Now How The Hell...

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Diamond's POV:

Okay I'm wondering to myself 'How the hell did I scream those words out' well for starters I got the screaming part down but the words wouldn't come out cause I'm a baby now. When I was grown I always thought to myself 'babies are so lucky, they just eat, poop, sleep, cry, and just live a life of being pampered to' which I used to absolutely envy but now that I have the consciousness to experience this whole baby thing I take it back. I have been around for less than 24 hours and I can't take it with me crying to signal to eat, or crying to signal I pooped or peed. Is it embarrassing to cry for help 24/7, not really since I know I'm physically a baby and like I said nothing will ever be more embarrassing than getting killed by a punch buggy.

But from what I'm observing since that's the only other thing I can do besides crying, eating, sleeping, and taking 1's and 2's is observing and from what I've seen I'm in an anime world. Did I ever expect myself to get reincarnated inside an anime world, no, not once in my lifetime have I ever expected myself to end up in one. I was a huge fan of it when I was living in my past self but seeing as I am in one I am most definitely freaking out cause this does not look like a typical Soju anime since this has more of village type of style and this style is so familiar but my mind blank space thinking about which anime has this style.

As I was lost in my own thoughts I didn't realize a person came through my door, I was curious to see who came in from the door since the only people I've seen were my parents so when this big women with curly red hair came in and basically pounced to my side I was most definitely not prepared for it so I let out a wail and my dad came running in yelled " BIG SIS, WHY THE HELL DID YOU RUN? YOU STARTLED HER!" "Sorry, lil bro I forgot how delicate babies are" The red haired said nervously laughing. As my dad picked me up to soothe me I calmed down almost rather quickly which is kind of embarrassing but I reminded myself I'm a newborn so it's okay.

As I calmed down I looked at her more carefully and realized she looked awfully familiar with big long curly red hair, tall, big, high cheek bones, she kinda looks like Dan Dan. Oh hell no, ain't no way I refus-"Dan Dan why did you burst into her room like that she's a newborn?" My father said in a stern voice Dan Dan replied with " Yo lil bro sorry for doing that I was just really excited to see my niece and I just got to say she really is the cutest." Dan Dan said as she coo over me. Never mind she actually is Dan Dan from One Piece so that means I'm in One Piece, oh f*ck me out of all anime's I'm in the one where I can get captured as a slave, even in this world my people will never be free.

One Piece was my favorite anime when I was still alive in my past life and it's the fact that I will never get past Wano.... Dan Dan still looks young so I'm pretty sure Garp didn't give he- "How's Ace doing?" My dad asked with a fond smile on his face "The brat doing good he's just been making the cabin dirty nothing too extreme" Dan Dan said with a sigh. Now why the hell is he alive right now. I thought I was born before they all were but I guess I was wrong. And by the looks of it I'm gonna assume he a already a toddler. Sh*t. I love Ace with all my heart, but I was hoping to soak all of this new world sh*t before anything major happened but by the looks of it I'm getting sucked into it.

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