Chapter 9:The shopping Trip

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Draco's POV

I wake up and look at the time to see that it's 9:00 it's a Saturday and me and uncle Sev are going to take Harry for a shopping trip since he likes girl clothes. I look over and see him curled up snoring softly and I shake him. "Harry baby it's time to get up and get ready your dad will be here soon to take us shopping." He whines but sits up rubbing his eyes as he looks at me and smiles. "Do you want me to pick your clothes baby?" I ask him and he nods so I get up and grab my green sweater and black leggings for Harry. "Thank you Draco" He says as he gets up and changes as I do the same. Once we were finished there was a knock on the door and Harry runs to get it and I laugh unlocking the door with my wand. "Hi Dad!" I hear Harry yell. "Hi Harry you ready to go?" Uncle Severus asked as I walk out. "Yeah were ready but we need to get Harry some food" I say looking at Severus and he nods as he hands me a bag. "nutrition potions." I make Harry take one and we apperate to hogsmeet.(idk how to spell it)

Once we make it we go and get Harry a small sandwich I get a donut and sev got nothing. I was throwing my trash down when Harry spoke. "Draco? can I get dresses to? A-and make-up?" He asked shyly. "of course baby." I grab his hand and head to the store and Harry runs for the girls section as Uncle Sev laughs and I smile. Once harry picked up some dresses, shirts, leggings, pants,and skirts we pay and head to the make up shop. Harry gasps and smiles excitedly looking at all the make up we ended up spending 200 in there until Uncle sev said we could come back someother time. "draco? can i get some snacks?" pouts Harry "yeah Ill get you some" Uncle severus said.


We finally made it home and put away Harrys things as Hermonie came in she was gonna have diner with us so were walking to the great hall together. "hey monie" said Harry "Hello Harry,Draco you guys ready? "yep" we leave and head to dinner after we say goodbye to Hermonie and go to bed.

*sorry for the short chapter*

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