Sal POV:
I wake up before Trav for once. My head being slightly lifted and brought back down from his breathing. I move some of my hair that fell onto my face. My eye un blurs and I'm able to see better now. I see travs tummy! I love his tummy. I trace shapes with my finger on his stomach. I smile to myself.
A few minutes go by. I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?!" I yell out. It could only be 1 of 3 people. "Its me Sal. can I come in?" Oh its dad. "One second!" I say quickly. I don't want him walking in here.
I carefully get up as to not wake Travy. I throw on some clothes. I pull the sheets up on Trav a little bit. Just as a final touch I kick travs clothes into a corner.
I open up the door to see my dad. "Good morning. What's up!?" He never wakes me up this early. "Well I'm going away for work. I'll only be gone for 3 days." I should have expected that. I'm just glad he doesn't leave as often as he used to. "Okay dad I'll see you when you get back" I give him a quick hug before he leaves. "Tell Travis I said goodbye, okay?" I nod.
After a few more quick words he leaves. I close the door and turn took look at the bed where I see Travis start to move around. He'll wake up soon. I'll lay down with him till then. I strip down to my boxers and lay next to him. So comfortable. He unconsciously wraps his arms around me. I love when he does that. His face buried in my neck. My chin on top of his head. My hand tangled in his blonde hair. His hair is so soft. I fall back to sleep holding him.
*POV end*
Travis POV:
I wake up. Sal isn't on my chest anymore. Now he's on my other side and his head is on top of mine. He probably got up for something and came back.
I tap him a little bit to wake him up. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. He gives me a smile. I smile back. "My dad went on a business trip for a few days" thats probably why he got up. "Well then we will do as much smoking, fucking, body modifications, ghost hunting, and dumb shit as possible in that time then." I joke with him to make Sal feel better. "We do that already" he laughs. "Yeah but there is no way of it getting interrupted" I smirk. He chuckles. "Well then travy, I guess your right" he taunts me. He puts one of his legs over me and sits on my stomach. He leans down and kisses me. Sal pulls back and our faces are inches apart. "But before we do anything bad, breakfast" he says tapping my chest and getting up.
*POV end*
Breakfast was delicious. Travis was a great cook. After cleaning up the kitchen the two sat next to each other on the couch. "Hey travy~" Travis turned his head to look at the blue haired boy. "Hmm?" Sal put his leg over the blonde to straddle him. Sal looks at Travis' eyes. "Can I dye your hair?" Sal gave a smile while playing with the tips of Travis' hair. Travis looked at the others scared and pierced face. "Can I give you another piercing?" The blonde asked. "I was going ask you to do that anyway" Sal giggled.
"okay what color?" Sal said holding a basket with hair dyes of every color of the rainbow and more. "Larry has red under his hair, Ash has purple streaks, Maple and Chug have green, and todd just naturally has orange hair, so I think I'll do blue to match you" Travis said listing the already in use colors. Sal was so excited to have matching hair with Travis.
Sal pulled out the blue dye that was closest to his. "Give me a split dye" Travis told Sal as he parted his hair and pointing to the side he wanted to color.
Sal clicked the top open and started to squeeze a bit of the blue coloring onto his hand. "No gloves again?" Travis said teasing Sal. "Nah you know I always raw dog it" Sal joked as he started to put the color in. The pale yellow quickly turning light blue.
The color processes. Its time for it to be washed. "Okay so just wash my hair like normal?" Sal let's his hair out of its ponytail. "I can come in and help you" sal says looking up at the tall, now half blonde in front of him. "Oh no I suddenly forgot how to wash my hair, I think I'll need your help" Travis joked slowly pulling Sal's shirt up.
The two got undressed and got in the shower. Sal helped wash Travis' hair. The water turning blue as it runs down the two of them. Travis wiped the water from his eyes. He opens them to see sal putting his arms out to hug him. Travis leans down and kisses the top of Sal's head. Sal looks up at Travis and gives him a smile. Sal wraps his arms around Travis and pulls him close. "So what are we gonna pierce?" Travis asks. Sal hums for a moment before speaking. "Lets do dimples" Sal tells the other.
Sal let's go of Travis and hops out of the shower first. Drying himself off and putting a dark towel out for Travis. "I'm gonna set everything up" The blue haired boy said to the other as he put his clothes back on.
Sal left the bathroom and came back with all the supplies. Travis was dressed and ready. "Okay pretty boy, dimples right?"
"Dimple" Sal corrected Travis jokingly. "Don't have much on one side for that piercing" Sal laughed. "One side it is then" Travis giggled.
Travis put on a pair of gloves and made sure everything was clean and wiped down. Travis cleaned the area. "Ready?" Sal gave the blonde a nod of approval. Travis picked up to needle. Lined it up with his guide and pushed it through. He picked up the jewelry and slid it in and put the end on it. "All done" Travis said as he took off his gloves. Sal looked in the mirror and smiled. He turned his head and pecked the blonde on the lips. "Thank you travy" sal said to the other.
The two cleaned up the bathroom and decided to just relax on the couch for the rest of the day.

I Guess Blue Hair Does Suit Me
Fanfiction-fluff -angst -abuse -drugs / alcohol -violence COVER IS NOT MY ART <3