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When I finally saw her again, I realized how much I had missed her. When she slapped me it didn't surprise, I knew it was coming. Then she gave me a bombshell.

" So your saying that that little girl is my daughter? " I asked her.
" Yes. " she said sitting on the steps.
" Why didn't you tell me? " I said walking over to her.
" Cause you were already gone. I thought you wouldn't come back, so everybody kept it a secret for me. " she said looking up at me. " I had to raise her by myself. " she said looking down again.
" Well not anymore. " I said sitting next to her. " Cause I'm gonna help you. " I said placing my hand on her knee.
" There's only one problem with that. " she said standing up.
" And what is that? " I said standing up too.
" I don't know if I can trust you anymore? " She said.
" You can, I promise. I want to be here for you, for both of you. " I said.
" I just don't know. " she said starting to cry again.
" Please, let me back in. " I said lifting her chin with my finger.
" No. " she whispers, still looking down.
" Please. " I said again.
" Yes. " she said looking up at me. I slowly pulled her in for a kiss. When we pulled away, we left our foreheads connected.
" You have no idea how much I missed doing that. " I said pulling her closer.

Before Witney said anything else, Val and Derek came bursting into the room.
" What the hell are you doing here?! " They said.
" Hey guys. " I said turning to face them.
" Don't you 'hey guys' us. " Derek said rolling up his sleeves.
" No don't! Everything's fine now. " she said walking over to them and putting her hands on their chests, stopping them from coming even closer.
" Are you sure? " Val said looking at her.
" Yes. Now where's Ava? " She asked them, grabbing my hand.
" She's with Lindsey and Brittany in the break room. " Derek said still staring me down.
" Ok we'll meet you over there. Just give us a second. " she said shooing them away.
" Ok. " they said and left.

When the door was fully closed, she kissed me one last time. " What was that for? " I asked her.
" Confidence. " she said squeezing my hand. " Now let's go get Ava. " she said pulling me out of the room.

When we got to the break room, Ava jumped off Lindsey's lap and ran into her moms arms. Both Lindsey and Brittany gave me dirty looks and stood up. " Hey. " I said to them. They both walked up to me and slapped me. " Ok I deserved that. " I said rubbing my face.
" Uh huh! " They both said and sat down again.

" Uh hmm. " Witney said making me turn around. " Mark this is Ava. " she said picking her up. " Ava, this is your daddy. " she said smiling at me.
" Hi. " I said
" Really? " Ava asked Witney.
" Yes baby. " Witney said and put Ava down. Ava let go of her moms arm and ran over to me.
" Hi daddy. " she said and hugged my legs.
" Hi baby girl. " I said picking her up.

" Is anyone else hungry? " Derek said breaking the silence.
" Yes! " Everybody said.
" Ok I'll buy lunch. " I said.
" Alright let's go. " Witney said and we all left.

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