, but I'm getting back into it I promise! And third thing is I'm sorry it seems rushed and cringy because it's was cringe to write the make-up scene since I am a minor 😅
Anyways thanks you for reading, and next one shot will be a request one😉


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