Enter the Hatchling

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"Call me if you need anything Zu."

"Will do Ryu, see you later."

Izuku set off towards UA. Theoretically, he could just fly in his full form and get there in seconds. But that was probably not a good idea. So instead, he walked. As it would turn out, this was the best choice of his life.

As Izuku passed an alleyway, he heard high pitched sniffles and sobs. He ventured in slightly and saw a silver haired child curled up against the wall, crying. As she heard him, her head shot up and looked at him. She got up and ran at him, gripping his leg with tears flowing down her face.

"H-help m-me. D-don't let him t-take me b-back."

Izuku bent down and stroked her hair. "Who is it? Who are you hiding from."

"B-bird m-mask"

Izuku wondered what she meant by that. He got his answer when a man with a beak-like mask stood at the entrance of the alley.

"I see you've found my daughter. I would appreciate it if you returned her to me."

The little girl started shaking even more at these words.

"I cannot do that, whoever you are. I don't know why but she is clearly afraid of you. You shall not harm her." After saying this he transformed into his hybrid form and fled with the girl held close to him. He arrived at Ryukyu's agency and dashed through the door.

"I need to speak to Ryukyu immediately, is she here." Panting he asked the receptionist where Ryuko was.

"Sorry, who are you?"

"I'm her brother, it's urgent."

As he said this, Ryukyu exited the lift and walked into the lobby.

"Izuku, why are you here? Why are you transformed? Who's the child?"

"I just rescued her from a villain. He'll show up any minute now."

"Who was it, do you know?"

"No, I-"


The man burst through the doors and ran towards Izuku. Izuku handed the girl to Ryukyu and ran at the villain.

"Izu, be careful. That's Overhaul, a high ranked Villain."

Izuku nodded and planted his fist in Overhaul's face, sending him flying back. Izuku dashed at Overhaul, uppercutting him into the sky. He opens his mouth and shoots a blast of concentrated flames at the villain, incinerating him almost instantly. He detransforms, returning to the inside of Ryukyu's agency and approaches his sister and the child. She jumps out of Ryukyu's arms and runs to Izuku.

"T-thank you. T-thank you so much."

Izuku hugs her and reassures her that she is safe.

"What's your name, young one?"


"It's OK Eri, no-one here shall hurt you. You're safe now. My name is Izuku Tatsuma, and that is my sister, Ryuko Tatsuma aka the Dragoon Hero Ryukyu. Do you have any parents or someone to go to?"

Eri immediately starts crying again. Izuku noticed this and hugs her tighter.

"I'm sorry, Eri. It's OK. Let it out." She grips onto him and eventually stops crying.

"Eri, would you like me to look after you?"

Eri's eyes widened. "Y-you mean it?"

"Of course I do. I can guarantee you'll be safe with me. So, how about it?"

Izuku Tatsuma: Brother of RyukyuWhere stories live. Discover now