Crying Kid

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Diamond's POV:

Is it just me or do babies grow up in a blink of an eye? Like I feel like I was reincarnated yesterday but look at me now, I'm 4 turning 5 in 2 months. But so far nothing has really changed besides me growing up and Ace coming around less and less, I thought I would be really happy about him coming less frequently but I guess I was wrong. He was the only friend I had that was around my age range so I've been feeling really lonely ever since he stopped coming around as much and I guess he wasn't really that bad to be around. But today is an exciting day, I am going to the village for the first time so I want to observe as much as possible and soak in all the people I can get before me and Dad go back to our cottage in the mountains. 

As me and my Dad enter the village my eyes lit up, it's been so long since I've seen so many people. I looked around and my eyes were just sucking up my surroundings as if it would disappear once I closed my eyes. I let go of my Dads hand and told him I would be playing with the other children right across the building he was entering and he nodded and said 'Have fun'. I wobbled towards the group of kids as I had my coat on and to top it all off I was a chubby kid so I was a bit bigger than kids my age. As I was wobbling to them as fast as I can they came up to me instead, I greeted them with a huge smile like what Momma taught me to do when I meet strangers and introduce myself "Hi, my name is Diamo-" before I can even get my name out they said "Ew, why are you so big? Are you even a kid" Kid 1 said. Kid 2 said "She looks like a pig, she probably eats like one too." Kid three laughed and said " You're being too nice she's built like a gorilla." 

I stared at them in shock and disbelief, I can't believe kids can be mean like that and they not even all that to even try to disrespect me. Even though I'm not one to mind comments about my appearance even in my past life this right here stings. I sucked my teeth and told them " Ya Motha" and wobbled away. After they processed what I said through their head they all started to chase me, I ran as fast as my little legs can carry me but in short time I was surrounded by them in a small ally way and they all calling me names and things were about to escalate from there as one of them was about to hit. I thought it was going to hit me so I closed my eyes and waited for the impact of the hand to hit me, but that's when I heard a loud 'STOP' coming from the entrance of the ally way.

The kids that were surrounding me all turned around to see who yelled stop and that's when I got a clear glimpse of the person who yelled it, it was a kid who was the same age as us he had dark hair and dark eyes with blue denim jean shorts but he had a red jacket on that almost covered his shorts. I don't know if it's my eyes that are filling up with tears but he looks like he's trembling and he also looks so familiar, where have I've seen him before "Not him again, didn't we tell him we didn't wanna play with him" Kid 2 said with an irritated voice. "Right, nobody wants to play with a crybaby." Kid 1 said with a more angry voice. "Nobody wants to play with you snot baby Luffy." OML that's why he was so familiar this little kid that yelled stop was Luffy, I did not think I would meet him this soon no less. 

As I was thinking about meeting Luffy I heard a loud smack I quickly looked over to see what was happening and then I saw kid 1 hitting Luffy and the others joined in. After seeing this happen right in my face I let out one of the most blood curling screams, all the kids jumped up startled including Luffy. The 3 kids got scared and ran away, as they ran away I wobbled to Luffy side and when I went to his side the first thing I asked him was " Are you Okay?" He looked at me and grinned with bruises on his face and arms and said he's okay I asked him a second time and his lips started to quiver and his face absolutely broke down. He started to wail and as I tried to calm him down I told him " If it wasn't for you I would have been dead, may I know the name of the person who saved me?" He started to come down but the tears were still coming down and he said in a loud voice " MY NAME IS MONKEY D. LUFFY" I giggled when he yelled that and said " That's a cool name My name is Diamond Amathyst Lunarian" After I said this he stopped crying and said something that took me by surprise " Since I'm your friend now I'm gonna call you Amma" 

I didn't know what to say cause this friendship was so fast but I knew this was how Luffy operated plus I really want a friend. I nodded at his statement and replied with " So I guess your my first friend?" Luffy looked at me with a bit of shocked but then grinned widely and said "You're my first friend too who's around my age" I smiled and looked at the sky and realize it has gotten quite dark so I told Luffy I need to go to the store my Dad was in and asked if he knew where that was. He said I was in luck and it was near where one of his friend worked at so he took me there. My dad was waiting in front of the store when we arrived after that I thanked Luffy and promised him I would meet him here every week since were friends now and he nodded excitedly and ran to the place his friend worked at(which was the bar Makino worked at).

I guess that's how I met a crying kid.

A/N: Yo this the author sorry for this crappy its like 2:00am rn and I really wanted to get a chapter out but this is gonna be edited real soon

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A/N: Yo this the author sorry for this crappy its like 2:00am rn and I really wanted to get a chapter out but this is gonna be edited real soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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