FTK(F*ck Them Kids)

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Diamonds POV:

Now back in my past life I repped FTK which meant (F*ck Them Kids) but I wouldn't necessarily say that I hated kids since I was also considered a kid when I died(16) but there's mostly two types of little kids I always seem to attract.

One type was a cute bunch whom I adored so much and whom I wanted to spoil since they were adorable and sweet. Then we had them bad little silver tooth ankle biters with the cheeto dust on their hands and snot running down their noise they truly gave me the ick, sorry not sorry. But as I'm remembering these types of carefree children in my past life I hear the door slammed open causing me to squeal in surprise. I heard little feet running towards my direction and got ready for my new daily routine of Ace yelling in my face and babbling about how his day was which was not that interesting since he was only 3 but I couldn't do anything about it since I was to lazy to crawl away.

Ever since I've realized I'm in the One Piece world nothing much has changed, like I'm just thriving as a baby and one thing I know for sure is that I'm eating well. I'm such a chubby baby to the point where everyone mistakes me as a toddler but I'm just 10 months but that's beside the point. The main issue I have is with this little boy, oml this little boy gets on my last nerves, he just appeared out of nowhere and now he joined to my hips like get back. Well he didn't really appear out of nowhere since my mom invited him and Dan Dan for a play date and at first I didn't cry over it cause from what I've seen he's cool little kid, oh boy was I wrong for that assumption.

When they entered my home my mom greeted them while I was in the living room playing with my toys and sucking my binkie without a care in the world but after my mom was done with the formalities Ace 5 sat down right in front of and spouted the sh*t that was about get him smacked he loudly said " Wow I've never seen such a fat baby in my life, it looks so weird." After he said that statement I blanked out I get being called 'fat' even though I'm a chubby chunky baby I can handle fat but being called an it that's where I draw the line cause ain't no way a toddler calling me an it. As I was ranting about what Ace said about me, he suddenly took my binkie out of my mouth and said " I get it now this is what makes you so fat." After he said that I looked at him in disbelief and at that moment the tears that welled up in my eyes were well deserved and I started hitting him.

He looked at me weird after I started hitting me and as I continued hitting him he pushed me to the ground which made me even cry even more. At this point I was wailing so my mom had to step in and pick me up and soothe me, Ace on the other hand was complaining about a baby hitting him after I calmed down a bit I heard my mom telling Ace to be more nicer to me since I was just a baby and he had to treat me more gentler and basically saying I'm his little sister and he had to protect me not hurt me. After my mom said those last lines I swear I saw something shift and after that he said his apology which wasn't really an apology he just nodded his head and said he won't do it again.

And after that incident he really didn't do it again, he came by my home every day for the past 4 months and I've got to say I've really grown fond of him, even though he had them moments of me wanting to die again but all around he really is a good kid even though he older than me.

As he entered my room with a loud slam he yelled my name "Diamond!!" I looked at him and sighed but then replied back with a "Yes" he then grinned and said "I know that you really like green a lot and when I was coming here I saw something green on the floor and I thought of you." He said, I looked at him and thought 'What a wonderful kid, he's really grown from the last first time we've met he's one of those kids that got me reconsidering being a member of FT-' before I could even finish my thought Ace shoved his hands at my face and that's when I let out a scream. Ain't no way this child just shove a gyat damn snake at my face it was dumb big too and it was looking at me. Ace was laughing looking at me screaming and put the snake even closer to my face.

'Nah I take back my thoughts from earlier I'm forever FTC'

'Nah I take back my thoughts from earlier I'm forever FTC'

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