Their favorite thing about you: Pt.2

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- Your smile. Xingqiu is very used to the stoic expressions that his family wears as a show of their sophistication. Not even he smiles that often. But seeing your genuine smile on your beautiful face makes him want to smile and never stop. Xingqiu has even kept a mental list of things that make you smile instantly so that he can get it for you some time. At times, he finds himself smiling just by thinking about your smile. You're just that infectious.


- Your patience. Xiao knows he's not the most open and nicest person in the world. But even so, you were understanding of him. You never yelled at him when he sometimes pushed you away. Because you know Xiao does that when he's having difficulties understanding his emotions. You never forced him to open up when he refused talk about his past. You were respectful of his wishes.

- Any other person would've gotten too frustrated with him and left but you didn't. You were patient with him and waited for him to come out of his shell on his own time. Xiao will forever be grateful for having an understanding partner like you.


- Your dedication. You're a (soldier, supplier, healer, spy, etc. Like I said, choose your role) in the resistance and you're very serious about your job. You work hard everyday to make sure the soldiers are in top shape for their next battle. Even though your work is tiring and demanding, you never give up because you know how important your role is to the resistance.

- Gorou has had quite a few men abandon the resistance because it's more than what they bargained for or because their jobs were too much to maintain. So he admires your dedication to his army and can't imagine where they'd be without you.


- Your scars. Both you and Kazuha have them from fighting the Raiden Shogun's soldiers. While you see them as ugly, Kazuha thinks they're just as beautiful as the rest of your body. He considers scars as proof of you being stronger than the enemy who caused it because you didn't die. Kazuha likes to kiss your scars whenever you feel insecure about them. You find it a bit odd but he does that so the next time you look at them, you think of his warm lips instead of the pain.

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