Chapter 7: Meeting Draco's friends

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Draco's POV

Once Hermonie left I pulled Harry closer to me and whisper in his ear,"baby do you wanna go meet my friends today or do you wanna cuddle for a bit first?" He seems to be thinking about it and I wait for his answer."Can we cuddle for a little bit Dray, it's just that I just wanna be near you right now and no one else." he says as his ears go down "Harry baby of course we can cuddle for a little while we can go see my friends in a few hours." I smile and put my finger under his chin and lift his head up and kiss him. He smiles and giggles into this kiss and pulls away I grab his hand and lead him to the ROR." Dray? Can we not do any house colors and just some soft places to sit I want a fluffy blanket" I nod and walk back and forth with a great room in mind about two minutes later a door appears and I open it for Harry. "How is this my little kitty?" He gives me a slight glare but smiles at me "I love it Dray" He walks in and sits in the love seat I grab a blue fluffy blanket and sit next to him I pull him into my side and wrap us in the blanket and kiss the top of his head "Do you wanna talk about anything Harry?" "Can we talk about what your creature is and more about mine?" I smile at him and nod "Do you have certain questions you want to ask me?" I ask him "well the first question is what creature are you?" He looks up at me with his pretty emerald eyes "I'm a dominant veela and you're my submissive neko." "well I know what a neko is but what's a veela?" "A veela is the most dominant of creatures they are very protective of there submissive mates a good fact you need to know is that a veelas mate whether female of male can become pregnant " He looks at me startled expression " I-I can have kids?! B-But were too young I-" I cut him off by letting my wings out and wrapping them around him. He softly touched them and I don't mind a veelas wings calm their mate the most. "D-Dray I thought wings were only one color but yours are black and white" "It's rare but it happens um do you want to go see my friends now?" He nods and stands up "Yeah it's almost dinner time so we can meet them and eat at your table if you want Dray" "sure" I grab his hand and head to the Slytherin common rooms and meet up with my friends "Pansy! Blaise!" I yell and they turn around "Hi Dray" Pansy runs for me and hugs me before I can tell her no and I hear Harry hiss beside me and Pansy let go and realizes it's my mate "Oh dear i'm sorry Draco I didn't know you found your mate i'm sorry potter." "H-Harry call me Harry" He tells her and Blaise. "I think we should head to dinner or we will be late" Blaise said just as Harry's stomach growls I laugh "come on baby lets get you some food" We head to the great hall and sit down and I pile food on Harry's plate and he looks wide eyed at me "what?" I ask him "Um Dray I can't eat a lot um uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia starve me for weeks" He looks at his feet and jumps at Blaise's voice."They did what to him?!" Blaise yelled and all I could think was no wonder he loos so small I sigh because I don't know what to say to that thankfully Pansy did "That's okay Harry just eat what you can okay?" And he smiles and nods. We ate and finally were all done. "Dray i'm sleepy""alright well lets go to sleep then" I grab his hand and take him to my private quarters. When we get there I unlock it with my key and Harry sits on my bed "Would you like pj's Harry" He looks over at me and nods "Yes please" we both get dressed and cuddle up into bed and Harry falls asleep instantly and I whisper "I love you Harry." and fall asleep too.

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