Chapter 3: Severus office and the truth

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Draco's POV

 When we arrive at uncle Severus office I knock twice on the door. "come in" Uncle Sev says. I open the door and push Harry in and walk in behind him "uncle Severus we need to talk to you about something." Uncle Sev looks up and frowns " And why is Potter here?" He drawls "w-well uncle Sev it's about Harry" I say as I look over at Harry I see him looking at the floor avoiding the conversation and us. " Harry it's okay" I grab his hand "We have to tell him and also about other things" I say. he nods "Before we begin this seems important and very private Let's move to my quarters." Sev drawls. I lead Harry after Sev to his private quarters and sit Harry on the couch and sit next to him. "okay harry tell Sev what they do to you and tell me more" "Um well for starters my room was a closet until 3rd year and I am basically their house elf I cook I clean. And if i don't finish it on time or do it right then i'm beaten with a whip and with Uncle Vernon's fists. Aunt petunia doesn't really do anything but they both starve me" harry stops talking. " What?!" yells uncle Severus and Harry flinches "T-that's not all um I now have cat ears and a tail" Harry says as he looks down "Harry can you show me and Sev?" I ask. He stands up and takes his tail out and removes his head." I um I also feel a close connection to you Draco..I-I just wanna curl up in your lap" Harry whimpers. I sigh that's because you came into an early inheritance your a neko Harry a submissive at that and i'm your dominant mate." I pull him into my lap and kiss his head."ill take care of you love." He smiles at me but then frowns. "Hermonie and Ron hate me." he says as he sniffles "What? Is that what happend in the Great hall?" "yeah..I told them that I was part cat and they were okay with that but then i told them that i was gay and that I liked you and they called me mean names and said they no longer wanted to be friends." He starts crying. "Oh baby, well i'm here now and i'm sure Uncle Severus is as well and my friends." I tell him and hug him. "o-okay thank you." "well before we continue i want Harry to take a inheritance test" said Sev and harry nods and sev grabs a knife and a bowl. "I just need you to put three drops in the bowl." So harry does


Name:Harry James Potter

Mother-Lilly nee Evans

Father:James Potter

Creature: Submissive dark magic neko


inheritance: gryffindor house,Slytherin house,raven claw house,hufflepuff house,Potter mansion

Godmother: Minerva McGonagall 

Godfather: Albus Dumbledore


Name:Harry James Snape

Mother: Lilly Nee Evans

Father: Severus Tobais Snape

Creature: Submissive dark magic neko

Mate: Draco Malfoy (Dark magic and healing magic dominate veela)

inheritance gryffindor house,Slytherin house,raven claw house,hufflepuff house,Potter mansion,Snape mansion

Godmother: narcissa Malfoy

Godfather: Lucius Malfoy

Harry's POV

Everything was a lie my whole life was a lie. Severus is my father and James wasn't why was I lied to my whole life? "What the bloody hell?" I look at severus or I should say my dad."y your my dad?" "I guess so" he says "what now?" I look at both Draco and dad

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