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Through out the story if you see italics that means it's a flashback.

I woke up and realized Mark wasn't laying next to me. All there was was a note on his pillow.


I'm sorry I'm doing this but I'm leaving. I think it's time for both of us to start new chapters in our lives. So I'm taking a break from dancing with the stars. I hope you can eventually understand.
- Mark

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Then I looked up and saw everything that was his was gone. I started to tear up but I held them back and ran to the closet. I swung open the door seeing none of his cloths there. I ran out to the living room hoping he would still be here just sitting on the couch, rethink his decision. But he wasn't. None of his stuff, all the pictures of his family. Nothing.

With the note still in my hand, I threw myself on the couch sobbing. How could he do this, why did he do this? I thought.

I cried for so long that I forgot I had practice. I got a call from Lindsey and she sounded worried. She asked me what was wrong and I couldn't even answer her, I started crying even harder. She said she'd be over as soon as she could.

I wasn't crying when she walked thur the door but I was sniffling. When she saw me she ran over to me without hesitating.
" Witney, what's wrong, what happened? " She asked me kneeling down next to me.
I didn't say anything. I just started crying again and handed her the note. I saw her expression go from worried to pissed off as she finished reading it.
" I'll be right back. Stay here. " she said putting the note on the floor and walking into the hallway.

She didn't fully close the front door and I saw her take out her phone and call someone.
" Hey Derek " she said when he answered. " Where are you? ... Can you take a break? ... 20 minutes it's important. ... yes. ... You need to call Mark. ... Cause he needs to get his ass over here. ... cause Witney found a note and everything it says is complete bullshit! ... If you don't believe me, get your ass over here and read it for yourself. ... end your rehearsal early. I expect to see you here in 10 minutes and if not I will come over there and bring you here myself. ... Ok you have 10 minutes. " she said and hung up.

She looked back at me seeing I was still crying and ran back over.
" You'll be fine Wit. We'll figure this out. " she said.

A few minutes later Derek comes thur the door. " So why did I have to ... oh god Witney what happened. " he said running over to the couch.
I didn't answer him, just cried even harder. He looked at Lindsey for answers. She picked up the note and handed it to him. He slowly read the note pacing. Then his expression went from worried to pissed the fuck off. He placed the note on the table and walked back over to me and Lindsey.
" I can not believe he did this to you. " he said sitting next to me. " If he ever comes back he will not get a warm welcome, I promise you that. " he said hugging me.
I finally stopped crying. " thank you. " I said hugging him right back.


{One week later}

I couldn't believe it. This wasn't suppose to happen. Not right now. I thought I was done crying but I guess not. I dropped the test, falling into tears.

This can't be happening. This can't happen right now. I thought.

Then I hear the front door open. " Hey Witney! I'm here! " Sadie said. I had completely forgotten she was in town and was coming over. She heard my sobs and slowly walked into the bathroom. " Oh Witney what happened? " She asked sitting down next to me.
" I'm ... I'm pregnant. " I said in between sobs and handed her the test.
She looked at it for a second then said
" it's his, isn't it? " Facing me.
I nodded and continued to cry.
" I'm gonna call him. " she said standing up.
" No please don't. " I said stopping her. She was the only one he kept in contact with out of everyone. " This is something he can't know about. Promise you won't tell him. " I said pulling her to sit down again.
" Ok fine. But Witney he will find out someday. " she said.
" I know but not today. " I said.

" Well I will be here for anything you need. " She said.
" All I need right now is a friend. " I said turning to face her. " I'll tell everyone else tomorrow." I said facing the window.
" Well as your friend, I say we go get all the ice cream in your freezer and turn on a movie. " she said standing up.
" I like that idea. Let's go. " I said standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

{nine months and 7 hours of labor later}

" Congratulations Miss. Carson here's your beautiful baby girl. " the nurse said handing me my daughter.
" Hi. Hi there. " I said looking down at her, smiling and starting to cry.

Then everyone came rushing in. Sadie in front of course. Everyone had balloons, flowers and teddy bears in their hands.
" Oh my god she's so cute! " Everyone said.
" Yah you are so worth sitting thur 7 hours of your mother screaming her head off. " Val said smirking.
" Hey Sadie can you hold her. " I said handing her to Sadie.
" Sure. " she said.
" Val, come here, closer, closer. " I said motioning him to come closer. Right as his face was near mine I smacked him on the back of the head.
" Owww! What was that for? " He said rubbing his head.
" For not shutting up! " I said taking the baby back from Sadie.

" Miss. Carson. " the nurse said squeezing past everybody. " do you have a name for the baby? " She asked pulling out a pen from her pocket.
" Ava Carson. " I said.
" Ok is there a father, so she can use his last name? " The nurse said and everybody got really quiet.
" No it's just me. " I said looking down at Ava.
" Ok well if there ever is a father. You can get her last name changed before she starts preschool. {that's probably not true but right now it is}" she said walking away.
" Ok thank you. " I said.

" Well that was akward. " Lindsey said breaking the silence.
" Yep, but it's in the past. " I said.

All I cared about in that moment was the little girl asleep in my arms. That's all I needed.

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