² Strawberries

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Euphorically delirious is the apt word to describe what Jeon Jungkook is feeling at the moment. One hand clutching onto the material closest to his hysterically beating heart and other one on the strawberry bag. This is not the scenario he expected to come across and Kim Taehyung is not the person he looked forward to meet. Something in him snapped at the sight of Taehyung. Everything about that pretty human being screams ethereal and they are screaming it right into Jeon Jungkook 's ears.

He sat in the living room from where he gets a glimpse of two persons sprauchling in the kitchen, the supposedly pretty boy is spamming his grandma with questions regarding the unexpected visitor.

" why is he here Kimchima?"

" For the umpteenth time, he dropped me home safely in this weather and I'm grateful unlike you. "

" But he looks scary "

" Does he ? I don't think so " Mrs Kim said chuckling.

" Tae, I want you to give him this tea and he has something to give you too" Mrs Kim gently pushed him out of their cosy kitchen.

A very startled and anxious but 'pretty' Kim Taehyung emerged from the kitchen to witness another frantic but 'scary to some' male sitting in their living room. He placed the tea on the table.

 He placed the tea on the table

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"y...you got some...thing for m..me? "

Jungkook needed a moment to filter the actual wordings from the other male's stuttering and stammering . When he captured, he gave the Ziploc bag to the other, who hurriedly ran into the kitchen after grabbing it and mouthing a ' thank you '

Jungkook slowly followed him to the kitchen with a cover up act of putting the tea cup in sink. He stopped in his track seeing Taehyung's brightened face indicating how much he loves to devour these juicy fruits. An equal admiration dwelled on the onlooker's face clearly showcasing how much the young CEO wants to devour the pretty male.

Jungkook felt a twitch in his pants. He started to sweat profusely while eyeing the other one who is now settled on the kitchen isle with parted thighs and swollen lips from sucking the ripened strawberries. Jungkook visibly gulped, controlling the bubbling urge to suck the oozing juices from the other's lips. His veiny fingers itched to trace those rosy lips then slithering down to his neck ,to his collarbone and to... that's when the younger came out of his lewd thoughts . He scrutinized again at the male's chest. He has apparent swells, all round and squishy. Jungkook looked at him with astonishment . Is he ...?


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