chapter 8

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Otto Octavius: y/n you okay there your head is bleeding

Y/n: I'm fine Otto come on we need save peter


a mechanical tentacle. Another tentacle grabs poor Peter 3, who, like always can't catch a break. From the shadows emerges Doctor Otto Octavius and random girl jumps and lands it's y/n with katana.

Otto Octavius: [in a commanding tone] Leave them. They're mine.

Y/n: Leave them alone

Max Dillon: [clearly enjoying himself] I don't need your help. I got it just fine.

Peter 2: Dr. Octavius... No...

Suddenly, one of the remaining claws grabs Electro by the chest

Max Dillon: What are you doing?!

Otto turns around, smiling and shrugging

Max Dillon: Get it off me!

With one quick pull, Doctor Octopus rips the arc reactor from Max's chest, briefly stunning him. As he drops the two Spider-Men, another claw grabs Electro's cure and presses it against the supervillain's chest. All the lights quickly turn green. Max is cured.

Otto Octavius: There you go.

While y/n is looking for Nezuko and Tanjiro and Zenitsu and Inosuke

???: Y/n is that you

Y/n: Tanjiro Zenitsu and Inosuke?

They ran towards her hugged her

Zenitsu: We miss you y/n so much don't do that again please

Y/n: I won't...

Otto Octavius: The power of the sun...

Peter 2 lands a few feet away from him

Peter 2: the palm of your hand.

Otto Octavius: Peter?

Peter 2 takes his mask off. He smiles

Peter 2: Otto.

Otto Octavius: [smiling] Oh, it's good to see you, dear boy.

Peter 2: It's good to see you.

Otto Octavius: You're all grown up. [laughs] How are you?

Peter 2: [thinks about the answer for a while before he gets it] Trying to do better.

Otto Octavius: y/n is here

Peter 2: Y/n really she here?

Y/n I'm here I miss you my friend

Peter 2: I miss you y/n *smiles*

Green Goblin: Can the Spider-Man come out to play?!

The Green Goblin swoops in, descending towards the top of the scaffolding on his glider, with a swarm of razor bat Pumpkin Bombs accompanying him. Otto steps in and uses his tentacles to crush the bats flying towards Strange. Goblin swoops down and steals the box from Strange. Before he can proceed, Octavius sends one of his lower tentacles forward, grabbing the glider and holding it in place. Strange conjures a whip and retrieves the box with it. Osborn spins his glider and slashes the tentacle with its blade, severing it, and then flies out into the clouds, disappearing. The three Peters' Spider-Sense go off at the same time. Cutting back, we discover that the Goblin has left a present -- a Pumpkin Bomb, lodged in the box.

Peter 1: STRANGE, NO!

BANG! The explosive goes off, knocking Strange away and destroying a large part of the scaffolding. The shield goes down and falls to the ground. Y/n falls off the Statue even her katana fell , debris plummeting around her. Ned manages only to latch on to a random rivet.

Peter 1 instantly throws himself after her, his hand reaching out for hers. Seconds before they connect, the cackling Green Goblin collides into MCU Spider-Man, dragging him away from y/n. Peter 3 screams out a silent "No!" and dives after y/n, enveloping her in his arms and shooting out a web that lowers them to the ground. They land, breathing heavily, among falling metal debris.

Peter 3: Are you okay? here your katana

Peter 3 gives y/n's katana *

Y/n: I'm okay thanks

[Peter 3 begins to break down.]

Y/n: Are you okay did you miss Gwen?

Peter 3 nods, finally having found some closure for his biggest mistake.

y/n: aw it's okay there

as she got down he saw peter was fighting Norman Otto ran towards and hug her

Otto Octavius: you okay y/n did you get hurt?

Y/n I'm fine Otto

Doctor Strange finishes the first stage of the spell. Max Dillon, Otto Octavius, Norman Osborn y/n Tanjiro Zenitsu inosuke , Flint Marko and Curt Connors return to their respective universes. Just before their turn comes, Peters 2 and 3 wave at each other as the music gets more hopeful. Then they disappear. Peter 1 walks away from MJ and Ned, jumps on a piece of a wall and glances upwards, looking at Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme gives him a little goodbye nod.

 The Sorcerer Supreme gives him a little goodbye nod

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Y/n: *whisper* thank you peter i hope see you again...

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