55. Prince is coming

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'You have been a good influence on a mutual friend he used to drink from sundown to sun up visit three brothels a night gamble away his father's money and now it's just the drinking.' Varys told her.

'And now I am his wifes servant I brushed her hair trimmed her nails and empty her chamber pot.' shae reminded him bitterly.

'She is a sweet young thing none of this is her fault.' Varys told shae.

'I love that girl I would kill for her.' shae assured

'We break bread with them but that does not make us family we have learned the language but we will never be their countrymen... if you let yourself believe that a girl with no name could spend her life with the son of-'

'I have a name.' shae corrected.

'As do I but it does not matter only the family name matters.' Varys reminded her.

'What do you want from me?" shae sassed. he put a pouch of diamonds in a hand

'Diamonds I would tell you to be weary carrying so much wealth but I think you know how to protect yourself... get on one of those ships sail to pintos, Amir, buy a house with these diamonds a very large house hire servants start a new life a good life far from here.' he told her 'I'm confident a foreign beauty like you will have suitors lining up.'

'Why do you want me to leave?' shae questioned

'Tyrion Lannister is one of the few people alive who can make this country a better place he has the mind for it he has the will and he has the right last name but you... You are a complication. I know you love him and I know it is not bought by lust and silver. I'm not asking you to leave him for money I'm asking you to leave because your presence in the capital endangers him. This will never be your home my lady find a true home somewhere far from here while there is still time.' Varys warned her

'Lord varys.' She tossed his diamond pouch at his feet 'if he wants me to leave he can tell me himself.'


'You look radiant your grace.'

'Radiant... right radiant..' Cersei said looking Margaery over. Josie danced with Sansa as Tyrion fawned after her uselessly.

'It's the word that came to mind.' Margaery told her. 'We are to be sister shouldn't we be friends?' she added grabbing onto Cersei's arm.

'Your musical girl aren't you imagine you have a lovely voice.'

'A better dancer than a singer I'm afraid.' Margaery said

'But you know the rains of Castamere?'

'Of course they play it so often here at court.' Margaery agreed. It was a lovely banquet, a lovely feast, a lovely party, perfect time to try and get a read on Cersei and how difficult she would make Margaery's life at the capitol.

'So you know the story of house reyne of Castamere?'

'Not as well as you I'm sure.' Margaery said sweetly.

'House rayne was a powerful family very wealthy second wealthiest and Westeros now the Tyrells the second wealthiest family Westeros now of course ambitious climbers don't stop on the second highest rung, only you could get that final steps further than all the rest you would be alone with nothing but blue sky above you.' Cersei told her as they walked the room. 'So Lord Rayne built a castle as grand as Casterly rock he gave his wife diamonds larger than any woman ever wore and finally one day he rebelled against my father do you know where House rayne is now?'

'Gone.' Margaery said simply.

'Gone,' she agreed 'a gentle word I would say slaughtered. Every man woman and child put to the sword. I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates at Casterly rock my father let them rot up there all summer it was a long summer and now the raynes weep the halls and not a soul to hear them.' Cersei took Margaery's hand in hers 'if you ever call my sister again I will strangle you in your sleep.' she threatened marching off.

'Might I have this dance?" Tyrion requested and Josie stepped back but Sansa shook her head.

"My sister is parched, do dance with me.' Josie suggested and sansa ran off. 'That was an improvement.' Josie said her hands thrilling across his head and shoulders.

'I wanted to dance you with.' Tyrion told her.

'scandalous.' Josie whispered his hands on her hips.

'The prince of Dorne is coming tomorrow for the royal wedding at weeks end.' Tyrion informed her.

"Pricen Doran is coming?" she said happily.

'Yes I am meeting them tomorrow-'

'Can I come?' Josie questioned.

'Of course, it might be a long wait, I don't know when they are to arrive.' Tyrion warned.

'anything to get out of this place.' Josie assured him 'and beside Doran was sweet to me.' Josie added. 'I have missed my dornish friends.'

'Alright then I would be glad if you assisted me.' Tyrion told her.

'Wonderful.' Josie looked over to Margaery with cersei. 'Cersei looked like she wants to strangle our soon to be queen.' Josie remarked and Tyrion looked over to see his sisters jaw clenched so tightly as a smile adorned Margaery's face. 'I can't imagine Cersei giving up any control or power once the wedding is said and done and Margaery queen, do you?'

"No, I fear the worst is yet to come.'

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