Chapter 2

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In Apo dreams...

Apo is walking towards Bible who is already waiting at the altar... With a beautiful white outfits... Apo walk with a big smile on his face... Suddenly his face turns into pale and shock after he see 3 Volturi members standing in front of him and Bible... Apo hug Bible arms tightly and turn around and see his parents and friends already dead and surrounded by a lot of blood... Apo then wake up and hold his chest and talk to himself... God... Its just a dream.. Yes.. Just a dream.. Not even real... Apo take his phone and see.. Its already morning... Apo get out from his bed and go to shower.... 10 minutes later.. Bible arrive first and take Apo to his family house since Us say he wants to do a makeup for Apo..... Bible and Apo both arrive.. Apo quickly go upstairs and sit on the chair...Us start to do his make-up and notice Apo face is not fresh.. Us then ask.. What did i tell you yesterday? Apo sigh then say.. Im sorry.. I had a nightmare... Suddenly Jeff come and join them.. Jeff decides to style Apo hair... Meanwhile.. Apo mom and uncle is already arrive and suddenly Lily noticed a graduation cap and say.. Wow.. Look at that... A graduation caps.. How creative it is.. Michael then reply... Yeah.. Its does... Lily call Apo and Us.. Apo then reply.. Mom.. We are in here.. Lily then go and join them and feel a bit shock after she see his beloved son already done with a make up... Lily then say.. God.. My baby boy.. You look stunning.. Gosh.. My mascara! Michael get in here! Michael then slowly approaching them and ask.. Well are you sure.. Because i don't want to disturb you guys... Apo get up and quickly hug his uncle tight.. God.. I really miss you uncle! Michael pat Apo back and say.. We wont be here for too long.. Lily.. Lets wait outside ok... Apo nod and get ready while Us and Jeff excuse them self to get ready too..

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