¹ Meeting Him

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White and gray fond of the conference room tormented him restlessly. The clock nailed on the wall appeared lifeless. The curmudgeonly looking men in starchy tuxedos throttled him with their judgmental eyes. He believes he is too young to attend these kind of boring meetings when a colorful vibrant world beyond this gray walls is enticing him. His yearning to go out of the room made him quite ignorant of his father's warning glare to concentrate whatever the things being discussed in the meeting.

When the meeting minutes were passed , Jeon Jungkook dashed out of the room to terrace in need of fresh air. His steps got halted in front of a small customized room with a few canvases and painting supplies. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top few while scouring through the paint brushes with suitable stroking tip. He segregated all the troubling thoughts to the far corner of his mind while his hands adhered to the plain canvas awaiting to be a part of this world.

His newfound tranquility is interrupted when his phone started buzzing with the name 'WWHD' which he answered outright.

"Mr Jeon freaking jungkook, why are you being so disobedient, defiant ,unruly ,wayward and reckless gentleman?" Dr Kim Seokjin screamed from the other end.

" Hyung, calm down .will you ? I was caught up in a meeting . It's almost finished and I'm on my way to the car." He washed his hands ,secured the keys and walked out after locking the room.

"OK fine. Don't forget the thing that I asked you to get for joonie." Jungkook whined remembering the unwanted courtesy he had exhibited while agreeing to get the present for his cousin, Kim Namjoon's birthday as per his husband Jin has wanted.

" I will get that on my way" he puts his phone away and started the engine.

It was drizzling when he pulled up his car in the parking lot next to the book store. Apparently ,the present is supposed to be some first hard copy books which tickles Namjoon's fancy to a great extend. At least that's what Jin has told him.

Jungkook entered the elegantly designed book shop, embracing the warmth and alluring fragrance of printed papers. He has to wait for the shopkeeper to find the sought after books, which exactly took half an hour of his time. When he came out ,it is heavily pouring and cursed himself for not bringing an umbrella from the car.

There weren't so many people. Stores are almost closed leaving no customers inside. An awfully loud ringtone broke his trance that prodded him to notice the elderly woman standing next to him. The older's sturdy grip on the books coaxed jungkook to hold them for her. She visibly eased and attended her phone after handing him the books.

" Haa... my bear .....grandma is coming home......I'm not.....don't worry .....listen to me.......it will take some time........please no crying okay.........will.....come soon"
The older wobbly put her phone inside the bad. No taxis are passing down on this weather.

" Is everything okay ma'am?" Jungkook abruptly asked seeing her fretful countenance she shook her head sideways.

"Do you have an umbrella ? If yes, I can drop you to home presuming there is some urgency." Jungkook offered to avoid another round of Jin's screaming and partly concerned about the crying baby on the other end of the call.

She silently took out an umbrella and they both walked down to the parking lot successfully covering the book from rain. When they got in ,Jungkook asked her to drop the address, internally praying it is somewhere near and heaved a sigh when it only turns out to be next street.

They were halfway through when the older asked him to stop the car and unbuckled seat belt. " I'm really sorry . I need to buy some strawberries for my grandson"
When she was about to unlock the door ,he volunteered to buy and got out.

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