Chapter 6: The meeting with Hermoine

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Hermoine's POV

I sit on the couch in the ROR waiting for Harry I have to tell him that I didn't mean what I had said to him earlier and I just hope he forgives me. I sigh as I hear the door open and see Harry I can't help myself but to throw myself into his arms and sob "I'm so sorry Harry" "It's okay Monie what was it that you needed" "Oh right" I sit on the couch as he sits across from me " I wanted to apologize to you about earlier I had no right to say the things I said and I didn't mean any of it. Unfortunately I don't think Ronald is going to come to his senses anytime soon he wants to try and sabotage your new relationship with Draco." I say as he looks at me like hes not surprised. and he sighs "Of course he is like no offence to you Monie but your boyfriend is a bloody brat he hates when he doesn't have his way and he thinks that only you and him are to be the only happy one but i deserve to be happy to and besides he can try all he wants he wont succeed Draco is my dominate mate" Harry explains. "Honestly none taken sometimes I wounder why i'm even with him he doesn't really care about how I feel either and I tried to explain to him that it would be no use since he was probably your mate but hes a bloody dick and didn't listen to me." I told him "I wondered why you were with him to because it's not the first time like in 3rd year when he thought that I put my name in the goblet of fire and didn't tell him and he wouldn't listen when I said I didn't because I didn't feel like dying" he replied "So we agree then," I laugh "we can still be friends right?" I ask Harry "Of course Monie" The next thing I know is that he is hugging me "I missed you so much Monie and its only been a few hours and so much happened." he said as he pulled back. "tell me about what happened." I say "well for starters Draco Is my mate and guess what Severus Snape is my father and not James potter so i'm actually a Snape and Lilly is still my mom which is good and I get to live with him during the summer so I don't have to go back to that abusive place and i'm now a slytherin" He rushed out. "Oh my god Snape? How did he take it" "I think he was happy he asked me to forgive him like I can't believe he thought that I wouldn't." "Are you happy?" I ask him and he smiles "I'm so happy Monie though i'm really starting to miss Draco" He sniffles and I look at the time and its already been 3 hours and Ron is probably looking for me I look up at harry and hes crying of course he is hes Been away from his Dominate mate to long "Come on Harry lets get you to Draco" he nods and grabs my hand and I lead him to the dungeons and we meet up with Draco in the hall way "Oh baby whats wrong" Draco says as he pulls him into a hug "I'm sorry Draco I had him to long and he started missing you" I look down at my feet "Hey Granger it's alright." "O-Okay well I gotta get going i'm sure Ronald is looking for me bye Harry Draco" I run off

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