2. Baratheon or Lannister

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'Lord Stark.' Varys said, greeting him in the small council room.

'Lord Varys' ned greeted him. Varys clutched at neds hands

'I was very sorry to hear about the troubles you had on Kings Road, we are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery.' Varys told him.

'Shame you didn't say a prayer for the butchers son,' Ned remarked, 'Renly you are looking well,' Ned remarked.

'And you are looking tired, you spent a long time on the road.' Renly remarked,

'But then we have a kingdom to look after.' Ned added. Ned looked around the group.

'I hope to meet you for some time Lord Baelish,.' Ned said hesitantly.

'No doubt lady Catelyn has mentioned me.' Petyr said happily.

'She has lord Baelish I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well.' Ned said slightly smug.

'All too well, I still carry a token of his esteem from stomach to collarbone.' Petyr traced up his chest.

'Perhaps you shouldn't have chosen my brother to duel with.' Ned remarked

'The man that I chose was a worthy opponent for the woman I was fighting for. I'm sure you would agree?' Ned just looked over at Petyr with distaste.

'I hungrily beg your pardon,' Maester Pycelle said

'grand Maester,' ned said looking to the man.

'How many years has it been? You are a young man.' Pycelle noted.

'And you served another king,' Ned reminded him

'Oh how forgetful of me,' he reached into his pocket pulling out the hand of the King pin, giving it to Ned. 'shall we begin?'


'I am brokering a match with you and the Baratheon boy... or the little Lannister, I'm still deciding.' Olenna told her granddaughter.

'Oh that's so lovely.' Maren remarked. 'Thank you grandmother.'

Olenna knew her eldest granddaughter wouldn't survive in the cruel world of the capitol but it was a womans job to do as you are told, marry who you are told and produce many heirs. But Maren didn't have the stomach for it. She had a soft heart like her eldest brother Willas, she didn't have the vindictive nature as Margaery. Olenna didn't know how the twins could be so different. Margaery always had her sights on the Crown. Maren just wanted love.

'I want to be queen.' Margaery told her.

'Isn't the prince a bit young for you sister?" Maren questioned innocently.

'I don't give a damn if I have to fuck the child, I want to be queen.' Margaery told her bitterly.

"I am working a match for you as well.' Olenna assured her. 'Just after Maren's match is finished.'

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