8. Blissful

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'Maren is so excited to meet you.' Loras told Renly and Renly groaned audibly. 'She is a lovely girl. Ignorant to scandalous behavior,' loras said slapping renly's ass 'but a sweet girl a good sister she will make a great mother one day.' Renly again groaned. 'You need an heir and my sister will provide it.' Loras told him. Renly rolled his eyes propping his elbow up to look at loras better. 'Now that you are king you need heirs.' Loras reminded him. ' Don't give me that look. Maren is sweet and beautiful and-'

'Not really my type.' Renly told him

'Yes but you are going to pretend to love her because my sister deserves the best and you are... the best.' Loras said pressing his lips to Renly.

'I don't think I'm that good an actor,' renly told him

'Try. For me.'

'For you.' Renly agreed.


'How exciting this is, exciting isn't it?'

'So exciting sister.' Margaery said bitterly as they were heading to Renly Baratheon's war camps.

'I'm going to be queen.' Maren exclaimed

'Yes. Good for you.' Margaery said annoyed, furious and frustrated. She didn't care if Renly was fucking her brother, Margaery wanted to be queen. Margaery stared out the carriage bitterly annoyed that she was born second as they rode, getting closer and closer to the stormlands.

When they excited the carriage Renly stood proudly before them. Margaery jutted out a hip, her lips a large pout which did absolutely nothing for Renly but he knew which sister was to be his intended.

'Lady Maren.' Renly said approaching her and Maren thought he might just be one of the most handsome men she had ever met. Her heart fluttered in her chest as he kissed her hand.

'Your grace.' She curtsied before him.

"Come.' He told her leading her away and Maren beamed at her brother as they passed. Renly didn't look twice at Margaery which Maren feel like this could be true love.


They were married immediately and Maren felt like she didn't have a moment to breathe. Renly had a war to win, they couldn't deal with a large wedding or preparation. But Maren didn't care because Renly seemed kind and held her hand as they listened to the septon speak. Renly cloaked her with his protection and she felt a pitter patter in her chest as she turned back around to face him.

'Let it be known that Maren of house Tyrell and Renly of the house Baratheon are one heart one flesh one soul cursed be to those who would seek to tear them asunder.'

'With this kiss I pledge my love,' Renly said bringing his lips to Maren.

Just like that, man and wife. Maren smiled happily up at him but he was already nodding to his men as he walked her back down the makeshift aisle. Loras smiled up at her while Margaery looked like she wanted to shoot maren, or stab her repeatedly. But Maren tried to ignore the glare from her sister as a small feast was prepared.

'Your brother said you liked carrot cake.' Renly remarked.

"Yes, I do. No one else seems to.' She told him with a laugh, she could feel her cheeks blushing as he stared down at her.

"I have it made for our wedding cake.' He told her and Maren's heart did that pitter patter again.

"Really? That so sweet of you.' Maren told him. 'Thank you.' Renly watched her lite up at the mention of carrot cake and he thought it strange. Most women preferred jewels and dresses at least that was what he was told and this girl seemed perfectly content with a rushed wedding and banquet. Perhaps she would be low maintenance, a wife he didn't know was there.

'It was no problem.' Renly told her.

"Still, I'm sure being king and fighting with all those false kings is time consuming, it was kind of you to think of me.' Maren told him. It wasn't just the cake, it was that he cared enough to make her happy.

'Yes, very time consuming.' Renly agreed. 'So much so, it leave me very drained.' He told her to try and push consummating the marriage out a bit.

"I understand.' Maren told him. 'I would be exhausted.' She agreed. Renly smiled down at her, she was more like Loras than he expected. She was slim, long blonde hair, Margaery was the complete opposite. Renly noticed Margaery flipping her hair, smacking her lips, puffing out her chest. Renly thought with almost complete certainty that Margaery knew of Loras and his... relationship. Renly knew that Maren did not and would not, under any circumstances know of their nightly activities. Maren Tyrell... Maren Baratheon would remain blissfully ignorant.

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