Dinner and bullying

18 1 0

Draco's POV

Harry,Hermonie and I head into the great hall sitting at the slitherin table. Harry in between me and Blaise. Hermonie next to Pansy who sat across from them."Oh! Did I tell you Harry? Ron and I broke up." I look over to Harry and he seems to be sad."That's good Monie,hes a bloody prick sometimes." Harry replied to her as i put some food on his plate and handing him a nutrition potion. As he drinks it I notice Weasly headed this way with Weaslette. "Heads up Love...Weaslys" I say. "Oh look its the faggot and his slimy boyfriend..oh and the bitch who follows like a lost puppy." Weasley spoke. Before i could say anything Pansy spoke up. "Listen hear weasle and weaslette. You do not speak to them that way!" "Oh shut it pig face and go talk to someone who cares." the weasleys both replied and i stood up noticing Harry had his ears against his head. "Listen weasel we don't want you here so go back to your table and leave us to eat in piece. There is nothing wrong with Harry or Hermonie. now bloody leave us alone you git before I call over head of house Professor Snape." I sit down next to harry ignoring the two idiots behind me as i pull Harry into my lap and feed him. He doesn't eat it though and i look up at Severus and he nods. "hey i'm gonna take Harry to our room and see if hell eat there.." I stand up with Harry in my arms and head to my dorm. Out of the corner of my eye i see Professor Snape leave out the side door behind the teachers table.


Authors note: sorry for the late and short chapter im a bit on writers block but now that i have a laptop ill start writing more on both of my stories

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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