Rise of a Dragon

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"Bye Sis, see you later!"

A tall, green haired teen rushed out of his family home, heading to his last day at Aldera Junior High. This teen is Izuku Tatsuma, younger brother to Ryuko Tatsuma aka the Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu.

"See you later, Zu! When you get back we'll work on training you for UA."

"I look forward to it, Ryu!"

Izuku is sat at his seat in the classroom as the kids around him yelled and threw around their quirks in excitement. The teacher had just brought up the topic of future jobs and heroes.

"Settle down, you know the rules against quirk usage in school. Now then, it seems we have two students applying to the UA hero course this year. Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Tatsuma."

The classroom erupted in shouts of "Wow" "Of course it's those two" and "Isn't UA difficult to get into?"

The living embodiment of a bomb-threat decided to pipe up. "OI, HORNS! DON'T GO THINKING YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME, YOU HEAR!"

Izuku simply sighed and put his head on his desk. No-one here knew that he was related to Ryukyu, and he didn't bother to tell them. But that's beside the point. Many people in the school thought that he wasn't fit to be a hero. They thought that his quirk made him too big to be efficient, he hadn't got a firm grasp on his hybrid form yet.

His quirk, Azure Dragon, enables him to turn into a giant, serpentine, blue-scaled dragon, specifically a type of Eastern Dragon called the "Azure Dragon", and into a human-dragon hybrid. Apart from scales, acquired dragon features include horns (all forms), sharp fangs, and limbs with clawed hands and feet. In his full form, Izuku grows to rival a town in size. The user's transformation significantly boosts their physical abilities. The full dragon form's strength befits its size, as the user can severely damage structures like houses merely by brushing by them. Apart from raw strength, the user's size as a dragon contradicts their mobility, as they can move about at great speeds while keeping pace with significantly fast, human-sized foes. The scales covering the user's dragon body are noted to be extremely durable. the user can create and control various elements as a dragon, both in their full Beast and Human-Beast Form. One element used is fire, such as a concentrated scorching blast of fire that the user breathes out, which can travel many kilometers in the span of seconds and instantly decimate large earthen structures , as well as rapidly shooting fireballs. Aside from flames, the user can launch lightning bolts while roaring and cutting blades of wind while blowing, on top of stirring up strong, fast-rotating tornados.

A powerful quirk, but destructive. The serious, and very noticable, drawback was of course his size. The full dragon form was colossal. His attacks were purely destructive, apart from one. The Flame Clouds, which could be used to pick up and transport objects.

Izuku, in the past, would constantly put himself down and berate himself and his quirk. Thanks to his sister Ryuko, and their friend Rumi, he had stopped those habits and was forever grateful to the both of them. They started training him to reduce his collateral damage and to try to access a smaller, human-dragon hybrid form in order to increase his close combat power and give him a way to use some of his power whilst not being bigger than half the damned prefecture. Izuku was also prone to exaggeration.

The school day came to a close and Izuku began to head home. As he walked under a small bridge, a manhole-cover burst open and a person made of sludge emerged and grabbed Izuku.


The sludge was thrown off of Izuku as the number one hero, All Might, arrived at the scene. All Might gathered the sludge into a bottle and turned to Izuku.

Izuku Tatsuma: Brother of RyukyuWhere stories live. Discover now