How to tell the truth

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He saw that Peter shot a text to him after he woke up.

Getting our "packages" for you. The House. Midnight.

Shaking his head, he got ready for the day without any interruptions. He heard his dad leave before, he too, left for school. The day felt like it was on super speed before he sat down for his second to last class, English. 

"Stiles!" Scott yelled entering the classroom. Erica made sure to sit herself right behind him, cutting in front of Scott when she did. The two stared at each other hard before finally settling down when the teacher walked in. They all got a text message simultaneously, everyone looked around at the other noises going on in the room.

"Hi everyone, I am your new English teacher, you can call me Ms. Blake ," the lady smiled wide, "I just sent you all a quote from the book we are going to be reading for the rest of the semester." They all looked down at the words when Stiles' phone rang a little obnoxiously, Peter had updated him on what he needed to do next. "And this will be the last time you will use them in my class," she sharply stated.

Before Stiles put his phone away he read Peter's final words, The only thing we need now is for you to convince Lydia to come to the Hale house

"What happened to Mr. Renner?" One girl asked.

"He has been suddenly struck ill and had to stay home. The school has invited me teach for the time being and who knows?" She gave a small chuckle, "maybe I'll get to stay," she was about to press on when something suddenly smashed into the window. She walked over to it and shouted "everybody get down!" Ravens started to smash into the windows by the dozen. Maybe even hundreds. Stiles ducked down immediately, then Erica followed him under the desk and that's when the window started cracking.

There were shouts of pain as people were pecked angrily by the birds. Stiles could only assume this was some sort of magic and he gave a couple of worried glances to both of his werewolf associates on the floor. Erica shielded him from most of the attacking animals before they all just plopped onto the floor dead. Ms. Blake stood up, incredibly shaken, and it was her who called the principal down and the police.

"What was that?" Erica stood up as Scott joined the pair in the corner.

"I have no idea, but this isn't an "ordinary occurrence", if you catch my drift," he quoted in the air with his fingers.

"Why don't you all head out to lunch while we sort this out," Ms. Blake gave a soft smile as they all exited the room. Stiles, Scott, and Erica practically sprinted down the hall at this point. It wasn't until the bell rang that the others showed up. Jackson and Boyd rushing over having heard the attack from the other classrooms. Isaac brought Lydia over to the table and they all sat down.

"What happened in there, we heard glass break," Jackson gave a little glance towards Lydia, but then focused on Scott.

"I don't know, birds just broke through the window and attacked all of us." He looked towards Erica.

"Stiles thinks it's magic," Erica added and they all looked at him. He felt a little out of place, but nevertheless important.

"Well, if I didn't have enough power to do something, I could make a sacrifice. Whether it be blood, an animal, a prized possession." He explained.

"So, this wasn't you?" Jackson asked and Lydia hit his arm, "what, we were all thinking it?" He rubbed the spot she hit.

"Just an fyi, I don't use sacrifices. I find other ways to do magic. But this must have been a big spell to need that many birds," Stiles looked sheepishly at Erica, who he did do a blood sacrifice to summon Boston and Tanya to Derek's loft the night before. He turned away from the group and headed to the lunch line for food. Scott followed him to the line.

"Can we talk?"

"Kinda not at liberty to talk to you right now..." Stiles said, biting the apple he just grabbed.

"It's important Stiles."

"Isn't it always?" He countered, typing in his number for his food.

"Please talk to me."

"You have 5 minutes," Stiles stopped at the far wall next to the window away from everyone.

"I did something," Scott started, "I told Derek to kick you out." It felt as though the entire cafeteria quieted for just this moment when Stiles looked at Scott. "A few of the others knew I did and they were just trying to prevent us from falling out completely." He finished kinda anticlimactically.

"Why are you telling me this now, Scott?" He asked the werewolf. Scott at least had some decency to act a little embarrassed at the moment.

"For Derek's sake-"

'For Derek. For Derek?" Stiles looked around the cafeteria, not drawing too much attention thankfully because everyone was invested in their own conversations. "Scott, I was your best friend," this was like a slap to Scott's face. He had a sneaking suspicion that the other wolves were hearing him yell all of this, "Did you think that somehow telling me this was going to resolve all of the issues we've been having? Or somehow if you do this I would actually help you solve whatever happened in English? Or-"

"Derek is in love with you Stiles," Scott interrupted, "I can't go back there knowing I did that to you guys. I thought-I thought that if you weren't in the pack that you would be safe. I told Derek it was for your own good since you couldn't defend yourself. I didn't want to drag you into our problems."

"Safe from what Scott? Do you think I spent all that time with Deaton because I liked him? No, I was learning everything he knew. And he knows very little about magic, that was all me. You threw that all away because you couldn't stop making decisions for me. I don't need saving all the time. In fact, the reason you were even able to save me from the Nogitsune in the first place was because I was in the pack." Stiles watched as Isaac left Lydia alone at their lunch table.

"I know, I am sorry. Blame me, just please forgive Derek. please, Stiles-"

"Your 5 minutes are up," Stiles cut him off and began to march to Lydia.


"I need to talk to Lydia, I'll talk to Derek, but please just leave me alone." Scott looked a little hurt and moved to sit with the others. Stiles walked over to her and she smiled at him. "Lydia, I need a favor from you."


"You're not going to like it, but I don't want you to ask any questions and just promise to meet me at this location at midnight," he scribbled onto a piece of paper and she raised her eyebrows at the address. "Promise me you'll come to that location."

"Stiles, what is going on? What happened today in your last class. Isaac was eavesdropping and-"

"I don't know, you'll have to ask the others. Lydia, promise me." Stiles looked completely serious.

"Yeah, Yeah, okay. I'll meet you there, but-" He began walking out of the school after she agreed, "Hey! Tell me what's going on."

"What was that about?" Isaac returned with their lunches, watching as Lydia hid the note Stiles gave her. 

"It's nothing, just something Stiles needs me to do." She gave a heavy sigh before opening up her pudding cup.

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