Seiryu vs Nomu

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The class emerged from the tunnel, into Ground Beta. Izuku wore a blue-purple, feathered, sleeveless overcoat draped on his shoulders, a lavender, tight-fitting, open shirt with long sleeves. He has a black bracelet with golden spikes above each wrist. Upholding said shirt is a thick belt of off white rope. A short, thick, chain hangs from his waist. The rest consists of simple, baggy trousers of gray-green color, tucked below the knees into simple, black boots.

"You do look like Heroes. Now then, to the lesson. You will be divided into pairs and fight 2 on 2 indoor battles. The villains will have hidden a bomb in their hideout. It is the heroes' job to find that bomb and retrieve it or capture the villains. The villains must protect the bomb for the entire alloted time."

After pulling names from a bucket to select the teams, All Might called up the first two teams.

"Team A, Young Bakugo and Young Iida, Villains. Team B, Young Tatsuma and Young Uraraka, Heroes. Both teams make your way to the building and prepare. The rest of you follow me!"

"So Tatsuma-san, any ideas?"

"Bakugo will come after me, you run to find the bomb when he does."

"Alright, but why would he come after you immediately?"

"Well, we went to the same school before. He didn't think I'd make a good hero with my quirk. Too large, according to him."

"Well, I think you'll be a great hero" Uraraka smiled at him and he smiled back. The duo entered the building upon recieving the signal from All Might. They walked through the floors , ascending staircase after staircase. Until Bakugo comes blasting around a corner, launching at Izuku. Izuku transforms into his hybrid form and responds in kind. Uraraka turns into another corridor and runs to find the bomb. Bakugo attacks relentlessly with explosions. He smirks proudly whilst continuing. A large,blue scaled hand emerged from the smokescreen and grabbed Bakugo's face. It slammed him into the floor and then threw him down the hallway. Izuku's hybrid form walks out of the smoke and towards the explosion user. Bakugo picks himself up and charges at Izuku. Izuku punched Bakugo back to the wall and runs after him. Bakugo manages to dodge Izuku, flying over him with explosions. After creating a large enough gap, Bakugo raises his arm and points his gauntlet at Izuku. Wordlessly, but with an angry look on his face, he pulls the pin on the gauntlet. A explosion larger than any other Bakugo had ever created, filling the corridor, rockets towards Izuku. The students in the observation room watched on in fear. Rumi, who was also watching in the observation room, covered Eri's eyes and placed her hand over her own mouth. Izuku just stood there, hand outstretched, waiting. The explosion hits him. When the smoke clears, he is still standing, practically unharmed.

"My turn"

Izuku opens his mouth and lets loose a concentrated blast of flame, heavily holding back. It sends Bakugo out of the building, crashing through the far wall. Izuku leaps after him, throwing him back to the building. Landing on the ground, Izuku jumps back into the building and looks at the unconscious form of his old friend. Sighing , he ties Bakugo in the capture tape and makes his way to Uraraka. He find her hiding behind a corner, stifling a laugh as Iida monologued. She jumped as he walked up behind her.

"Tatsuma-san, what was that just now? I heard a loud noise."

"Just Bakugo being reckless. Nothing to worry about."

Iida had heard the brief conversation and stopped his monologue. He dashes at the pair, with Izuku punching him out of the way. Uraraka runs over to the bomb and touches it.

"Hero team wins!"

"Now you need to do something that will affect your future at this school. Picking a class representative. I don't care how, but just decide quickly."

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