Phase 2

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Well. I only had one piece of that godly pie. Which means if I get hit again then I'm dead for good.

Y/N: Welp, I didn't really think you would hit me that quickly but I guess I just underestimated you. Oh well. Just can't get hit like that again.

Chara seems a bit more reluctant to fight before she seemed like she had a good idea. She pulled out a stick and put her knife into her pocket.

Y/N: Geez, you're just gonna taunt me by killing me with a stick? That's a bit rude.

Chara looks like she didn't care about my statement and instantly rushed at me.

I didn't want to waste energy by dodging so I just spun the bones around me really fast so that I wouldn't be hit. 

As I planned, she hit one of the bones and broke it before backing off to not get hit by one of them. Clever.

Well, I have a couple more tricks up my sleeve than just spinning some bones really fast. If you could even call that a trick. So she'll just have to see for herself what I can do.

I started my next attack by using my special soul on them. They turned a lilac color and their stick gained a small arrow on the point.

Y/N: welp, you're lilac now. bet you don't know how this works huh? well I won't really explain it, just use it for more than a second.

I summoned 4 slow moving bones in the 4 cardinal directions and then made a bone box that kept closing in. They pointed the arrow to one of the bones and it turned orange while she pointed towards it. Seems she gets the gimmick now. She then easily got past the box attack and tried attacking again. Another bone down, 6 more to go.

Y/N: geez, if you can break these bones easily then I don't know how I'd feel if they weren't here. keep attacking. I dare you.

She then got a bit more angry, falling for the taunt a bit. Chara dashed toward the side and attacked again. 5 left.

Y/N: hey, that just uncalled for. it's not your turn.

I then put her back to the center of the room and began a series of attacks. I turn her soul partially blue and partially lilac as I summon one long bone going slowly from the right to the left and made her do some different sized hurdles before they dodged through the big bone at the last moment. She then dashed toward me and swung three times in one turn. That's just unfair. 2 left.

Y/N: ...well fuck you too then.

I then summoned a decently simple yet difficult attack, just some jump ropes and a blaster in the middle at random times.

I was afraid of what was about to happen. Chara dashes towards me and attacks another bone. Thankfully I threw her away before she got the other. I'm so tired. 1 left.

I summoned an attack that was practically just to stall a turn so that I could take a break. I just summoned jump ropes for a while as a break for me.

She attacked again. 0 left. This is my last shot.

 I tried to summon a blaster but... my arms... are just too... weak...

I collapsed on the ground. She walked up to me. Is she going to taunt me before killing me? That's just a dick move.

Y/N: Just... kill me already...

Chara: Hm? Do you still not get it? Do you not get why I came here? I wanted you. I got you. I have you. And no one can take you away from me. Oh, and just so you can't do anything.

Chara locks something onto my arm. Wait, it that a-

Chara: By the look on your face, you know what this is. A magic blocker. For humans, it does nothing. But for monsters, it limits their magic just enough to keep them alive and physically strong while making sure that if they tried to use magic, it would just fizzle out and do nothing. I read about these in a book once. Never thought it'd be handy until you came along.

I'm sitting on the ground, wondering why this had to happen to me. I'm the physically weakest monster around. I could just stub my toe and die with this on. Oh well. I guess death would be better than this.

Chara: I hope you aren't thinking of killing yourself. I made some monster I killed enchant it with physical boosters. I could even punch you right now and you'd be fine. But I wouldn't do that to my husband. Also, the physical booster can boost something else physical.~

I gulp, knowing what's about to happen to me.

Chara: Alright, I'll be back in a minute babe, I have to go take care of the king and that pesky flower.

And with that, she left me alone. I wonder what's going to happen to me. I just hope Papyrus is in a better place than this literal hole in the ground.

Chara came back and grabbed me off the ground. She started walking towards Snowdin, carrying me the whole way there. She brought me into my house and... let's just say that I was a bit more tired when I woke up than when I went to bed.

So, how's I do? First story complete. 


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